Cohere Command models - Amazon Bedrock

Cohere Command models

You make inference requests to an Cohere Command model with InvokeModel or InvokeModelWithResponseStream (streaming). You need the model ID for the model that you want to use. To get the model ID, see Amazon Bedrock model IDs.

Request and Response


The Cohere Command models have the following inference parameters.

{ "prompt": string, "temperature": float, "p": float, "k": float, "max_tokens": int, "stop_sequences": [string], "return_likelihoods": "GENERATION|ALL|NONE", "stream": boolean, "num_generations": int, "logit_bias": {token_id: bias}, "truncate": "NONE|START|END" }

The following are required parameters.

  • prompt – (Required) The input text that serves as the starting point for generating the response.

    The following are text per call and character limits.

The following are optional parameters.

  • return_likelihoods – Specify how and if the token likelihoods are returned with the response. You can specify the following options.

    • GENERATION – Only return likelihoods for generated tokens.

    • ALL – Return likelihoods for all tokens.

    • NONE – (Default) Don't return any likelihoods.

  • stream – ( Required to support streaming) Specify true to return the response piece-by-piece in real-time and false to return the complete response after the process finishes.

  • logit_bias – Prevents the model from generating unwanted tokens or incentivizes the model to include desired tokens. The format is {token_id: bias} where bias is a float between -10 and 10. Tokens can be obtained from text using any tokenization service, such as Cohere’s Tokenize endpoint. For more information, see Cohere documentation.

    Default Minimum Maximum


    -10 (for a token bias)

    10 (for a token bias)

  • num_generations – The maximum number of generations that the model should return.

    Default Minimum Maximum




  • truncate – Specifies how the API handles inputs longer than the maximum token length. Use one of the following:

    • NONE – Returns an error when the input exceeds the maximum input token length.

    • START – Discard the start of the input.

    • END – (Default) Discards the end of the input.

    If you specify START or END, the model discards the input until the remaining input is exactly the maximum input token length for the model.

  • temperature – Use a lower value to decrease randomness in the response.

    Default Minimum Maximum




  • p – Top P. Use a lower value to ignore less probable options. Set to 0 or 1.0 to disable. If both p and k are enabled, p acts after k.

    Default Minimum Maximum




  • k – Top K. Specify the number of token choices the model uses to generate the next token. If both p and k are enabled, p acts after k.

    Default Minimum Maximum




  • max_tokens – Specify the maximum number of tokens to use in the generated response.

    Default Minimum Maximum




  • stop_sequences – Configure up to four sequences that the model recognizes. After a stop sequence, the model stops generating further tokens. The returned text doesn't contain the stop sequence.


The response has the following possible fields:

{ "generations": [ { "finish_reason": "COMPLETE | MAX_TOKENS | ERROR | ERROR_TOXIC", "id": string, "text": string, "likelihood" : float, "token_likelihoods" : [{"token" : string, "likelihood": float}], "is_finished" : true | false, "index" : integer } ], "id": string, "prompt": string }
  • generations — A list of generated results along with the likelihoods for tokens requested. (Always returned). Each generation object in the list contains the following fields.

    • id — An identifier for the generation. (Always returned).

    • likelihood — The likelihood of the output. The value is the average of the token likelihoods in token_likelihoods. Returned if you specify the return_likelihoods input parameter.

    • token_likelihoods — An array of per token likelihoods. Returned if you specify the return_likelihoods input parameter.

    • finish_reason — The reason why the model finished generating tokens. COMPLETE - the model sent back a finished reply. MAX_TOKENS – the reply was cut off because the model reached the maximum number of tokens for its context length. ERROR – something went wrong when generating the reply. ERROR_TOXIC – the model generated a reply that was deemed toxic. finish_reason is returned only when is_finished=true. (Not always returned).

    • is_finished — A boolean field used only when stream is true, signifying whether or not there are additional tokens that will be generated as part of the streaming response. (Not always returned)

    • text — The generated text.

    • index — In a streaming response, use to determine which generation a given token belongs to. When only one response is streamed, all tokens belong to the same generation and index is not returned. index therefore is only returned in a streaming request with a value for num_generations that is larger than one.

  • prompt — The prompt from the input request (always returned).

  • id — An identifier for the request (always returned).

For more information, see Generate in the Cohere documentations.

Code example

This examples shows how to call the Cohere Command model.

# Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Shows how to generate text using a Cohere model. """ import json import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def generate_text(model_id, body): """ Generate text using a Cohere model. Args: model_id (str): The model ID to use. body (str) : The reqest body to use. Returns: dict: The response from the model. """"Generating text with Cohere model %s", model_id) accept = 'application/json' content_type = 'application/json' bedrock = boto3.client(service_name='bedrock-runtime') response = bedrock.invoke_model( body=body, modelId=model_id, accept=accept, contentType=content_type )"Successfully generated text with Cohere model %s", model_id) return response def main(): """ Entrypoint for Cohere example. """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") model_id = 'cohere.command-text-v14' prompt = """Summarize this dialogue: "Customer: Please connect me with a support agent. AI: Hi there, how can I assist you today? Customer: I forgot my password and lost access to the email affiliated to my account. Can you please help me? AI: Yes of course. First I'll need to confirm your identity and then I can connect you with one of our support agents. """ try: body = json.dumps({ "prompt": prompt, "max_tokens": 200, "temperature": 0.6, "p": 1, "k": 0, "num_generations": 2, "return_likelihoods": "GENERATION" }) response = generate_text(model_id=model_id, body=body) response_body = json.loads(response.get('body').read()) generations = response_body.get('generations') for index, generation in enumerate(generations): print(f"Generation {index + 1}\n------------") print(f"Text:\n {generation['text']}\n") if 'likelihood' in generation: print(f"Likelihood:\n {generation['likelihood']}\n") print(f"Reason: {generation['finish_reason']}\n\n") except ClientError as err: message = err.response["Error"]["Message"] logger.error("A client error occurred: %s", message) print("A client error occured: " + format(message)) else: print(f"Finished generating text with Cohere model {model_id}.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()