使用 Rust SDK 的亚马逊EC2示例 - AWS SDK代码示例

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使用 Rust SDK 的亚马逊EC2示例

以下代码示例向您展示了如何使用 for Rust with Amazon 来执行操作和实现常见场景EC2。 AWS SDK





以下代码示例展示了如何开始使用 Amazon EC2。

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async fn show_security_groups(client: &aws_sdk_ec2::Client, group_ids: Vec<String>) { let response = client .describe_security_groups() .set_group_ids(Some(group_ids)) .send() .await; match response { Ok(output) => { for group in output.security_groups() { println!( "Found Security Group {} ({}), vpc id {} and description {}", group.group_name().unwrap_or("unknown"), group.group_id().unwrap_or("id-unknown"), group.vpc_id().unwrap_or("vpcid-unknown"), group.description().unwrap_or("(none)") ); } } Err(err) => { let err = err.into_service_error(); let meta = err.meta(); let message = meta.message().unwrap_or("unknown"); let code = meta.code().unwrap_or("unknown"); eprintln!("Error listing EC2 Security Groups: ({code}) {message}"); } } }



  • 创建密钥对和安全组。

  • 选择 Amazon 系统映像 (AMI) 和兼容的实例类型,然后创建实例。

  • 停止实例,然后再重启。

  • 将弹性 IP 地址与您的实例相关联。

  • 使用连接您的实例SSH,然后清理资源。

SDK对于 Rust

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 AWS 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。


//! Scenario that uses the AWS SDK for Rust (the SDK) with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud //! (Amazon EC2) to do the following: //! //! * Create a key pair that is used to secure SSH communication between your computer and //! an EC2 instance. //! * Create a security group that acts as a virtual firewall for your EC2 instances to //! control incoming and outgoing traffic. //! * Find an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and a compatible instance type. //! * Create an instance that is created from the instance type and AMI you select, and //! is configured to use the security group and key pair created in this example. //! * Stop and restart the instance. //! * Create an Elastic IP address and associate it as a consistent IP address for your instance. //! * Connect to your instance with SSH, using both its public IP address and your Elastic IP //! address. //! * Clean up all of the resources created by this example. use std::net::Ipv4Addr; use crate::{ ec2::{EC2Error, EC2}, getting_started::{key_pair::KeyPairManager, util::Util}, ssm::SSM, }; use aws_sdk_ssm::types::Parameter; use super::{ elastic_ip::ElasticIpManager, instance::InstanceManager, security_group::SecurityGroupManager, util::ScenarioImage, }; pub struct Ec2InstanceScenario { ec2: EC2, ssm: SSM, util: Util, key_pair_manager: KeyPairManager, security_group_manager: SecurityGroupManager, instance_manager: InstanceManager, elastic_ip_manager: ElasticIpManager, } impl Ec2InstanceScenario { pub fn new(ec2: EC2, ssm: SSM, util: Util) -> Self { Ec2InstanceScenario { ec2, ssm, util, key_pair_manager: Default::default(), security_group_manager: Default::default(), instance_manager: Default::default(), elastic_ip_manager: Default::default(), } } pub async fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.create_and_list_key_pairs().await?; self.create_security_group().await?; self.create_instance().await?; self.stop_and_start_instance().await?; self.associate_elastic_ip().await?; self.stop_and_start_instance().await?; Ok(()) } /// 1. Creates an RSA key pair and saves its private key data as a .pem file in secure /// temporary storage. The private key data is deleted after the example completes. /// 2. Optionally, lists the first five key pairs for the current account. pub async fn create_and_list_key_pairs(&mut self) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { println!( "Let's create an RSA key pair that you can be use to securely connect to your EC2 instance."); let key_name = self.util.prompt_key_name()?; self.key_pair_manager .create(&self.ec2, &self.util, key_name) .await?; println!( "Created a key pair {} and saved the private key to {:?}.", self.key_pair_manager .key_pair() .key_name() .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("No key name after creating key"))?, self.key_pair_manager .key_file_path() .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("No key file after creating key"))? ); if self.util.should_list_key_pairs()? { for pair in self.key_pair_manager.list(&self.ec2).await? { println!( "Found {:?} key {} with fingerprint:\t{:?}", pair.key_type(), pair.key_name().unwrap_or("Unknown"), pair.key_fingerprint() ); } } Ok(()) } /// 1. Creates a security group for the default VPC. /// 2. Adds an inbound rule to allow SSH. The SSH rule allows only /// inbound traffic from the current computer’s public IPv4 address. /// 3. Displays information about the security group. /// /// This function uses <http://checkip.amazonaws.com> to get the current public IP /// address of the computer that is running the example. This method works in most /// cases. However, depending on how your computer connects to the internet, you /// might have to manually add your public IP address to the security group by using /// the AWS Management Console. pub async fn create_security_group(&mut self) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { println!("Let's create a security group to manage access to your instance."); let group_name = self.util.prompt_security_group_name()?; self.security_group_manager .create( &self.ec2, &group_name, "Security group for example: get started with instances.", ) .await?; println!( "Created security group {} in your default VPC {}.", self.security_group_manager.group_name(), self.security_group_manager .vpc_id() .unwrap_or("(unknown vpc)") ); let check_ip = self.util.do_get("https://checkip.amazonaws.com").await?; let current_ip_address: Ipv4Addr = check_ip.trim().parse().map_err(|e| { EC2Error::new(format!( "Failed to convert response {} to IP Address: {e:?}", check_ip )) })?; println!("Your public IP address seems to be {current_ip_address}"); if self.util.should_add_to_security_group() { match self .security_group_manager .authorize_ingress(&self.ec2, current_ip_address) .await { Ok(_) => println!("Security group rules updated"), Err(err) => eprintln!("Couldn't update security group rules: {err:?}"), } } println!("{}", self.security_group_manager); Ok(()) } /// 1. Gets a list of Amazon Linux 2 AMIs from AWS Systems Manager. Specifying the /// '/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest' path returns only the latest AMIs. /// 2. Gets and displays information about the available AMIs and lets you select one. /// 3. Gets a list of instance types that are compatible with the selected AMI and /// lets you select one. /// 4. Creates an instance with the previously created key pair and security group, /// and the selected AMI and instance type. /// 5. Waits for the instance to be running and then displays its information. pub async fn create_instance(&mut self) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { let ami = self.find_image().await?; let instance_types = self .ec2 .list_instance_types(&ami.0) .await .map_err(|e| e.add_message("Could not find instance types"))?; println!( "There are several instance types that support the {} architecture of the image.", ami.0 .architecture .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new(format!("Missing architecture in {:?}", ami.0)))? ); let instance_type = self.util.select_instance_type(instance_types)?; println!("Creating your instance and waiting for it to start..."); self.instance_manager .create( &self.ec2, ami.0 .image_id() .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("Could not find image ID"))?, instance_type, self.key_pair_manager.key_pair(), self.security_group_manager .security_group() .map(|sg| vec![sg]) .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("Could not find security group"))?, ) .await .map_err(|e| e.add_message("Scenario failed to create instance"))?; while let Err(err) = self .ec2 .wait_for_instance_ready(self.instance_manager.instance_id(), None) .await { println!("{err}"); if !self.util.should_continue_waiting() { return Err(err); } } println!("Your instance is ready:\n{}", self.instance_manager); self.display_ssh_info(); Ok(()) } async fn find_image(&mut self) -> Result<ScenarioImage, EC2Error> { let params: Vec<Parameter> = self .ssm .list_path("/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest") .await .map_err(|e| e.add_message("Could not find parameters for available images"))? .into_iter() .filter(|param| param.name().is_some_and(|name| name.contains("amzn2"))) .collect(); let amzn2_images: Vec<ScenarioImage> = self .ec2 .list_images(params) .await .map_err(|e| e.add_message("Could not find images"))? .into_iter() .map(ScenarioImage::from) .collect(); println!("We will now create an instance from an Amazon Linux 2 AMI"); let ami = self.util.select_scenario_image(amzn2_images)?; Ok(ami) } // 1. Stops the instance and waits for it to stop. // 2. Starts the instance and waits for it to start. // 3. Displays information about the instance. // 4. Displays an SSH connection string. When an Elastic IP address is associated // with the instance, the IP address stays consistent when the instance stops // and starts. pub async fn stop_and_start_instance(&self) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { println!("Let's stop and start your instance to see what changes."); println!("Stopping your instance and waiting until it's stopped..."); self.instance_manager.stop(&self.ec2).await?; println!("Your instance is stopped. Restarting..."); self.instance_manager.start(&self.ec2).await?; println!("Your instance is running."); println!("{}", self.instance_manager); if self.elastic_ip_manager.public_ip() == "" { println!("Every time your instance is restarted, its public IP address changes."); } else { println!( "Because you have associated an Elastic IP with your instance, you can connect by using a consistent IP address after the instance restarts." ); } self.display_ssh_info(); Ok(()) } /// 1. Allocates an Elastic IP address and associates it with the instance. /// 2. Displays an SSH connection string that uses the Elastic IP address. async fn associate_elastic_ip(&mut self) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.elastic_ip_manager.allocate(&self.ec2).await?; println!( "Allocated static Elastic IP address: {}", self.elastic_ip_manager.public_ip() ); self.elastic_ip_manager .associate(&self.ec2, self.instance_manager.instance_id()) .await?; println!("Associated your Elastic IP with your instance."); println!("You can now use SSH to connect to your instance by using the Elastic IP."); self.display_ssh_info(); Ok(()) } /// Displays an SSH connection string that can be used to connect to a running /// instance. fn display_ssh_info(&self) { let ip_addr = if self.elastic_ip_manager.has_allocation() { self.elastic_ip_manager.public_ip() } else { self.instance_manager.instance_ip() }; let key_file_path = self.key_pair_manager.key_file_path().unwrap(); println!("To connect, open another command prompt and run the following command:"); println!("\nssh -i {} ec2-user@{ip_addr}\n", key_file_path.display()); let _ = self.util.enter_to_continue(); } /// 1. Disassociate and delete the previously created Elastic IP. /// 2. Terminate the previously created instance. /// 3. Delete the previously created security group. /// 4. Delete the previously created key pair. pub async fn clean_up(self) { println!("Let's clean everything up. This example created these resources:"); println!( "\tKey pair: {}", self.key_pair_manager .key_pair() .key_name() .unwrap_or("(unknown key pair)") ); println!( "\tSecurity group: {}", self.security_group_manager.group_name() ); println!( "\tInstance: {}", self.instance_manager.instance_display_name() ); if self.util.should_clean_resources() { if let Err(err) = self.elastic_ip_manager.remove(&self.ec2).await { eprintln!("{err}") } if let Err(err) = self.instance_manager.delete(&self.ec2).await { eprintln!("{err}") } if let Err(err) = self.security_group_manager.delete(&self.ec2).await { eprintln!("{err}"); } if let Err(err) = self.key_pair_manager.delete(&self.ec2, &self.util).await { eprintln!("{err}"); } } else { println!("Ok, not cleaning up any resources!"); } } } pub async fn run(mut scenario: Ec2InstanceScenario) { println!("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println!( "Welcome to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) get started with instances demo." ); println!("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if let Err(err) = scenario.run().await { eprintln!("There was an error running the scenario: {err}") } println!("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); scenario.clean_up().await; println!("Thanks for running!"); println!("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); }

