Billing event data feed
This data feed provides information about billing events, including invoicing and disbursements.
For example, you can use this data feed to learn when and what a buyer is invoiced. You can also use the example SQL queries to analyze the data from this data feed.
This data feed contains information associated with billing events for which you are the seller of record. For agreements made through channel partners, this data feed contains information about billing events between the manufacturer and seller of record.
The billing event data feed is refreshed every 24 hours, so new data is available daily.
Billing event data is immutable.
The following table explains the names and descriptions of the data feed's columns.
Column name | Description |
billing_event_id | An identifier for a billing event. This ID is unique in the seller's environment. |
from_account_id |
The account that initiated the billing event. If Can be used to join to the |
to_account_id | The account that receives the transaction amount for the product. This is a foreign
key to the account data feed. Can be used to join to the |
end_user_account_id | The account that uses the product. This account may be different from the buyer and
payer accounts. Can be used to join to the |
product_id | The identifier of the product. This is a foreign key to the product data feed. Can be used to join to the
action |
The type of action for this event. Possible values are as follows:
transaction_type |
The type of transaction. For examples, see Taxing scenarios. Possible values are as follows:
parent_billing_event_id |
When the value of When the value of
When the value of
When the value of |
disbursement_billing_event_id |
The related disbursement when the value of
In all other scenarios, this value is null. |
amount | The billing event amount. |
currency | The ISO 639 currency code. |
balance_impacting | Whether the amount is taken into account in calculating seller disbursements. A
value of 0 indicates the amount is shown for informational purposes and has
no effect on the balance. A value of 1 indicates that this amount takes
into account in determining seller disbursements. |
invoice_date | The date the invoice was created. |
payment_due_date |
When the value of |
usage_period_start_date | The start date for the period in the record. |
usage_period_end_date | The end date for the period in the record. |
invoice_id |
The AWS invoice ID. |
billing_address_id | The payer's billing address reference in the address data feed. Can be used to
join to the |
transaction_reference_id |
An identifier that allows you to cross-reference data from the following reports: |
bank_trace_id |
For disbursement transactions ( |
broker_id |
An identifier of the business entity which facilitated the transaction. Possible values are as follows:
buyer_transaction_reference_id |
An identifier that groups all related records in the billing feed together using
Taxing scenarios
The taxation model that is in place for the country and state of the buyer and seller dictates how taxes are collected and remitted. Following are the possible scenarios:
Taxes are collected and remitted by AWS. In these cases, the
. -
Taxes are collected by AWS, disbursed to the seller, and remitted by the seller to the tax authorities. In these cases, the
. -
Taxes are not collected by AWS. The seller must calculate the taxes and remit them to the tax authorities. In these cases, AWS Marketplace doesn't perform tax calculations or receive tax information. The seller pays the taxes from the revenue share.
Examples of billing event data feed
This section shows examples of the billing event data period at the time of invoicing and one month later. Note the following for all tables in this section:
In data feeds,
values are 40-character alphanumeric strings. They're shown here as two-character strings for readability. -
In the data feed, this information is presented in a single table. For readability, the data is shown in multiple tables here, and all columns aren't shown.
For the examples in this section, assume the following:
Arnav is the buyer.
His account ID is
. -
He's located in France, which is subject to marketplace facilitator laws. For more information, see Amazon Web Service Tax Help
. -
He purchased
and was invoiced $120.60 for his monthly usage of that product. -
He paid the invoice within the month.
Jane is the manufacturer.
Her account ID is
Paulo is the seller of record.
His account ID is
. -
He lives in Kansas, which is not subject to market facilitator laws.
Billing event data feed for seller of record
As the seller of record, Paulo invoices the buyer, Arnav.
The following tables show the relevant information in Paulo's data feed when he invoices Arnav.
billing_event_id | from_account_id | to_account_id | end_user_account_id | product_id | action | transaction_type |
I0 | 737399998888 | 777788889999 | 737399998888 | prod-o4grxfafcxxxx | INVOICED | SELLER_REV_SHARE |
I1 | 737399998888 | AWS | 737399998888 | prod-o4grxfafcxxxx | INVOICED | AWS_TAX_SHARE |
I2 | 777788889999 | 111122223333 | 737399998888 | prod-o4grxfafcxxxx | INVOICED | SELLER_REV_SHARE |
I3 | 777788889999 | AWS | 737399998888 | prod-o4grxfafcxxxx | INVOICED | AWS_REV_SHARE |
parent_billing_event_id | disbursement_billing_event_id | amount | currency | invoice_date | invoice_id |
100 | USD | 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z | 781216640 | ||
20.6 | USD | 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z | 781216640 | ||
-80 | USD | 2018-12-31T00:04:07Z | 788576665 | ||
-0.2 | USD | 2018-12-31T00:04:07Z | 788576665 |
The following tables show the relevant information in Paulo's data feed at the end of the month, after Arnav pays the invoice.
