Measuring business performance with Analytics - Amazon Lex

Measuring business performance with Analytics

With Analytics, you can evaluate the performance of your bot with metrics that are related to success and failure rates of your bots’ interactions with customers. You can also visualize patterns of conversation flows between your bot and customers. Analytics streamlines your experience by summarizing these metrics in graphs and charts. Analytics provides tools to help you filter results to identify issues and problems involving intents, slots, utterances, and conversations. You can use this data to iterate and improve upon your bot to create a better customer experience.


For a user to access Analytics, either the AWS managed policy: AmazonLexFullAccess or a custom policy that includes analytics API permissions must be attached to their IAM role. See Managing access permissions for analytics for details on how to handle user permissions with a custom policy. If the AWS managed policy: AmazonLexReadOnly is attached to a customer's IAM role, an error displays the missing permissions that you need to add to the user's IAM role for them to be able to access the Analytics dashboards.

To access Analytics
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Lex V2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane under Bots, select the bot you want to view in analytics.

  3. Select the section under Analytics that you want to view.