该EC2Impl结构用作测试的自动模组点,其函数会封装调用。EC2 SDK

use std::{net::Ipv4Addr, time::Duration}; use aws_sdk_ec2::{ client::Waiters, error::ProvideErrorMetadata, operation::{ allocate_address::AllocateAddressOutput, associate_address::AssociateAddressOutput, }, types::{ DomainType, Filter, Image, Instance, InstanceType, IpPermission, IpRange, KeyPairInfo, SecurityGroup, Tag, }, Client as EC2Client, }; use aws_sdk_ssm::types::Parameter; use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::waiters::error::WaiterError; #[cfg(test)] use mockall::automock; #[cfg(not(test))] pub use EC2Impl as EC2; #[cfg(test)] pub use MockEC2Impl as EC2; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct EC2Impl { pub client: EC2Client, } #[cfg_attr(test, automock)] impl EC2Impl { pub fn new(client: EC2Client) -> Self { EC2Impl { client } } pub async fn create_key_pair(&self, name: String) -> Result<(KeyPairInfo, String), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Creating key pair {name}"); let output = self.client.create_key_pair().key_name(name).send().await?; let info = KeyPairInfo::builder() .set_key_name(output.key_name) .set_key_fingerprint(output.key_fingerprint) .set_key_pair_id(output.key_pair_id) .build(); let material = output .key_material .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("Create Key Pair has no key material"))?; Ok((info, material)) } pub async fn list_key_pair(&self) -> Result<Vec<KeyPairInfo>, EC2Error> { let output = self.client.describe_key_pairs().send().await?; Ok(output.key_pairs.unwrap_or_default()) } pub async fn delete_key_pair(&self, key_name: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { let key_name: String = key_name.into(); tracing::info!("Deleting key pair {key_name}"); self.client .delete_key_pair() .key_name(key_name) .send() .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn create_security_group( &self, name: &str, description: &str, ) -> Result<SecurityGroup, EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Creating security group {name}"); let create_output = self .client .create_security_group() .group_name(name) .description(description) .send() .await .map_err(EC2Error::from)?; let group_id = create_output .group_id .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("Missing security group id after creation"))?; let group = self .describe_security_group(&group_id) .await? .ok_or_else(|| { EC2Error::new(format!("Could not find security group with id {group_id}")) })?; tracing::info!("Created security group {name} as {group_id}"); Ok(group) } /// Find a single security group, by ID. Returns Err if multiple groups are found. pub async fn describe_security_group( &self, group_id: &str, ) -> Result<Option<SecurityGroup>, EC2Error> { let group_id: String = group_id.into(); let describe_output = self .client .describe_security_groups() .group_ids(&group_id) .send() .await?; let mut groups = describe_output.security_groups.unwrap_or_default(); match groups.len() { 0 => Ok(None), 1 => Ok(Some(groups.remove(0))), _ => Err(EC2Error::new(format!( "Expected single group for {group_id}" ))), } } /// Add an ingress rule to a security group explicitly allowing IPv4 address /// as {ip}/32 over TCP port 22. pub async fn authorize_security_group_ssh_ingress( &self, group_id: &str, ingress_ips: Vec<Ipv4Addr>, ) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Authorizing ingress for security group {group_id}"); self.client .authorize_security_group_ingress() .group_id(group_id) .set_ip_permissions(Some( ingress_ips .into_iter() .map(|ip| { IpPermission::builder() .ip_protocol("tcp") .from_port(22) .to_port(22) .ip_ranges(IpRange::builder().cidr_ip(format!("{ip}/32")).build()) .build() }) .collect(), )) .send() .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn delete_security_group(&self, group_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Deleting security group {group_id}"); self.client .delete_security_group() .group_id(group_id) .send() .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn list_images(&self, ids: Vec<Parameter>) -> Result<Vec<Image>, EC2Error> { let image_ids = ids.into_iter().filter_map(|p| p.value).collect(); let output = self .client .describe_images() .set_image_ids(Some(image_ids)) .send() .await?; let images = output.images.unwrap_or_default(); if images.is_empty() { Err(EC2Error::new("No images for selected AMIs")) } else { Ok(images) } } /// List instance types that match an image's architecture and are free tier eligible. pub async fn list_instance_types(&self, image: &Image) -> Result<Vec<InstanceType>, EC2Error> { let architecture = format!( "{}", image.architecture().ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new(format!( "Image {:?} does not have a listed architecture", image.image_id() )))? ); let free_tier_eligible_filter = Filter::builder() .name("free-tier-eligible") .values("false") .build(); let supported_architecture_filter = Filter::builder() .name("processor-info.supported-architecture") .values(architecture) .build(); let response = self .client .describe_instance_types() .filters(free_tier_eligible_filter) .filters(supported_architecture_filter) .send() .await?; Ok(response .instance_types .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter() .filter_map(|iti| iti.instance_type) .collect()) } pub async fn create_instance<'a>( &self, image_id: &'a str, instance_type: InstanceType, key_pair: &'a KeyPairInfo, security_groups: Vec<&'a SecurityGroup>, ) -> Result<String, EC2Error> { let run_instances = self .client .run_instances() .image_id(image_id) .instance_type(instance_type) .key_name( key_pair .key_name() .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("Missing key name when launching instance"))?, ) .set_security_group_ids(Some( security_groups .iter() .filter_map(|sg| sg.group_id.clone()) .collect(), )) .min_count(1) .max_count(1) .send() .await?; if run_instances.instances().is_empty() { return Err(EC2Error::new("Failed to create instance")); } let instance_id = run_instances.instances()[0].instance_id().unwrap(); let response = self .client .create_tags() .resources(instance_id) .tags( Tag::builder() .key("Name") .value("From SDK Examples") .build(), ) .send() .await; match response { Ok(_) => tracing::info!("Created {instance_id} and applied tags."), Err(err) => { tracing::info!("Error applying tags to {instance_id}: {err:?}"); return Err(err.into()); } } tracing::info!("Instance is created."); Ok(instance_id.to_string()) } /// Wait for an instance to be ready and status ok (default wait 60 seconds) pub async fn wait_for_instance_ready( &self, instance_id: &str, duration: Option<Duration>, ) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.client .wait_until_instance_status_ok() .instance_ids(instance_id) .wait(duration.unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(60))) .await .map_err(|err| match err { WaiterError::ExceededMaxWait(exceeded) => EC2Error(format!( "Exceeded max time ({}s) waiting for instance to start.", exceeded.max_wait().as_secs() )), _ => EC2Error::from(err), })?; Ok(()) } pub async fn describe_instance(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<Instance, EC2Error> { let response = self .client .describe_instances() .instance_ids(instance_id) .send() .await?; let instance = response .reservations() .first() .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new(format!("No instance reservations for {instance_id}")))? .instances() .first() .ok_or_else(|| { EC2Error::new(format!("No instances in reservation for {instance_id}")) })?; Ok(instance.clone()) } pub async fn start_instance(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Starting instance {instance_id}"); self.client .start_instances() .instance_ids(instance_id) .send() .await?; tracing::info!("Started instance."); Ok(()) } pub async fn stop_instance(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Stopping instance {instance_id}"); self.client .stop_instances() .instance_ids(instance_id) .send() .await?; self.wait_for_instance_stopped(instance_id, None).await?; tracing::info!("Stopped instance."); Ok(()) } pub async fn reboot_instance(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Rebooting instance {instance_id}"); self.client .reboot_instances() .instance_ids(instance_id) .send() .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn wait_for_instance_stopped( &self, instance_id: &str, duration: Option<Duration>, ) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.client .wait_until_instance_stopped() .instance_ids(instance_id) .wait(duration.unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(60))) .await .map_err(|err| match err { WaiterError::ExceededMaxWait(exceeded) => EC2Error(format!( "Exceeded max time ({}s) waiting for instance to stop.", exceeded.max_wait().as_secs(), )), _ => EC2Error::from(err), })?; Ok(()) } pub async fn delete_instance(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Deleting instance with id {instance_id}"); self.stop_instance(instance_id).await?; self.client .terminate_instances() .instance_ids(instance_id) .send() .await?; self.wait_for_instance_terminated(instance_id).await?; tracing::info!("Terminated instance with id {instance_id}"); Ok(()) } async fn wait_for_instance_terminated(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.client .wait_until_instance_terminated() .instance_ids(instance_id) .wait(Duration::from_secs(60)) .await .map_err(|err| match err { WaiterError::ExceededMaxWait(exceeded) => EC2Error(format!( "Exceeded max time ({}s) waiting for instance to terminate.", exceeded.max_wait().as_secs(), )), _ => EC2Error::from(err), })?; Ok(()) } pub async fn allocate_ip_address(&self) -> Result<AllocateAddressOutput, EC2Error> { self.client .allocate_address() .domain(DomainType::Vpc) .send() .await .map_err(EC2Error::from) } pub async fn deallocate_ip_address(&self, allocation_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.client .release_address() .allocation_id(allocation_id) .send() .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn associate_ip_address( &self, allocation_id: &str, instance_id: &str, ) -> Result<AssociateAddressOutput, EC2Error> { let response = self .client .associate_address() .allocation_id(allocation_id) .instance_id(instance_id) .send() .await?; Ok(response) } pub async fn disassociate_ip_address(&self, association_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.client .disassociate_address() .association_id(association_id) .send() .await?; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct EC2Error(String); impl EC2Error { pub fn new(value: impl Into<String>) -> Self { EC2Error(value.into()) } pub fn add_message(self, message: impl Into<String>) -> Self { EC2Error(format!("{}: {}", message.into(), self.0)) } } impl<T: ProvideErrorMetadata> From<T> for EC2Error { fn from(value: T) -> Self { EC2Error(format!( "{}: {}", value .code() .map(String::from) .unwrap_or("unknown code".into()), value .message() .map(String::from) .unwrap_or("missing reason".into()), )) } } impl std::error::Error for EC2Error {} impl std::fmt::Display for EC2Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.0) } }


