本節說明如何從 Amazon DynamoDB 主控台、 AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) 和 DynamoDB 使用適用於 DynamoDB 的 PartiQLAPIs。
在下列範例中,DynamoDB 入門教學課程中所定義的 DynamoDB 資料表是先決條件。
如需有關使用 DynamoDB 主控台 AWS Command Line Interface或 DynamoDB APIs 存取 DynamoDB 的資訊,請參閱存取 DynamoDB。
若要下載並使用無SQL工作台來建置適用於 DynamoDB 的 PartiQL 陳述式,請在適用於 DynamoDB 操作建置器的 NoSQL Workbench 右上角選擇 PartiQL 操作。 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/workbench.querybuilder.operationbuilder.html
- Console
登入 AWS Management Console 並在 開啟 DynamoDB 主控台https://console.aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/
。 -
在主控台左側的導覽窗格中,選擇 PartiQL editor (PartiQL 編輯器)。
選擇 Music (音樂) 資料表。
選擇 Query table (查詢資料表)。此動作會產生不會導致完整資料表掃描的查詢。
Acme Band
。使用字串值Happy Day
。 -
選擇 Run (執行) 按鈕。
- NoSQL workbench
選擇 PartiQL statement (PartiQL 陳述式)。
輸入下列 PartiQL SELECT陳述式
SELECT * FROM Music WHERE Artist=? and SongTitle=?
選擇 Optional request parameters (選用的請求參數)。
選擇 Add new parameters (新增新參數)。
選擇屬性類型 string 和數值
Acme Band
。 -
重複步驟 b 和 c,然後選擇類型 string 和數值
PartiQL Rocks
若要產生程式碼,請選擇 Generate code (產生程式碼)。
若希望立即執行此操作,請選擇 Run (執行)。
使用 INSERT PartiQL 陳述式在
資料表中建立項目。aws dynamodb execute-statement --statement "INSERT INTO Music \ VALUE \ {'Artist':'Acme Band','SongTitle':'PartiQL Rocks'}"
使用 SELECT PartiQL 陳述式從音樂資料表擷取項目。
aws dynamodb execute-statement --statement "SELECT * FROM Music \ WHERE Artist='Acme Band' AND SongTitle='PartiQL Rocks'"
使用 UPDATE PartiQL 陳述式更新
資料表中的項目。aws dynamodb execute-statement --statement "UPDATE Music \ SET AwardsWon=1 \ SET AwardDetail={'Grammys':[2020, 2018]} \ WHERE Artist='Acme Band' AND SongTitle='PartiQL Rocks'"
資料表中新增項目的清單值。aws dynamodb execute-statement --statement "UPDATE Music \ SET AwardDetail.Grammys =list_append(AwardDetail.Grammys,[2016]) \ WHERE Artist='Acme Band' AND SongTitle='PartiQL Rocks'"
資料表中移除項目的清單值。aws dynamodb execute-statement --statement "UPDATE Music \ REMOVE AwardDetail.Grammys[2] \ WHERE Artist='Acme Band' AND SongTitle='PartiQL Rocks'"
資料表中新增項目的新映射成員。aws dynamodb execute-statement --statement "UPDATE Music \ SET AwardDetail.BillBoard=[2020] \ WHERE Artist='Acme Band' AND SongTitle='PartiQL Rocks'"
資料表中新增項目的新字串集屬性。aws dynamodb execute-statement --statement "UPDATE Music \ SET BandMembers =<<'member1', 'member2'>> \ WHERE Artist='Acme Band' AND SongTitle='PartiQL Rocks'"
資料表中更新項目的字串集屬性。aws dynamodb execute-statement --statement "UPDATE Music \ SET BandMembers =set_add(BandMembers, <<'newmember'>>) \ WHERE Artist='Acme Band' AND SongTitle='PartiQL Rocks'"
使用 DELETE PartiQL 陳述式從
資料表刪除項目。aws dynamodb execute-statement --statement "DELETE FROM Music \ WHERE Artist='Acme Band' AND SongTitle='PartiQL Rocks'"
- Java
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.AmazonDynamoDB; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.AttributeValue; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.ConditionalCheckFailedException; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.ExecuteStatementRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.ExecuteStatementResult; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.InternalServerErrorException; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.ItemCollectionSizeLimitExceededException; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.ProvisionedThroughputExceededException; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.RequestLimitExceededException; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.ResourceNotFoundException; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.TransactionConflictException; public class DynamoDBPartiQGettingStarted { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create the DynamoDB Client with the region you want AmazonDynamoDB dynamoDB = createDynamoDbClient("us-west-1"); try { // Create ExecuteStatementRequest ExecuteStatementRequest executeStatementRequest = new ExecuteStatementRequest(); List<AttributeValue> parameters= getPartiQLParameters(); //Create an item in the Music table using the INSERT PartiQL statement processResults(executeStatementRequest(dynamoDB, "INSERT INTO Music value {'Artist':?,'SongTitle':?}", parameters)); //Retrieve an item from the Music table using the SELECT PartiQL statement. processResults(executeStatementRequest(dynamoDB, "SELECT * FROM Music where Artist=? and SongTitle=?", parameters)); //Update an item in the Music table using the UPDATE PartiQL statement. processResults(executeStatementRequest(dynamoDB, "UPDATE Music SET AwardsWon=1 SET AwardDetail={'Grammys':[2020, 2018]} where Artist=? and SongTitle=?", parameters)); //Add a list value for an item in the Music table. processResults(executeStatementRequest(dynamoDB, "UPDATE Music SET AwardDetail.Grammys =list_append(AwardDetail.Grammys,[2016]) where Artist=? and SongTitle=?", parameters)); //Remove a list value for an item in the Music table. processResults(executeStatementRequest(dynamoDB, "UPDATE Music REMOVE AwardDetail.Grammys[2] where Artist=? and SongTitle=?", parameters)); //Add a new map member for an item in the Music table. processResults(executeStatementRequest(dynamoDB, "UPDATE Music set AwardDetail.BillBoard=[2020] where