Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources allowed for your AWS account. For more information, see AWS service quotas in the AWS general reference.
Some service quotas can be adjusted or increased. Refer to the
Adjustable column in the following tables to see whether
a quota can be adjusted and to the Self-service column to
see whether you can request a quota adjustment through the
Service quotas
Character limits are calculated as the number of Unicode code units
Build-time quotas
The following maximum quotas are enforced when you are creating a bot.
Description | Default | Adjustable | Self-service |
Bots per AWS account | 100 | Yes | Yes |
Bot channel associations per AWS account | 5,000 | No | N/A |
Parallel locale builds per AWS account | 5 | Yes | No |
Bots per bot network | 5 | No | N/A |
Bot networks per bot | 25 | No | N/A |
Versions per bot | 100 | No | N/A |
Intents per locale in each bot |
Yes | No |
Slots per locale in each bot |
No | N/A |
Custom slot types per bot locale |
No | N/A |
Custom slot type values and synonyms per locale in each bot | 50,000 | No | N/A |
Total characters in sample utterances per locale in each bot |
No | N/A |
Channel associations per bot alias | 10 | No | N/A |
Slots per intent | 100 | No | N/A |
Sample utterances per intent | 1,500 | Yes | Yes |
Characters per sample utterance | 500 | No | N/A |
Text response length | 4,000 | No | N/A |
Sample utterances per slot | 10 | Yes | Yes |
Characters per sample slot utterance | 500 | No | N/A |
Prompts per slot | 30 | No | N/A |
Values and synonyms per custom slot type | 10,000 | No | N/A |
Characters per custom slot type value | 500 | No | N/A |
Characters in a channel association name | 100 | No | N/A |
Number of concurrent Automated Chatbot Designer analysis jobs across all bots in your account per Region | 10 | No | N/A |
Size of custom grammar slot type XML file | 100 KB | No | N/A |
Runtime quotas
The following maximum quotas are enforced at runtime.
Description | Default | Adjustable | Self-service |
Input text size for RecognizeText and RecognizeUtterance | 1024 characters | No | N/A |
Speech input length for
operation |
15 seconds | Yes | No |
Size of RecognizeUtterance
headers |
16 KB | No | N/A |
Size of combined request and session headers
for RecognizeUtterance |
12 KB | No | N/A |
Maximum number of concurrent text-mode
conversations for RecognizeText ,
RecognizeUtterance , or
StartConversation for the
TestBotAlias |
2 | No | N/A |
Maximum number of concurrent text-mode
conversations for RecognizeText ,
RecognizeUtterance , or
StartConversation for other
aliases |
50 | Yes | No |
Maximum number of concurrent voice-mode
conversations for
RecognizeUtterance for the
TestBotAlias |
2 | No | N/A |
Maximum number of concurrent voice-mode
conversations for
RecognizeUtterance for other
aliases |
125 | Yes | No |
Maximum number of concurrent voice-mode
conversations for StartConversation
for the TestBotAlias |
2 | No | N/A |
Maximum number of concurrent voice-mode
conversations for StartConversation
for other aliases |
200 | Yes | No |
Maximum number of concurrent session
management operations (PutSession ,
GetSession , or
DeleteSession ) when using the
TestBotAlias |
2 | No | N/A |
Maximum number of concurrent session
management operations (PutSession ,
GetSession , or
DeleteSession ) when using other
aliases |
50 | Yes | No |
Maximum input size to a Lambda function | 12 KB | No | N/A |
Maximum output size of a Lambda function | 50 KB | No | N/A |
Maximum size of session attributes in Lambda function output (after base-64 encoding) | 12 KB | No | N/A |
Maximum timeout of a Lambda function | 30 seconds | Yes | No |