use aws_sdk_ssm::{types::Parameter, Client}; use aws_smithy_async::future::pagination_stream::TryFlatMap; use crate::ec2::EC2Error; #[cfg(test)] use mockall::automock; #[cfg(not(test))] pub use SSMImpl as SSM; #[cfg(test)] pub use MockSSMImpl as SSM; pub struct SSMImpl { inner: Client, } #[cfg_attr(test, automock)] impl SSMImpl { pub fn new(inner: Client) -> Self { SSMImpl { inner } } pub async fn list_path(&self, path: &str) -> Result<Vec<Parameter>, EC2Error> { let maybe_params: Vec<Result<Parameter, _>> = TryFlatMap::new( self.inner .get_parameters_by_path() .path(path) .into_paginator() .send(), ) .flat_map(|item| item.parameters.unwrap_or_default()) .collect() .await; // Fail on the first error let params = maybe_params .into_iter() .collect::<Result<Vec<Parameter>, _>>()?; Ok(params) } }

该场景使用多个 “管理器” 风格的结构来处理对在整个场景中创建和删除的资源的访问权限。

use aws_sdk_ec2::operation::{ allocate_address::AllocateAddressOutput, associate_address::AssociateAddressOutput, }; use crate::ec2::{EC2Error, EC2}; /// ElasticIpManager tracks the lifecycle of a public IP address, including its /// allocation from the global pool and association with a specific instance. #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct ElasticIpManager { elastic_ip: Option<AllocateAddressOutput>, association: Option<AssociateAddressOutput>, } impl ElasticIpManager { pub fn has_allocation(&self) -> bool { self.elastic_ip.is_some() } pub fn public_ip(&self) -> &str { if let Some(allocation) = &self.elastic_ip { if let Some(addr) = allocation.public_ip() { return addr; } } "" } pub async fn allocate(&mut self, ec2: &EC2) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { let allocation = ec2.allocate_ip_address().await?; self.elastic_ip = Some(allocation); Ok(()) } pub async fn associate(&mut self, ec2: &EC2, instance_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { if let Some(allocation) = &self.elastic_ip { if let Some(allocation_id) = allocation.allocation_id() { let association = ec2.associate_ip_address(allocation_id, instance_id).await?; self.association = Some(association); return Ok(()); } } Err(EC2Error::new("No ip address allocation to associate")) } pub async fn remove(mut self, ec2: &EC2) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { if let Some(association) = &self.association { if let Some(association_id) = association.association_id() { ec2.disassociate_ip_address(association_id).await?; } } self.association = None; if let Some(allocation) = &self.elastic_ip { if let Some(allocation_id) = allocation.allocation_id() { ec2.deallocate_ip_address(allocation_id).await?; } } self.elastic_ip = None; Ok(()) } } use std::fmt::Display; use aws_sdk_ec2::types::{Instance, InstanceType, KeyPairInfo, SecurityGroup}; use crate::ec2::{EC2Error, EC2}; /// InstanceManager wraps the lifecycle of an EC2 Instance. #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct InstanceManager { instance: Option<Instance>, } impl InstanceManager { pub fn instance_id(&self) -> &str { if let Some(instance) = &self.instance { if let Some(id) = instance.instance_id() { return id; } } "Unknown" } pub fn instance_name(&self) -> &str { if let Some(instance) = &self.instance { if let Some(tag) = instance.tags().iter().find(|e| e.key() == Some("Name")) { if let Some(value) = tag.value() { return value; } } } "Unknown" } pub fn instance_ip(&self) -> &str { if let Some(instance) = &self.instance { if let Some(public_ip_address) = instance.public_ip_address() { return public_ip_address; } } "" } pub fn instance_display_name(&self) -> String { format!("{} ({})", self.instance_name(), self.instance_id()) } /// Create an EC2 instance with the given ID on a given type, using a /// generated KeyPair and applying a list of security groups. pub async fn create( &mut self, ec2: &EC2, image_id: &str, instance_type: InstanceType, key_pair: &KeyPairInfo, security_groups: Vec<&SecurityGroup>, ) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { let instance_id = ec2 .create_instance(image_id, instance_type, key_pair, security_groups) .await?; let instance = ec2.describe_instance(&instance_id).await?; self.instance = Some(instance); Ok(()) } /// Start the managed EC2 instance, if present. pub async fn start(&self, ec2: &EC2) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { if self.instance.is_some() { ec2.start_instance(self.instance_id()).await?; } Ok(()) } /// Stop the managed EC2 instance, if present. pub async fn stop(&self, ec2: &EC2) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { if self.instance.is_some() { ec2.stop_instance(self.instance_id()).await?; } Ok(()) } pub async fn reboot(&self, ec2: &EC2) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { if self.instance.is_some() { ec2.reboot_instance(self.instance_id()).await?; ec2.wait_for_instance_stopped(self.instance_id(), None) .await?; ec2.wait_for_instance_ready(self.instance_id(), None) .await?; } Ok(()) } /// Terminate and delete the managed EC2 instance, if present. pub async fn delete(self, ec2: &EC2) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { if self.instance.is_some() { ec2.delete_instance(self.instance_id()).await?; } Ok(()) } } impl Display for InstanceManager { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { if let Some(instance) = &self.instance { writeln!