Signing up for an Amazon QuickSight subscription - Amazon QuickSight

Signing up for an Amazon QuickSight subscription

When you first sign up for Amazon QuickSight, you get a free trial subscription for four users for 30 days. During the process of signing up, you choose which edition of QuickSight to use and set options for your identity provider.

Before you begin, make sure that you can connect to an existing AWS account. If you don't have an AWS account, see Sign up for AWS. The person who signs up for QuickSight needs to have the correct AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions. For more information, see IAM policy examples for Amazon QuickSight.

To test your permissions, you can use the IAM policy simulator; for more information, see Testing IAM policies with the IAM policy simulator. Also, check whether your AWS account is part of an organization based on the AWS Organizations service. If so and you sign in as an IAM user, make sure that you didn't inherit any IAM permissions that deny access to the required permissions. For more information on Organizations, see What is AWS Organizations?

To subscribe to QuickSight
  1. Sign in to your AWS account and open QuickSight from the AWS Management Console. You can find it under Analytics or by searching for QuickSight.

    Your AWS account number is displayed for verification purposes.

  2. Choose Sign up for QuickSight.

  3. Choose Standard or Enterprise.

    1. If you choose Standard, choose the method that you want to connect with. Choose one of the following:

      • Use IAM federated identities and QuickSight-managed users.

      • Use IAM federated identities only.

    2. If you choose Enterprise, choose Continue, and then choose the identity method that you want to connect with.

      Choose one of the following:

      • (Recommended) Use IAM Identity Center enabled application. This option is only available for Enterprise Edition accounts.

      • Use Active Directory

      • Use IAM federated identities and QuickSight-managed users

      • Use IAM federated identities only

      To sign up for a QuickSight Enterprise Edition account with an IAM Identity center enabled application, you need the correct permissions. For more information on the permissions needed to use this method, see IAM identity-based policies for Amazon QuickSight: All access for Enterprise edition with IAM Identity Center.

      To sign up for QuickSight with federated users, you need the correct IAM permissions, defined as follows:

    After you finish creating an Enterprise Edition account in Amazon QuickSight, you can add a subscription to Paginated Reports from the Manage subscriptions page of the Manage QuickSight menu. For more information on paginated reports, see Working with paginated reports in Amazon QuickSight.

  4. For both Standard and Enterprise editions, make choices for the following items:

    • Enter a unique account name for QuickSight. Your account name can only contain characters (A–Z and a–z), digits (0–9), and hyphens (-). Note that if your account begins with the characters D- or d-, an error occurs. If you use Microsoft AD, and it has a default alias, this alias is used for the account name.

    • Enter a notification email address for the QuickSight account owner or group. This email address receives service and usage notifications.

    • (Optional) Choose the AWS Region that you want to use for your initial data storage capacity, called SPICE.

    • (Optional) Choose whether to allow autodiscovery of your AWS resources. You can change these options later in Manage Account. For more information, see Allowing autodiscovery of AWS resources.

    • (Optional) For IAM Role, choose Use an existing role, and then from the list choose a role that you want to use. Or enter the IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in the following format: arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/path/role-name.


      Make sure to have your administrator give you permissions to pass any existing IAM roles in QuickSight. If you don't have permissions, or if you don't know if you have permissions, choose QuickSight-managed role. This is the default role. You can always switch to using a different role later if you have the correct permissions. For more information, see Using an existing IAM role in QuickSight.

  5. Review the choices that you made, then choose Finish.

  6. (Optional) To open QuickSight, choose Go to QuickSight.

    If you're using Enterprise edition, you can manage user groups by choosing Manage access to QuickSight. Otherwise, close the browser and notify your users how to connect.

  7. (Optional) If you're using IAM Identity Center or federation, choose the users and groups that are going to use QuickSight.