View test results - Amazon Lex

View test results

Interpret test results from the Test Workbench to determine where the conversation between your bot and the customer might be failing, or requiring the customer to make multiple attempts to fulfill the intent.

By locating these issues in your test results, you can optimize your bot’s performance by improving intent performance using different training data or utterances that are more consistent with the real time bot transcription values.

You can get a detailed view of intents and slots that had performance discrepancies. Once you have identified intents or slots that have discrepancies, you can further drill down and review the utterances and conversation flow.

List of completed tests using the Test Workbench.
To review test results:
  1. Go to the list of test sets from the left side menu to select the Test results option under Test workbench. NOTE: Test results indicate a Status of complete if they were successful.

  2. Select the Test Result ID for the test results you want to review.