billing_event_id | from_account_id | to_account_id | end_user_account_id | product_id | action | transaction_type |
I10 | 737399998888 | 777788889999 | 737399998888 | DISBURSED | SELLER_REV_SHARE | |
I12 | 777788889999 | 111122223333 | 737399998888 | DISBURSED | SELLER_REV_SHARE | |
I13 | 777788889999 | AWS | 737399998888 | prod-o4grxfafcxxxx | DISBURSED | AWS_REV_SHARE |
I14 | AWS | 777788889999 | DISBURSED | DISBURSEMENT |
parent_billing_event_id | disbursement_billing_event_id | amount | currency | invoice_date | invoice_id |
I0 | I14 | -100 | USD | 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z | 781216640 |
I2 | I14 | 80 | USD | 2018-12-31T00:04:07Z | 788576665 |
I3 | I14 | 0.2 | USD | 2018-12-31T00:04:07Z | 788576665 |
19.8 | USD |
Billing event data feed for manufacturer
The following tables show the relevant information in the Jane's data feed when Paulo invoices Arnav.
billing_event_id | from_account_id | to_account_id | end_user_account_id | product_id | action | transaction_type |
I5 | 777788889999 | 111122223333 | prod-o4grxfafcxxxx | INVOICED | SELLER_REV_SHARE | |
I6 | 777788889999 | 111122223333 | prod-o4grxfafcxxxx | INVOICED | SELLER_TAX_SHARE | |
I7 | 111122223333 | AWS | prod-o4grxfafcxxxx | INVOICED | AWS_REV_SHARE |
parent_billing_event_id | disbursement_billing_event_id | amount | currency | invoice_date | invoice_id |
73.5 | 2018-12-31T00:04:07Z | 788576665 | |||
6.5 | 2018-12-31T00:04:07Z | 788576665 | |||
-7.35 | 2018-12-31T00:04:07Z | 788576665 |
The following tables show the relevant information in Jane's data feed at the end of the month, after the invoice is paid.
billing_event_id | from_account_id | to_account_id | end_user_account_id | product_id | action | transaction_type |
I30 | 777788889999 | 111122223333 | prod-o4grxfafcxxxx | DISBURSED | SELLER_REV_SHARE | |
I31 | 777788889999 | 111122223333 | prod-o4grxfafcxxxx | DISBURSED | SELLER_TAX_SHARE | |
I32 | 111122223333 | AWS | prod-o4grxfafcxxxx | DISBURSED | AWS_REV_SHARE | |
I33 | AWS | 111122223333 | DISBURSED | DISBURSEMENT |
parent_billing_event_id | disbursement_billing_event_id | amount | currency | invoice_date | invoice_id |
I5 | I33 | -73.5 | USD | ||
I6 | I33 | -6.5 | USD | ||
I7 | I33 | 7.35 | USD | ||
72.65 | USD |
Example queries
As described in Collecting and analyzing data with data feeds, you can use Athena to run queries on the data that's collected and stored as data feeds in your managed Amazon S3 bucket. This section provides some examples of common ways you might do this. All examples assume that a single currency is used.
Example 1: Amount invoiced, including taxes
To find out how much buyers were invoiced, including taxes, you can run a query as shown in the following example.
SELECT sum(amount) FROM billing_event WHERE action = 'INVOICED' AND ( (transaction_type in ('SELLER_REV_SHARE', 'SELLER_TAX_SHARE') -- to discard SELLER_REV_SHARE from Manufacturer to Channel Partner, aka cost of goods AND to_account_id='
' ) OR transaction_type= 'AWS_TAX_SHARE' );
Example 2: Amount invoiced to buyers on seller's behalf
To find out how much buyers were invoiced on a seller's behalf, you can run a query as shown in the following example.
SELECT sum(amount) FROM billing_event WHERE action = 'INVOICED' AND transaction_type in ('SELLER_REV_SHARE', 'SELLER_TAX_SHARE') AND to_account_id='
' ;
Example 3: Amount AWS can collect on seller's behalf
To find out how much AWS can collect on a seller's behalf, minus any refunds, credits, and forgiven accounts, you can run a query as shown in the following example.