(f, "\tID: {}", instance.instance_id().unwrap_or("(Unknown)"))?; writeln!( f, "\tImage ID: {}", instance.image_id().unwrap_or("(Unknown)") )?; writeln!( f, "\tInstance type: {}", instance .instance_type() .map(|it| format!("{it}")) .unwrap_or("(Unknown)".to_string()) )?; writeln!( f, "\tKey name: {}", instance.key_name().unwrap_or("(Unknown)") )?; writeln!(f, "\tVPC ID: {}", instance.vpc_id().unwrap_or("(Unknown)"))?; writeln!( f, "\tPublic IP: {}", instance.public_ip_address().unwrap_or("(Unknown)") )?; let instance_state = instance .state .as_ref() .map(|is| { is.name() .map(|isn| format!("{isn}")) .unwrap_or("(Unknown)".to_string()) }) .unwrap_or("(Unknown)".to_string()); writeln!(f, "\tState: {instance_state}")?; } else { writeln!(f, "\tNo loaded instance")?; } Ok(()) } } use std::{env, path::PathBuf}; use aws_sdk_ec2::types::KeyPairInfo; use crate::ec2::{EC2Error, EC2}; use super::util::Util; /// KeyPairManager tracks a KeyPairInfo and the path the private key has been /// written to, if it's been created. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct KeyPairManager { key_pair: KeyPairInfo, key_file_path: Option<PathBuf>, key_file_dir: PathBuf, } impl KeyPairManager { pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } pub fn key_pair(&self) -> &KeyPairInfo { &self.key_pair } pub fn key_file_path(&self) -> Option<&PathBuf> { self.key_file_path.as_ref() } pub fn key_file_dir(&self) -> &PathBuf { &self.key_file_dir } /// Creates a key pair that can be used to securely connect to an EC2 instance. /// The returned key pair contains private key information that cannot be retrieved /// again. The private key data is stored as a .pem file. /// /// :param key_name: The name of the key pair to create. pub async fn create( &mut self, ec2: &EC2, util: &Util, key_name: String, ) -> Result<KeyPairInfo, EC2Error> { let (key_pair, material) = ec2.create_key_pair(key_name.clone()).await.map_err(|e| { self.key_pair = KeyPairInfo::builder().key_name(key_name.clone()).build(); e.add_message(format!("Couldn't create key {key_name}")) })?; let path = self.key_file_dir.join(format!("{key_name}.pem")); // Save the key_pair information immediately, so it can get cleaned up if write_secure fails. self.key_file_path = Some(path.clone()); self.key_pair = key_pair.clone(); util.write_secure(&key_name, &path, material)?; Ok(key_pair) } pub async fn delete(self, ec2: &EC2, util: &Util) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { if let Some(key_name) = self.key_pair.key_name() { ec2.delete_key_pair(key_name).await?; if let Some(key_path) = self.key_file_path() { if let Err(err) = util.remove(key_path) { eprintln!("Failed to remove {key_path:?} ({err:?})"); } } } Ok(()) } pub async fn list(&self, ec2: &EC2) -> Result<Vec<KeyPairInfo>, EC2Error> { ec2.list_key_pair().await } } impl Default for KeyPairManager { fn default() -> Self { KeyPairManager { key_pair: KeyPairInfo::builder().build(), key_file_path: Default::default(), key_file_dir: env::temp_dir(), } } } use std::net::Ipv4Addr; use aws_sdk_ec2::types::SecurityGroup; use crate::ec2::{EC2Error, EC2}; /// SecurityGroupManager tracks the lifecycle of a SecurityGroup for an instance, /// including adding a rule to allow SSH from a public IP address. #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct SecurityGroupManager { group_name: String, group_description: String, security_group: Option<SecurityGroup>, } impl SecurityGroupManager { pub async fn create( &mut self, ec2: &EC2, group_name: &str, group_description: &str, ) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.group_name = group_name.into(); self.group_description = group_description.into(); self.security_group = Some( ec2.create_security_group(group_name, group_description) .await .map_err(|e| e.add_message("Couldn't create security group"))?, ); Ok(()) } pub async fn authorize_ingress(&self, ec2: &EC2, ip_address: Ipv4Addr) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { if let Some(sg) = &self.security_group { ec2.authorize_security_group_ssh_ingress( sg.group_id() .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("Missing security group ID"))?, vec![ip_address], ) .await?; }; Ok(()) } pub async fn delete(self, ec2: &EC2) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { if let Some(sg) = &self.security_group { ec2.delete_security_group( sg.group_id() .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("Missing security group ID"))?, ) .await?; }; Ok(()) } pub fn group_name(&self) -> &str { &self.group_name } pub fn vpc_id(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.security_group.as_ref().and_then(|sg| sg.vpc_id()) } pub fn security_group(&self) -> Option<&SecurityGroup> { self.security_group.as_ref() } } impl std::fmt::Display for SecurityGroupManager { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match &self.security_group { Some(sg) => { writeln!( f, "Security group: {}", sg.group_name().unwrap_or("(unknown group)") )?; writeln!(f, "\tID: {}", sg.group_id().unwrap_or("(unknown group id)"))?; writeln!(f, "\tVPC: {}", sg.vpc_id().unwrap_or("(unknown group vpc)"))?; if !sg.ip_permissions().is_empty() { writeln!(f, "\tInbound Permissions:")?; for permission in sg.ip_permissions() { writeln!(f, "\t\t{permission:?}")?; } } Ok(()) } None => writeln!(f, "No security group loaded."), } } }


use ec2_code_examples::{ ec2::EC2, getting_started::{ scenario::{run, Ec2InstanceScenario}, util::UtilImpl, }, ssm::SSM, }; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let sdk_config = aws_config::load_from_env().await; let ec2 = EC2::new(aws_sdk_ec2::Client::new(&sdk_config)); let ssm = SSM::new(aws_sdk_ssm::Client::new(&sdk_config)); let util = UtilImpl {}; let scenario = Ec2InstanceScenario::new(ec2, ssm, util); run(scenario).await; }


以下代码示例演示如何使用 AllocateAddress

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pub async fn allocate_ip_address(&self) -> Result<AllocateAddressOutput, EC2Error> { self.client .allocate_address() .domain(DomainType::Vpc) .send() .await .map_err(EC2Error::from) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见AllocateAddress中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 AssociateAddress

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pub async fn associate_ip_address( &self, allocation_id: &str, instance_id: &str, ) -> Result<AssociateAddressOutput, EC2Error> { let response = self .client .associate_address() .allocation_id(allocation_id) .instance_id(instance_id) .send() .await?; Ok(response) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见AssociateAddress中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress

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/// Add an ingress rule to a security group explicitly allowing IPv4 address /// as {ip}/32 over TCP port 22. pub async fn authorize_security_group_ssh_ingress( &self, group_id: &str, ingress_ips: Vec<Ipv4Addr>, ) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Authorizing ingress for security group {group_id}"); self.client .authorize_security_group_ingress() .group_id(group_id) .set_ip_permissions(Some( ingress_ips .into_iter() .map(|ip| { IpPermission::builder() .ip_protocol("tcp") .from_port(22) .to_port(22) .ip_ranges(IpRange::builder().cidr_ip(format!("{ip}/32")).build()) .build() }) .collect(), )) .send() .await?; Ok(()) }

以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreateKeyPair

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Rust 实现,它调用EC2客户端的 create_key_pair 并提取返回的材料。

pub async fn create_key_pair(&self, name: String) -> Result<(KeyPairInfo, String), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Creating key pair {name}"); let output = self.client.create_key_pair().key_name(name).send().await?; let info = KeyPairInfo::builder() .set_key_name(output.key_name) .set_key_fingerprint(output.key_fingerprint) .set_key_pair_id(output.key_pair_id) .build(); let material = output .key_material .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("Create Key Pair has no key material"))?; Ok((info, material)) }

一个调用 create_key impl 并安全地保存私钥的PEM函数。

/// Creates a key pair that can be used to securely connect to an EC2 instance. /// The returned key pair contains private key information that cannot be retrieved /// again. The private key data is stored as a .pem file. /// /// :param key_name: The name of the key pair to create. pub async fn create( &mut self, ec2: &EC2, util: &Util, key_name: String, ) -> Result<KeyPairInfo, EC2Error> { let (key_pair, material) = ec2.create_key_pair(key_name.clone()).await.map_err(|e| { self.key_pair = KeyPairInfo::builder().key_name(key_name.clone()).build(); e.add_message(format!("Couldn't create key {key_name}")) })?; let path = self.key_file_dir.join(format!("{key_name}.pem")); // Save the key_pair information immediately, so it can get cleaned up if write_secure fails. self.key_file_path = Some(path.clone()); self.key_pair = key_pair.clone(); util.write_secure(&key_name, &path, material)?; Ok(key_pair) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见CreateKeyPair中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreateSecurityGroup

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pub async fn create_security_group( &self, name: &str, description: &str, ) -> Result<SecurityGroup, EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Creating security group {name}"); let create_output = self .client .create_security_group() .group_name(name) .description(description) .send() .await .map_err(EC2Error::from)?; let group_id = create_output .group_id .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("Missing security group id after creation"))?; let group = self .describe_security_group(&group_id) .await? .ok_or_else(|| { EC2Error::new(format!("Could not find security group with id {group_id}")) })?; tracing::info!("Created security group {name} as {group_id}"); Ok(group) }

以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreateTags

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此示例在创建实例后应用 Name 标签。

pub async fn create_instance<'a>( &self, image_id: &'a str, instance_type: InstanceType, key_pair: &'a KeyPairInfo, security_groups: Vec<&'a SecurityGroup>, ) -> Result<String, EC2Error> { let run_instances = self .client .run_instances() .image_id(image_id) .instance_type(instance_type) .key_name( key_pair .key_name() .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("Missing key name when launching instance"))?, ) .set_security_group_ids(Some( security_groups .iter() .filter_map(|sg| sg.group_id.clone()) .collect(), )) .min_count(1) .max_count(1) .send() .await?; if run_instances.instances().is_empty() { return Err(EC2Error::new("Failed to create instance")); } let instance_id = run_instances.instances()[0].instance_id().unwrap(); let response = self .client .create_tags() .resources(instance_id) .tags( Tag::builder() .key("Name") .value("From SDK Examples") .build(), ) .send() .await; match response { Ok(_) => tracing::info!("Created {instance_id} and applied tags."), Err(err) => { tracing::info!("Error applying tags to {instance_id}: {err:?}"); return Err(err.into()); } } tracing::info!("Instance is created."); Ok(instance_id.to_string()) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见CreateTags中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteKeyPair

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包装 delete_key,它还会删除后备的私钥。PEM

pub async fn delete(self, ec2: &EC2, util: &Util) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { if let Some(key_name) = self.key_pair.key_name() { ec2.delete_key_pair(key_name).await?; if let Some(key_path) = self.key_file_path() { if let Err(err) = util.remove(key_path) { eprintln!("Failed to remove {key_path:?} ({err:?})"); } } } Ok(()) }
pub async fn delete_key_pair(&self, key_name: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { let key_name: String = key_name.into(); tracing::info!("Deleting key pair {key_name}"); self.client .delete_key_pair() .key_name(key_name) .send() .await?; Ok(()) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见DeleteKeyPair中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteSecurityGroup

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pub async fn delete_security_group(&self, group_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Deleting security group {group_id}"); self.client .delete_security_group() .group_id(group_id) .send() .await?; Ok(()) }

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteSnapshot

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async fn delete_snapshot(client: &Client, id: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { client.delete_snapshot().snapshot_id(id).send().await?; println!("Deleted"); Ok(()) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见DeleteSnapshot中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DescribeImages

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pub async fn list_images(&self, ids: Vec<Parameter>) -> Result<Vec<Image>, EC2Error> { let image_ids = ids.into_iter().filter_map(|p| p.value).collect(); let output = self .client .describe_images() .set_image_ids(Some(image_ids)) .send() .await?; let images = output.images.unwrap_or_default(); if images.is_empty() { Err(EC2Error::new("No images for selected AMIs")) } else { Ok(images) } }

将 list_images 函数与一起使用SSM,根据您的环境进行限制。有关的更多详细信息SSM,请参阅 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/ latest/userguide/example _ssm GetParameters _ _section.html。

async fn find_image(&mut self) -> Result<ScenarioImage, EC2Error> { let params: Vec<Parameter> = self .ssm .list_path("/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest") .await .map_err(|e| e.add_message("Could not find parameters for available images"))? .into_iter() .filter(|param| param.name().is_some_and(|name| name.contains("amzn2"))) .collect(); let amzn2_images: Vec<ScenarioImage> = self .ec2 .list_images(params) .await .map_err(|e| e.add_message("Could not find images"))? .into_iter() .map(ScenarioImage::from) .collect(); println!("We will now create an instance from an Amazon Linux 2 AMI"); let ami = self.util.select_scenario_image(amzn2_images)?; Ok(ami) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见DescribeImages中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DescribeInstanceStatus

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async fn show_all_events(client: &Client) -> Result<(), Error> { let resp = client.describe_regions().send().await.unwrap(); for region in resp.regions.unwrap_or_default() { let reg: &'static str = Box::leak(Box::from(region.region_name().unwrap())); let region_provider = RegionProviderChain::default_provider().or_else(reg); let config = aws_config::from_env().region(region_provider).load().await; let new_client = Client::new(&config); let resp = new_client.describe_instance_status().send().await; println!("Instances in region {}:", reg); println!(); for status in resp.unwrap().instance_statuses() { println!( " Events scheduled for instance ID: {}", status.instance_id().unwrap_or_default() ); for event in status.events() { println!(" Event ID: {}", event.instance_event_id().unwrap()); println!(" Description: {}", event.description().unwrap()); println!(" Event code: {}", event.code().unwrap().as_ref()); println!(); } } } Ok(()) }

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DescribeInstanceTypes

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/// List instance types that match an image's architecture and are free tier eligible. pub async fn list_instance_types(&self, image: &Image) -> Result<Vec<InstanceType>, EC2Error> { let architecture = format!( "{}", image.architecture().ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new(format!( "Image {:?} does not have a listed architecture", image.image_id() )))? ); let free_tier_eligible_filter = Filter::builder() .name("free-tier-eligible") .values("false") .build(); let supported_architecture_filter = Filter::builder() .name("processor-info.supported-architecture") .values(architecture) .build(); let response = self .client .describe_instance_types() .filters(free_tier_eligible_filter) .filters(supported_architecture_filter) .send() .await?; Ok(response .instance_types .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter() .filter_map(|iti| iti.instance_type) .collect()) }

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DescribeInstances

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pub async fn describe_instance(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<Instance, EC2Error> { let response = self .client .describe_instances() .instance_ids(instance_id) .send() .await?; let instance = response .reservations() .first() .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new(format!("No instance reservations for {instance_id}")))? .instances() .first() .ok_or_else(|| { EC2Error::new(format!("No instances in reservation for {instance_id}")) })?; Ok(instance.clone()) }


/// Create an EC2 instance with the given ID on a given type, using a /// generated KeyPair and applying a list of security groups. pub async fn create( &mut self, ec2: &EC2, image_id: &str, instance_type: InstanceType, key_pair: &KeyPairInfo, security_groups: Vec<&SecurityGroup>, ) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { let instance_id = ec2 .create_instance(image_id, instance_type, key_pair, security_groups) .await?; let instance = ec2.describe_instance(&instance_id).await?; self.instance = Some(instance); Ok(()) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见DescribeInstances中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DescribeKeyPairs

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pub async fn list_key_pair(&self) -> Result<Vec<KeyPairInfo>, EC2Error> { let output = self.client.describe_key_pairs().send().await?; Ok(output.key_pairs.unwrap_or_default()) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见DescribeKeyPairs中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DescribeRegions

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async fn show_regions(client: &Client) -> Result<(), Error> { let rsp = client.describe_regions().send().await?; println!("Regions:"); for region in rsp.regions() { println!(" {}", region.region_name().unwrap()); } Ok(()) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见DescribeRegions中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DescribeSecurityGroups

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async fn show_security_groups(client: &aws_sdk_ec2::Client, group_ids: Vec<String>) { let response = client .describe_security_groups() .set_group_ids(Some(group_ids)) .send() .await; match response { Ok(output) => { for group in output.security_groups() { println!( "Found Security Group {} ({}), vpc id {} and description {}", group.group_name().unwrap_or("unknown"), group.group_id().unwrap_or("id-unknown"), group.vpc_id().unwrap_or("vpcid-unknown"), group.description().unwrap_or("(none)") ); } } Err(err) => { let err = err.into_service_error(); let meta = err.meta(); let message = meta.message().unwrap_or("unknown"); let code = meta.code().unwrap_or("unknown"); eprintln!("Error listing EC2 Security Groups: ({code}) {message}"); } } }

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DescribeSnapshots

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async fn show_state(client: &Client, id: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let resp = client .describe_snapshots() .filters(Filter::builder().name("snapshot-id").values(id).build()) .send() .await?; println!( "State: {}", resp.snapshots().first().unwrap().state().unwrap().as_ref() ); Ok(()) }
async fn show_snapshots(client: &Client) -> Result<(), Error> { // "self" represents your account ID. // You can list the snapshots for any account by replacing // "self" with that account ID. let resp = client.describe_snapshots().owner_ids("self").send().await?; let snapshots = resp.snapshots(); let length = snapshots.len(); for snapshot in snapshots { println!( "ID: {}", snapshot.snapshot_id().unwrap_or_default() ); println!( "Description: {}", snapshot.description().unwrap_or_default() ); println!("State: {}", snapshot.state().unwrap().as_ref()); println!(); } println!(); println!("Found {} snapshot(s)", length); println!(); Ok(()) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见DescribeSnapshots中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DisassociateAddress

