Obtain destination for a CMAF Ingest output group - MediaLive

Obtain destination for a CMAF Ingest output group

  1. Decide if you need two destination URLs for the output:

    • You need two destinations in a standard channel.

    • You need one destination in a single-pipeline channel.

  2. Obtain the one or two URLs from the AWS Elemental MediaPackage operator. The MediaPackage terminology for the URL is input endpoint. Make sure that you obtain the URLs (which start with https://), not the channel name (which starts with arn).

    Note that you don't use user credentials to send to CMAF Ingest to MediaPackage.


Two URLs look like this example:



Note the following:

  • The v1/ is the version of the MediaPackage destination URL schema, it doesn't refer to MediaPackage v1.

  • curling-channel-group/ is the name of the channel group that the MediaPackage operator created.

  • curling-channel/ is the name of the MediaPackage channel that the MediaPackage operator created. It isn't the name of the MediaLive channel.

  • The only difference in the two URLs is the -1 and -2 before .ingest. and the 1/ and 2/ after the channel group.