Quotas for Amazon Bedrock - Amazon Bedrock

Quotas for Amazon Bedrock

Your AWS account has default quotas, formerly referred to as limits, for Amazon Bedrock. To view service quotas for Amazon Bedrock, do one of the following:

To maintain the performance of the service and to ensure appropriate usage of Amazon Bedrock, the default quotas assigned to an account might be updated depending on regional factors, payment history, fraudulent usage, and/or approval of a quota increase request.

Request an increase for Amazon Bedrock quotas

You can request a quota increase for your account by following the steps below:

  • If a quota is marked as Yes in the Adjustable column in Amazon Bedrock endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference, you can adjust it by following the steps at Requesting a Quota Increase in the Service Quotas User Guide in the Service Quotas User Guide.

  • The On-demand model invocation quotas in Amazon Bedrock endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference aren't adjustable through Service Quotas. Contact your AWS account manager to be considered for an increase.


    Due to overwhelming demand, priority will be given to customers who generate traffic that consumes their existing quota allocation. Your request might be denied if you don't meet this condition.

  • You can submit a request through the limit increase form to be considered for an increase even if a quota is marked as No in the Adjustable column in Amazon Bedrock endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference,