Interacting with maps - Amazon QuickSight

Interacting with maps

When you view a map visual in an Amazon QuickSight analysis or published dashboard, you can interact with it to explore your data. You can pan, zoom in and out, and autozoom to all the data.

By default, map visuals are always zoomed based on the underlying data. When you pan around in the map or zoom to a different level, the zoom to data icon appears above the zoom in and out icons at bottom right of the map. Using this option, you can quickly zoom back to the underlying data.

To pan in a map visual
  • Click anywhere on the map visual and drag your cursor in the direction that you want to pan the map.

To zoom in or out in a map visual
  • On the map visual, choose the plus or minus icons at bottom right. Or you can double-click the map to zoom in, and shift-double-click to zoom out.

    This is an image of the plus and minus icons on a map visual.
To zoom back to all the data
  • On the map visual, choose the zoom to data icon. This icon appears when you pan or zoom in on a map.

    This is an image of the zoom to data icon on a map visual.