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pub async fn disassociate_ip_address(&self, association_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.client .disassociate_address() .association_id(association_id) .send() .await?; Ok(()) }

以下代码示例演示如何使用 RebootInstances

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pub async fn reboot(&self, ec2: &EC2) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { if self.instance.is_some() { ec2.reboot_instance(self.instance_id()).await?; ec2.wait_for_instance_stopped(self.instance_id(), None) .await?; ec2.wait_for_instance_ready(self.instance_id(), None) .await?; } Ok(()) }
pub async fn reboot_instance(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Rebooting instance {instance_id}"); self.client .reboot_instances() .instance_ids(instance_id) .send() .await?; Ok(()) }

例如,服务员使用服务员进入已停止和就绪状态。API使用 Waiters API 需要在 rust 文件中使用 “使用 aws_sdk_ec2:: client:: Waiters”。

/// Wait for an instance to be ready and status ok (default wait 60 seconds) pub async fn wait_for_instance_ready( &self, instance_id: &str, duration: Option<Duration>, ) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.client .wait_until_instance_status_ok() .instance_ids(instance_id) .wait(duration.unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(60))) .await .map_err(|err| match err { WaiterError::ExceededMaxWait(exceeded) => EC2Error(format!( "Exceeded max time ({}s) waiting for instance to start.", exceeded.max_wait().as_secs() )), _ => EC2Error::from(err), })?; Ok(()) } pub async fn wait_for_instance_stopped( &self, instance_id: &str, duration: Option<Duration>, ) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.client .wait_until_instance_stopped() .instance_ids(instance_id) .wait(duration.unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(60))) .await .map_err(|err| match err { WaiterError::ExceededMaxWait(exceeded) => EC2Error(format!( "Exceeded max time ({}s) waiting for instance to stop.", exceeded.max_wait().as_secs(), )), _ => EC2Error::from(err), })?; Ok(()) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见RebootInstances中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 ReleaseAddress

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pub async fn deallocate_ip_address(&self, allocation_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.client .release_address() .allocation_id(allocation_id) .send() .await?; Ok(()) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见ReleaseAddress中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 RunInstances

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pub async fn create_instance<'a>( &self, image_id: &'a str, instance_type: InstanceType, key_pair: &'a KeyPairInfo, security_groups: Vec<&'a SecurityGroup>, ) -> Result<String, EC2Error> { let run_instances = self .client .run_instances() .image_id(image_id) .instance_type(instance_type) .key_name( key_pair .key_name() .ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new("Missing key name when launching instance"))?, ) .set_security_group_ids(Some( security_groups .iter() .filter_map(|sg| sg.group_id.clone()) .collect(), )) .min_count(1) .max_count(1) .send() .await?; if run_instances.instances().is_empty() { return Err(EC2Error::new("Failed to create instance")); } let instance_id = run_instances.instances()[0].instance_id().unwrap(); let response = self .client .create_tags() .resources(instance_id) .tags( Tag::builder() .key("Name") .value("From SDK Examples") .build(), ) .send() .await; match response { Ok(_) => tracing::info!("Created {instance_id} and applied tags."), Err(err) => { tracing::info!("Error applying tags to {instance_id}: {err:?}"); return Err(err.into()); } } tracing::info!("Instance is created."); Ok(instance_id.to_string()) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见RunInstances中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 StartInstances

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按EC2实例 ID 启动实例。

pub async fn start_instance(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Starting instance {instance_id}"); self.client .start_instances() .instance_ids(instance_id) .send() .await?; tracing::info!("Started instance."); Ok(()) }

使用 Waiters API 等待实例进入就绪状态和状态为 “正常” 状态。使用 Waiters API 需要在 rust 文件中使用 “使用 aws_sdk_ec2:: client:: Waiters”。

/// Wait for an instance to be ready and status ok (default wait 60 seconds) pub async fn wait_for_instance_ready( &self, instance_id: &str, duration: Option<Duration>, ) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.client .wait_until_instance_status_ok() .instance_ids(instance_id) .wait(duration.unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(60))) .await .map_err(|err| match err { WaiterError::ExceededMaxWait(exceeded) => EC2Error(format!( "Exceeded max time ({}s) waiting for instance to start.", exceeded.max_wait().as_secs() )), _ => EC2Error::from(err), })?; Ok(()) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见StartInstances中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 StopInstances

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pub async fn stop_instance(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Stopping instance {instance_id}"); self.client .stop_instances() .instance_ids(instance_id) .send() .await?; self.wait_for_instance_stopped(instance_id, None).await?; tracing::info!("Stopped instance."); Ok(()) }

使用 Waiters API 等待实例进入停止状态。使用 Waiters API 需要在 rust 文件中使用 “使用 aws_sdk_ec2:: client:: Waiters”。

pub async fn stop_instance(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Stopping instance {instance_id}"); self.client .stop_instances() .instance_ids(instance_id) .send() .await?; self.wait_for_instance_stopped(instance_id, None).await?; tracing::info!("Stopped instance."); Ok(()) }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参见StopInstances中的 Rust AWS SDK API 参考

以下代码示例演示如何使用 TerminateInstances

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pub async fn delete_instance(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { tracing::info!("Deleting instance with id {instance_id}"); self.stop_instance(instance_id).await?; self.client .terminate_instances() .instance_ids(instance_id) .send() .await?; self.wait_for_instance_terminated(instance_id).await?; tracing::info!("Terminated instance with id {instance_id}"); Ok(()) }

使用 W API aiters 等待实例进入已终止状态。使用 Waiters API 需要在 rust 文件中使用 “使用 aws_sdk_ec2:: client:: Waiters”。

async fn wait_for_instance_terminated(&self, instance_id: &str) -> Result<(), EC2Error> { self.client .wait_until_instance_terminated() .instance_ids(instance_id) .wait(Duration::from_secs(60)) .await .map_err(|err| match err { WaiterError::ExceededMaxWait(exceeded) => EC2Error(format!( "Exceeded max time ({}s) waiting for instance to terminate.", exceeded.max_wait().as_secs(), )), _ => EC2Error::from(err), })?; Ok(()) }