Seller notifications for AWS Marketplace events - AWS Marketplace

Seller notifications for AWS Marketplace events

You can receive timely notifications related to your AWS Marketplace products through email, Amazon EventBridge events, and Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics. AWS Marketplace provides. For example, you can receive notifications related to private offers, requests for professional services product, and recurring scan reminders. This topic provides an overview of available notification and event options.

  • Email notifications – Within AWS Marketplace , sellers, buyers and independent software vendors (ISVs) can receive email notifications. AWS Marketplace uses your root account to send automated emails in real time to your AWS account's email, updating you on AWS Marketplace offers and agreements. You can also add custom email aliases for notifications and unsubscribe recipients from email notifications. For more information, see Managing email notifications for AWS Marketplace events.

  • Amazon SNS topics – To receive notifications about changes to customer subscriptions for your products, you can subscribe to the Amazon SNS topics for AWS Marketplace provided to you during product creation. For example, you can know when customers accept a private offer. For information, see the Amazon SNS topic for your product type:

  • EventBridge – You can use EventBridge to receive an event for actions that happen in AWS Marketplace, for example, when an offer is created. The event contains information like the ID, expiration date, and product details. For more information, see Amazon EventBridge events and the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

The following topics provide more information about notifications and events in AWS Marketplace.