Artist=? and SongTitle=?", parameters)); //Add a new string set attribute for an item in the Music table. processResults(executeStatementRequest(dynamoDB, "UPDATE Music SET BandMembers =<<'member1', 'member2'>> where Artist=? and SongTitle=?", parameters)); //update a string set attribute for an item in the Music table. processResults(executeStatementRequest(dynamoDB, "UPDATE Music SET BandMembers =set_add(BandMembers, <<'newmember'>>) where Artist=? and SongTitle=?", parameters)); //Retrieve an item from the Music table using the SELECT PartiQL statement. processResults(executeStatementRequest(dynamoDB, "SELECT * FROM Music where Artist=? and SongTitle=?", parameters)); //delete an item from the Music Table processResults(executeStatementRequest(dynamoDB, "DELETE FROM Music where Artist=? and SongTitle=?", parameters)); } catch (Exception e) { handleExecuteStatementErrors(e); } } private static AmazonDynamoDB createDynamoDbClient(String region) { return AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard().withRegion(region).build(); } private static List<AttributeValue> getPartiQLParameters() { List<AttributeValue> parameters = new ArrayList<AttributeValue>(); parameters.add(new AttributeValue("Acme Band")); parameters.add(new AttributeValue("PartiQL Rocks")); return parameters; } private static ExecuteStatementResult executeStatementRequest(AmazonDynamoDB client, String statement, List<AttributeValue> parameters ) { ExecuteStatementRequest request = new ExecuteStatementRequest(); request.setStatement(statement); request.setParameters(parameters); return client.executeStatement(request); } private static void processResults(ExecuteStatementResult executeStatementResult) { System.out.println("ExecuteStatement successful: "+ executeStatementResult.toString()); } // Handles errors during ExecuteStatement execution. Use recommendations in error messages below to add error handling specific to // your application use-case. private static void handleExecuteStatementErrors(Exception exception) { try { throw exception; } catch (ConditionalCheckFailedException ccfe) { System.out.println("Condition check specified in the operation failed, review and update the condition " + "check before retrying. Error: " + ccfe.getErrorMessage()); } catch (TransactionConflictException tce) { System.out.println("Operation was rejected because there is an ongoing transaction for the item, generally " + "safe to retry with exponential back-off. Error: " + tce.getErrorMessage()); } catch (ItemCollectionSizeLimitExceededException icslee) { System.out.println("An item collection is too large, you\'re using Local Secondary Index and exceeded " + "size limit of items per partition key. Consider using Global Secondary Index instead. Error: " + icslee.getErrorMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { handleCommonErrors(e); } } private static void handleCommonErrors(Exception exception) { try { throw exception; } catch (InternalServerErrorException isee) { System.out.println("Internal Server Error, generally safe to retry with exponential back-off. Error: " + isee.getErrorMessage()); } catch (RequestLimitExceededException rlee) { System.out.println("Throughput exceeds the current throughput limit for your account, increase account level throughput before " + "retrying. Error: " + rlee.getErrorMessage()); } catch (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException ptee) { System.out.println("Request rate is too high. If you're using a custom retry strategy make sure to retry with exponential back-off. " + "Otherwise consider reducing frequency of requests or increasing provisioned capacity for your table or secondary index. Error: " + ptee.getErrorMessage()); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) { System.out.println("One of the tables was not found, verify table exists before retrying. Error: " + rnfe.getErrorMessage()); } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) { System.out.println("An AmazonServiceException occurred, indicates that the request was correctly transmitted to the DynamoDB " + "service, but for some reason, the service was not able to process it, and returned an error response instead. Investigate and " + "configure retry strategy. Error type: " + ase.getErrorType() + ". Error message: " + ase.getErrorMessage()); } catch (AmazonClientException ace) { System.out.println("An AmazonClientException occurred, indicates that the client was unable to get a response from DynamoDB " + "service, or the client was unable to parse the response from the service. Investigate and configure retry strategy. "+ "Error: " + ace.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("An exception occurred, investigate and configure retry strategy. Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } }

登入 AWS Management Console 並在 開啟 DynamoDB 主控台https://console.aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/
。 -
在主控台左側的導覽窗格中,選擇 PartiQL editor (PartiQL 編輯器)。
選擇 Music (音樂) 資料表。
選擇 Query table (查詢資料表)。此動作會產生不會導致完整資料表掃描的查詢。
Acme Band
。使用字串值Happy Day
。 -
選擇 Run (執行) 按鈕。