Delete a data source from your Amazon Bedrock knowledge base - Amazon Bedrock

Delete a data source from your Amazon Bedrock knowledge base

You can delete or remove a data source that you no longer need or use for your knowledge base.

Choose the tab for your preferred method, and then follow the steps:

To delete a data source
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using an IAM role with Amazon Bedrock permissions, and open the Amazon Bedrock console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Knowledge bases.

  3. In the Data source section, select the radio button next to the data source that you want to delete.

  4. Choose Delete.

  5. A green banner appears when the data source is successfully deleted.


    Your data deletion policy for your data source is set to either "Delete" (deletes all data when you delete your data source, but doesn't delete the vector store itself) or "Retain" (retains all data when you delete your data source). If you delete a data source or knowledge base, the vector store itself is not deleted. If the data source data deletion policy is set to "Delete", it's possible for the data source to unsuccessfully complete the process of deletion due to issues with the configuration or access to the vector store. You can check the "DELETE_UNSUCCESSFUL" status to see the reason why the data source could not successfully delete.


To delete a data source from a knowledge base, send a DeleteDataSource request, specifying the dataSourceId and knowledgeBaseId.


Your data deletion policy for your data source is set to either DELETE (deletes all data when you delete your data source, but doesn't delete the vector store itself) or RETAIN (retains all data when you delete your data source). If you delete a data source or knowledge base, the vector store itself is not deleted. If the data source data deletion policy is set to DELETE, it's possible for the data source to unsuccessfully complete the process of deletion due to issues with the configuration or access to the vector store. You can view failureReasons if the data source status is DELETE_UNSUCCESSFUL to see the reason why the data source could not successfully delete.