Step 3: Ensure correct setup on the upstream system - MediaLive

Step 3: Ensure correct setup on the upstream system

You must make sure that the upstream system sets up correctly with your VPC and pushes content to the correct locations in MediaLive.

To set up for a standard channel

Follow this procedure if the MediaLive channel is a standard channel.

  1. Provide the operator with this information:

    • The IDs of the VPC, two subnets, and the security groups that the Amazon VPC user gave you.

    • The two endpoints (URLs) that MediaLive generated when you created the RTMP input. These endpoints are the addresses in the blue boxes in the diagram after this procedure. The URL has a private IP address and includes port 1935. For example:

  2. Make sure that the operator sets up properly for a standard channel. They must do the following:

    • Set up two separate upstream systems. They can't set up one upstream system with two output interfaces because you, the MediaLive user, will lose the redundancy that you want to achieve with a standard channel (with two independent pipelines).

    • Set up two output interfaces—one output interface in one of the subnets, and set up the other upstream system with one output interface in the other subnet. These interfaces are the addresses in the purple boxes in the diagram after this procedure.

    • Make sure that the two content sources are identical in terms of video resolution and bitrate.

    • Push to the correct URLs on MediaLive, and use the agreed application name and instance name. For example, they must push to:

To set up for a single-pipeline channel

Follow this procedure if the MediaLive channel is a single-pipeline channel.

  1. Provide the operator with this information:

    • The IDs of the VPC, one subnet, and the security groups that the Amazon VPC user gave you.

    • Only the first of the two endpoints (URLs) that MediaLive generated when you created the RTMP input. These endpoints are the addresses in the blue boxes in the diagram after this procedure. The URL has a private IP address and includes port 1935. For example:

  2. Make sure that the operator sets up properly for a single-pipeline channel. They must do the following:

    • Set up one upstream system.

    • Set up one output interface. The interface is the address in one of the purple boxes in the diagram after this procedure.

    • Push to the correct URL on MediaLive. For example, they must push to: