Overview: a summary of your bot performance - Amazon Lex

Overview: a summary of your bot performance

The overview page summarizes your bot’s performance on conversations, utterance recognition, and intent usage. The overview consists of the following sections:

Conversation performance

Use this chart to track the number and percentage of conversations that are categorized as a success, failed, and dropped. To access a list of conversations, select View all conversations to reveal a dropdown menu. You can choose to view a list of all user conversations with the bot or filter for conversations with a specific result (success, failed, or dropped). These links take you to the Conversations subsection of the Conversation dashboard. For more information, see Conversations.

To reveal a box with the count and percentage of conversations with that result, hover over a segment of the chart, as in the following image.

A donut chart that visualizes the performance of your conversations.

Utterance recognition rate

Use this chart to track the number and percentage of utterances that were detected and missed by your bot. To access a list of utterances, select View utterances to reveal a dropdown menu. You can choose to view a list of all user utterances or filter for utterances with a specific result (missed or detected). These links take you to the Utterance recognition subsection of the Performance dashboard. For more information, see View Utterances to navigate to Utterance recognition.

To reveal a box with the count and percentage of utterances, hover over a segment of the chart, as seen in the following image.

A donut chart that visualizes the performance of your bot's utterance recognition.

Conversation performance history

Use this graph to track the percentage of conversations categorized as a success, failed, and dropped over the time range that you set in the filters. To see the percentage of conversations with a specific result in an interval of time, hover over that interval, as in the following image.

A line graph that tracks the bot's conversation performance over time.

Top 5 used intents

Use this chart to identify the top five intents that customers used with your bot. Hover over a bar to see the number of times that your bot recognized that intent, as in the following image.

A bar graph that shows the top five intents that customers used with your bot.

Select View all intents to navigate to the Intents performance subsection of the Performance dashboard, where you can view metrics for your bot’s performance in fulfilling intents. For more information, see Intent performance.

Top 5 failed intents

Use this chart to identify the top five intents that your bot failed to fulfill (see Intents for the definition of a failed intent). Hover over a bar to see the number of times that your bot failed to fulfill that intent, as in the following image.

A bar graph that shows the top five intents that your bot failed to fulfill.

Select View failed intents to navigate to the Intents performance subsection of the Performance dashboard, where you can view metrics for the intents that your bot failed to fulfill. For more information, see Intent performance.