Prerequisites for prompt management - Amazon Bedrock

Prerequisites for prompt management

For a role to use prompt management, you need to allow it to perform a certain set of API actions. If your role has the AmazonBedrockFullAccess AWS managed policy attached, you can skip this section. Otherwise, follow the steps at Update the permissions policy for a role and attach the following policy to a role to provide permissions to perform actions related to Prompt management:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "PromptManagementPermissions", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "bedrock:CreatePrompt", "bedrock:UpdatePrompt", "bedrock:GetPrompt", "bedrock:ListPrompts", "bedrock:DeletePrompt", "bedrock:CreatePromptVersion", "bedrock:OptimizePrompt", "bedrock:GetFoundationModel", "bedrock:ListFoundationModels", "bedrock:GetInferenceProfile", "bedrock:ListInferenceProfiles", "bedrock:InvokeModel", "bedrock:InvokeModelWithResponseStream", "bedrock:TagResource", "bedrock:UntagResource", "bedrock:ListTagsForResource" ], "Resource": * } ] }

You can remove actions from the Action field of the policy to further restrict the role's permissions. For more information, see Actions, resources, and condition keys for Amazon Bedrock.

Currently, you must use a prompt flow to deploy your prompt. To learn about the permissions that you must set up to use prompt flows, see Prerequisites for Amazon Bedrock Prompt flows.