Modify a data source for your Amazon Bedrock knowledge base - Amazon Bedrock

Modify a data source for your Amazon Bedrock knowledge base

You can update a data source for your knowledge base, such as changing the data source configurations.

You can update a data source in the following ways:

  • Add, change, or remove files or content from the the data source.

  • Change the data source configurations, or the KMS key to use for encrypting transient data during data ingestion. If you change the source or endpoint configuration details, you should update or create a new IAM role with the required access permissions and Secrets Manager secret (if applicable).

  • Set your data source deletion policy is to either "Delete" or "Retain". You can delete all data from your data source that’s converted into vector embeddings upon deletion of a knowledge base or data source resource. You can retain all data from your data source that’s converted into vector embeddings upon deletion of a knowledge base or data source resource. Note that the vector store itself is not deleted if you delete a knowledge base or data source resource.

Each time you add, modify, or remove files from your data source, you must sync the data source so that it is re-indexed to the knowledge base. Syncing is incremental, so Amazon Bedrock only processes added, modified, or deleted documents since the last sync. Before you begin ingestion, check that your data source fulfills the following conditions:

  • The files are in supported formats. For more information, see Support document formats.

  • The files don't exceed the Ingestion job file size specified in Amazon Bedrock endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference.

  • If your data source contains metadata files, check the following conditions to ensure that the metadata files aren't ignored:

    • Each .metadata.json file shares the same file name and extension as the source file that it's associated with.

    • If the vector index for your knowledge base is in an Amazon OpenSearch Serverless vector store, check that the vector index is configured with the faiss engine. If the vector index is configured with the nmslib engine, you'll have to do one of the following:

    • If the vector index for your knowledge base is in an Amazon Aurora database cluster, check that the table for your index contains a column for each metadata property in your metadata files before starting ingestion.

To learn how to update a data source, choose the tab for your preferred method, and then follow the steps:

To update a data source
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using an IAM role with Amazon Bedrock permissions, and open the Amazon Bedrock console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Knowledge bases.

  3. Select the name of your knowledge base.

  4. In the Data source section, select the radio button next to the data source that you want edit and sync.

  5. (Optional) Choose Edit, change your configurations, and select Submit. If you change the source or endpoint configuration details, you should update or create a new IAM role with the required access permissions and Secrets Manager secret (if applicable). Alos, note that can't change the chunking configurations that are based on the original data ingested. You must re-create the data source.


    You can't change the chunking configurations. You must re-create the data source.

  6. (Optional) Choose to edit your data source data deletion policy as part of the advanced settings:

    For data deletion policy settings, you can choose either:

    • Delete: Deletes all data from your data source that’s converted into vector embeddings upon deletion of a knowledge base or data source resource. Note that the vector store itself is not deleted, only the data. This flag is ignored if an AWS account is deleted.

    • Retain: Retains all data from your data source that’s converted into vector embeddings upon deletion of a knowledge base or data source resource. Note that the vector store itself is not deleted if you delete a knowledge base or data source resource.

  7. Choose Sync.

  8. A green banner appears when the sync is complete and the Status becomes Ready.

To update a data source
  1. (Optional) Send an UpdateDataSource request with a Agents for Amazon Bedrock build-time endpoint, changing any configurations and specifying the same configurations you don't want to change. If you change the source or endpoint configuration details, you should update or create a new IAM role with the required access permissions and Secrets Manager secret (if applicable).


    You can't change the chunkingConfiguration. Send the request with the existing chunkingConfiguration, or re-create the data source.

  2. (Optional) Change the dataDeletionPolicy for your data source. You can DELETE all data from your data source that’s converted into vector embeddings upon deletion of a knowledge base or data source resource. This flag is ignored if an AWS account is deleted. You can RETAIN all data from your data source that’s converted into vector embeddings upon deletion of a knowledge base or data source resource. Note that the vector store itself is not deleted if you delete a knowledge base or data source resource.

  3. Send a StartIngestionJob request with a Agents for Amazon Bedrock build-time endpoint, specifying the dataSourceId and the knowledgeBaseId.