SELECT sum(amount) FROM billing_event WHERE -- what is invoiced on behalf of SELLER, incl. refunds/ credits and cost of goods transaction_type like 'SELLER_%' -- FORGIVEN action records will "negate" related INVOICED and action in ('INVOICED','FORGIVEN') ;
Example 4: Amount seller can collect
To find out how much sellers can collect, you can run a query as shown in the following example. This example removes listing fees and taxes that AWS collects, and adds any exceptional balance adjustments.
SELECT sum(amount) FROM billing_event WHERE (transaction_type like 'SELLER_%' -- what is invoiced on behalf of SELLER or transaction_type like 'AWS_REV_%' -- what is owed to AWS or transaction_type = 'BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT' -- exceptionnal case ) and action in ('INVOICED','FORGIVEN') ;
You can also use the following query to collect the same information, as shown in the following example.
SELECT sum(amount) FROM billing_event WHERE balance_impacting = 1 and action in ('INVOICED','FORGIVEN') ;
The following example shows the same information, but is restricted to 2018 transactions and assumes all buyers paid their invoices.
SELECT sum(amount) FROM billing_event WHERE invoice_date between '2018-01-01' and '2018-12-31' and balance_impacting = 1 and action in ('INVOICED','FORGIVEN') ;
Example 5: Amount of disbursements
To find out the amount that's been disbursed, you can run a query as shown in the following example.
select sum(amount) FROM billing_event WHERE action ='DISBURSED' and transaction_type like 'DISBURSEMENT%' ;
Example 6: Amount pending disbursement
To find out the amount that's pending disbursement, you can run a query as shown in the following example. This query removes amounts that have already been disbursed.
SELECT sum(amount) FROM billing_event targeted WHERE (transaction_type like 'SELLER_%' -- what is invoiced on behalf of SELLER or transaction_type like 'AWS_REV_%' -- what is owed to AWS or transaction_type = 'BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT' -- exceptionnal case ) -- DISBURSEMENT action records will "negate" 'INVOICED' -- but do not take into account failed disbursements AND (not exists (select 1 from billing_event disbursement join billing_event failed_disbursement on disbursement.billing_event_id=failed_disbursement.parent_billing_event_id where disbursement.transaction_type='DISBURSEMENT' and failed_disbursement.transaction_type='DISBURSEMENT_FAILURE' and targeted.disbursement_billing_event_id=disbursement.billing_event_id ) ) ;
Another way to get the same information is to run a query to get the seller's balance, as shown in the following example.
SELECT sum(amount) FROM billing_event WHERE balance_impacting = 1 ;
The following query extends our example. It restricts the results to 2018 transactions and returns additional details about the transactions.
select sum(residual_amount_per_transaction) from (SELECT max(billed_invoices.amount) invoiced_amount, sum(nvl(disbursed_invoices.amount,0)) disbursed_amount, -- Exercise left to the reader: -- use transaction_type to distinguish listing fee vs seller-owed money -- still pending collection max(transaction_type) transaction_type, max(billed_invoices.amount) + sum(nvl(disbursed_invoices.amount,0)) residual_amount_per_transaction FROM billing_event billed_invoices -- find related disbursements left join billing_event disbursed_invoices on disbursed_invoices.action='DISBURSED' and disbursed_invoices.parent_billing_event_id=billed_invoices.billing_event_id WHERE billed_invoices.invoice_date between '2018-01-01' and '2018-12-31' and billed_invoices.transaction_type like 'SELLER_%' -- invoiced on behalf of SELLER and billed_invoices.action in ('INVOICED','FORGIVEN') -- do not take into account failed disbursements AND not exists (select 1 from billing_event failed_disbursement where disbursed_invoices.disbursement_billing_event_id = failed_disbursement.parent_billing_event_id ) GROUP BY billed_invoices.billing_event_id );
Example 7: Balance of set of invoices
To learn the sum of a set of invoices, you can run a query as shown in the following example.
SELECT invoice_id, sum(amount) FROM billing_event targeted WHERE -- invoice_id is only not null for invoiced records AND disbursed records -- linking them to related disbursement -> no need to filter more precisely invoice_id in ('XXX','YYY') -- filter out failed disbursements AND not exists (select 1 from billing_event disbursement join billing_event failed_disbursement on disbursement.billing_event_id=failed_disbursement.parent_billing_event_id where disbursement.transaction_type='DISBURSEMENT' and failed_disbursement.transaction_type='DISBURSEMENT_FAILURE' and targeted.disbursement_billing_event_id=disbursement.billing_event_id ) group by invoice_id;