Using APIs for analytics - Amazon Lex

Using APIs for analytics

This section describes the API operations that you use to retrieve analytics for a bot.


To use the ListUtteranceMetrics and ListUtteranceAnalyticsData, your IAM role must have permissions to perform the ListAggregatedUtterances operation, which provides access to utterance-related analytics. See Viewing utterance statistics from Lex V2 conversations for details and the IAM policy to apply to the IAM role.

Filtering results

The Analytics API requests require you to specify the startTime and endTime. The API returns sessions, intents, intent stages, or utterances that began after the startTime and ended before the endTime.

filters is an optional field in the Analytics API requests. It maps to a list of AnalyticsSessionFilter, AnalyticsIntentFilter, AnalyticsIntentStageFilter, or AnalyticsUtteranceFilter objects. In each object, use the fields to create an expression to filter by. For example, if you add the following filter to the list, the bot searches for conversations that are longer than 30 seconds.

{ "name": "Duration", "operator": "GT", "value": "30 sec", }

Retrieving metrics for a bot

Use the ListSessionMetrics, ListIntentMetrics, ListIntentStageMetrics, and ListUtteranceMetrics operations to retrieve summary metrics for sessions, intents, intent stages, and utterances.

For these operations, fill in the following required fields:

  • Provide a startTime and endTime to define a time range for which you want to retrieve results.

  • Specify the metrics you want to calculate in metrics, a list of AnalyticsSessionMetric, AnalyticsIntentMetric, AnalyticsIntentStageMetric, or AnalyticsUtteranceMetric objects. In each object, use the name field to specify the metric to calculate the statistic field to specify whether to calculate the Sum, Average, or Max number, and the order field to specify whether to sort the results in Ascending or Descending order.


    Both the metrics and binBy objects contain an order field. You can specify the sorting order in only one of the two objects.

The remaining fields in the request are optional. You can filter and organize the results in the following ways:

  • Filtering results – Use the filters field to filter the results. See Filtering results for more details.

  • Grouping results by category – Specify the groupBy field, a list containing a single AnalyticsSessionResult, AnalyticsIntentResult, AnalyticsIntentStageResult, or AnalyticsUtteranceResult object. In the object, specify the name field with the category by which you want to group the results.

    If you specify a groupBy field in the request, the results object in the response contains groupByKeys, a list of AnalyticsSessionGroupByKey, AnalyticsIntentGroupByKey, AnalyticsIntentStageGroupByKey, or AnalyticsUtteranceGroupByKey objects, each with the name that you specified in the request and a member of that category in the value field.

  • Binning results by time – Specify the binBy field, a list containing a single AnalyticsBinBySpecification object. In the object, specify the name field with ConversationStartTime to bin the results by when the conversation began or UtteranceTimestamp to bin the results by when the utterance took place. Specify the interval of time by which you want to bin the results in the interval field, and whether to sort in Ascending or Descending order of time in the order field.

    If you specify a binBy field in the request, the results object in the response contains binKeys, a list of AnalyticsBinKey objects, each with the name that you specified in the request and the interval of time that defines that bin in the value field.


    Both the metrics and binBy objects contain an order field. You can specify the sorting order in only one of the two objects.

Use the following fields to handle the display of the response:

  • Specify a number between 1 and 1,000 in the maxResults field to limit the number of results to return in a single response.

  • If the number of results is greater than the number you specify in the maxResults field, the response contains a nextToken. Make the request again, but use this value in the nextToken field to return the next batch of results.

If you are using ListUtteranceMetrics, you can specify attributes to return in the attributes field. This field maps to a list containing a single AnalyticsUtteranceAttribute object. Specify LastUsedIntent in the name field to return the intent that Amazon Lex V2 is using at the time of the utterance.

In the response, the results field maps to a list of AnalyticsSessionResult, AnalyticsIntentResult, AnalyticsIntentStageResult, or AnalyticsUtteranceResult objects. Each object contains a metrics field which returns the value of a summary statistic for a metric that you requested, in addition to any bins or groups created from the methods you specified.

Retrieving metadata for sessions and utterances in a bot

Use the ListSessionAnalyticsData and ListUtteranceAnalyticsData operations to retrieve metadata about individual sessions and utterances.

Fill in the required startTime and endTime fields to define a time range for which you want to retrieve results.

The remaining fields in the request are optional. To filter and sort results:

  • Filtering results – Use the filters field to filter the results. See Filtering results for more details.

