Preparing your product - AWS Marketplace

Preparing your product

Preparing to publish a product on AWS Marketplace includes configuring your package, setting a pricing scheme, determining the relevant categories in which to list your product, and adding keywords so your product appears in relevant searches.

Product delivery

Each product delivery method has several options for packaging, pricing, and delivery. Some methods aren't available to you as a seller on AWS Marketplace until you register for the program supporting it.

You can create products with a standard list price and end user license agreement (EULA). You can also create private offers for individual customers with custom pricing and EULAs. If you need to make additional changes to the terms of the contract, you can work with the AWS Marketplace team to create a custom private offer. To simplify the procurement process, you can use standardized license terms for both public product listings and private offers.


AWS offers certain sellers the option to provide guided demonstrations on AWS Marketplace. If you're an AWS Partner Network (APN) partner who's eligible for APN Customer Engagements (ACE) and you'd like to provide this option to buyers, contact your AWS representative to determine further eligibility.

The following table lists the methods that you can use to deliver software products and how AWS Marketplace buyers find each type of deliverable in the AWS Marketplace console.

Product delivery methods
Product delivery method Delivery Method filter on the console Description
Single AMI Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

You deliver a single custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for your product. The AMI provides the information required to launch an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance.

Buyers can use the single AMI to create Amazon EC2 instances with your product already installed and ready to use.

For more information, see AMI-based products.

AMI delivered using AWS CloudFormation templates CloudFormation Template

You can list AMI-based products that are delivered to AWS Marketplace buyers by using CloudFormation templates.

Buyers can purchase a single solution that entitles them to all of the AMIs in that product.

For more information about delivering AMIs as an CloudFormation template, see AMI-based delivery using AWS CloudFormation.

For more information about CloudFormation templates, see AWS CloudFormation concepts in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

Container-based product or application Container

You deliver products packaged in container images. Container products consist of options, which are a set of container images and deployment templates that work together.

For more information, see Container-based products.

Data products AWS Data Exchange

You use AWS Data Exchange to create data products.

For information about publishing and managing data products and offers through AWS Data Exchange, see Providing data products on AWS Data Exchange in the AWS Data Exchange User Guide.

Machine learning algorithms and model packages SageMaker Model

You use Amazon SageMaker to create the algorithm or model package, and then publish it on AWS Marketplace.

For more information about delivering machine learning algorithms and model packages, see Machine learning products.

For information about SageMaker, see What is SageMaker? in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide.

Software as a service (SaaS) SaaS

You can offer SaaS products with subscription- based, contract-based, or contract with consumption pricing models.

For more information, see SaaS-based products.

Professional services Professional Services

You can offer professional services that support or work with other AWS Marketplace products.