Step 3: Complete Facebook integration with your Lex V2 bot
In this step, use the Facebook developer console to complete integration with Amazon Lex V2.
To complete Facebook Messenger integration
From the list of apps, choose the app that you are integrating with Facebook Messenger.
In the left menu, choose Messenger, then choose Settings.
In the Webhooks section:
Choose Add Callback URL.
In Edit Callback URL, enter the following:
Callback URL – Enter the callback URL that you recorded from the Amazon Lex V2 console.
Verify Token – Enter the alias that you entered in the Amazon Lex V2 console.
Choose Verify and Save.
Choose Add subscriptions under Webhooks next to your page.
In the window that pops up, choose
and then click Save.
Next step
Step 4: Test the integration with Facebook Messenger