  • Sorting results – Sort the results with the sortBy field, which contains a SessionDataSortBy or UtteranceDataSortBy object. Specify the value you want to sort by in the name field and whether to sort in Ascending or Descending order in the order field.

Use the following fields to handle the display of the response:

  • Specify a number between 1 and 1,000 in the maxResults field to limit the number of results to return in a single response.

  • If the number of results is greater than the number you specify in the maxResults field, the response contains a nextToken. Make the request again, but use this value in the nextToken field to return the next batch of results.

In the response, the sessions or utterances field maps to a list of SessionSpecification or UtteranceSpecification objects. Each object contains metadata for a single session or utterance.

Retrieving metadata for sessions and utterances in a bot

Use the ListIntentPaths operation to retrieve metrics about an order of intents that customers take in conversation with a bot.

For this operation, fill in the following required fields:

  • Provide a startTime and endTime to define a time range for which you want to retrieve results.

  • Provide an intentPath to define an order of intents for which you want to retrieve metrics. Separate intents in the path with a forward slash. For example, populate the intentPath field with /BookCar/BookHotel to see details about how many times users invoked the BookCar and BookHotel intents in that order.

Use the optional filters field to filter the results. For more details, see Filtering results.

Viewing utterance statistics from Lex V2 conversations

You can use utterance statistics to determine the utterances that your users are sending to your bot. You can see both the utterances that Amazon Lex V2 successfully detects and the utterances that it doesn't. You can use this information to help tune your bot.

For example, if you find that your users are sending an utterance that Amazon Lex V2 is missing, you can add the utterance to an intent. The Draft version of the intent is updated with the new utterance and you can test it before deploying it to your bot.

An utterance is detected when Amazon Lex V2 recognizes the utterance as an attempt to invoke an intent configured for a bot. An utterance is missed when Amazon Lex V2 doesn't recognize the utterance and invokes the AMAZON.FallbackIntent instead.

Utterance statistics can be viewed using the ListUtteranceMetrics API and the ListAggregatedUtterance API.

Utterance statistics are not generated using ListUtteranceMetrics API under the following conditions:

  • The Child Online Privacy Protection Act setting was set to Yes when the bot was created with the console, or the childDirected field was set to true when the bot was created withe the CreateBot operation.

The ListUtteranceMetrics API provides additonal features including:

  • More information available, such as mapped intent for detected utterances.

  • More filtering capability (including channel and mode).

  • Longer retention date range (30 days).

  • You can use the API even if you have opted out of data storage. The console functionality for missed and detected utterances will rely on ListUtteranceMetrics API.

Utterance statistics are not generated using ListAggregatedUtterance API under the following conditions:

  • The Child Online Privacy Protection Act setting was set to Yes when the bot was created with the console, or the childDirected field was set to true when the bot was created withe the CreateBot operation.

  • You are using slot obfuscation with one or more slots.

  • You opted out of participating in improving Amazon Lex.

The ListAggregatedUtterance API provides features including:

  • Less detailed information available (no mapped intent for utterances).

  • Limited filtering capability (not including channel and mode).

  • Short retention date range (15 days).

Using utterance statistics, you can see whether a specific utterance was detected or missed, alongside the last time that the utterance was used in a bot interaction.

Amazon Lex V2 stores utterances continuously while users interact with your bot. You can query the statistics using the console or the ListAggregatedUtterances operation. It has a data retention of 15 days and it is not available if the user has opted out of data storage. You can delete utterances using the DeleteUtterances operation or by opting out of data storage. All utterances are deleted if you close your AWS account. Stored utterances are encrypted with a server-managed key.

When you delete a bot version, utterance statistics are available for the version for up to 30 days with ListUtteranceMetrics, and 15 days using ListAggregatedUtterances. You can't see statistics for deleted version in the Amazon Lex V2 console. To see the statistics for deleted versions, you can use both ListAggregatedUtterances and ListUtteranceMetricsoperations.

With both the ListAggregatedUtterances and ListUtteranceMetrics APIs, utterances are aggregated by the text of the utterance. For example, all instances where the customer used the phrase "I want to order a pizza" are aggregated into the same line in a response. When you use the RecognizeUtterance operation, the text used is the input transcript.

To use the ListAggregatedUtterances and ListUtteranceMetrics APIs, apply the following policy to a role.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ListAggregatedUtterancesPolicy", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "lex:ListAggregatedUtterances", "Resource": "*" } ] }