Amazon Lex V2 and interface VPC endpoints (AWS PrivateLink) - Amazon Lex

Amazon Lex V2 and interface VPC endpoints (AWS PrivateLink)

You can establish a private connection between your VPC and Amazon Lex V2 by creating an interface VPC endpoint. Interface endpoints are powered by AWS PrivateLink, a technology that enables you to privately access Amazon Lex V2 APIs without an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection. Instances in your VPC don't need public IP addresses to communicate with Amazon Lex V2 APIs. Traffic between your VPC and Amazon Lex V2 does not leave the Amazon network.

Each interface endpoint is represented by one or more Elastic Network Interfaces in your subnets.

For more information, see Interface VPC endpoints (AWS PrivateLink) in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

Considerations for Amazon Lex V2 VPC endpoints

Before you set up an interface VPC endpoint for Amazon Lex V2, ensure that you review Interface endpoint properties and limitations in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

Amazon Lex V2 supports making calls to all of its API actions from your VPC.

Creating an interface VPC endpoint for Amazon Lex V2

You can create a VPC endpoint for the Amazon Lex V2 service using either the Amazon VPC console or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). For more information, see Creating an interface endpoint in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

Create a VPC endpoint for Amazon Lex V2 using the following service name:

  • com.amazonaws.region.models-v2-lex

  • com.amazonaws.region.runtime-v2-lex

If you enable private DNS for the endpoint, you can make API requests to Amazon Lex V2 using its default DNS name for the Region, for example,

For more information, see Accessing a service through an interface endpoint in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

Creating a VPC endpoint policy for Amazon Lex V2

You can attach an endpoint policy to your VPC endpoint that controls access to Amazon Lex V2. The policy specifies the following information:

  • The principal that can perform actions.

  • The actions that can be performed.

  • The resources on which actions can be performed.

For more information, see Controlling access to services with VPC endpoints in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

Example: VPC endpoint policy for Amazon Lex V2 actions

The following is an example of an endpoint policy for Amazon Lex V2. When attached to an endpoint, this policy grants access to the listed Amazon Lex V2 actions for all principals on all resources.

{ "Statement":[ { "Principal":"*", "Effect":"Allow", "Action":[ "lex:RecognizeText", "lex:RecognizeUtterance", "lex:StartConversation", "lex:DeleteSession", "lex:GetSession", "lex:DeleteSession" ], "Resource":"*" } ] }