The following code examples show how to use CreateAssociation
Example 1: To associate a document using instance IDs
This example associates a configuration document with an instance, using instance IDs.
aws ssm create-association \ --instance-id
\ --name"AWS-UpdateSSMAgent"
{ "AssociationDescription": { "Status": { "Date": 1487875500.33, "Message": "Associated with AWS-UpdateSSMAgent", "Name": "Associated" }, "Name": "AWS-UpdateSSMAgent", "InstanceId": "i-0cb2b964d3e14fd9f", "Overview": { "Status": "Pending", "DetailedStatus": "Creating" }, "AssociationId": "b7c3266e-a544-44db-877e-b20d3a108189", "DocumentVersion": "$DEFAULT", "LastUpdateAssociationDate": 1487875500.33, "Date": 1487875500.33, "Targets": [ { "Values": [ "i-0cb2b964d3e14fd9f" ], "Key": "InstanceIds" } ] } }
For more information, see CreateAssociation in the AWS Systems Manager API Reference.
Example 2: To associate a document using targets
This example associates a configuration document with an instance, using targets.
aws ssm create-association \ --name
\ --targets"Key=instanceids,Values=i-0cb2b964d3e14fd9f"
{ "AssociationDescription": { "Status": { "Date": 1487875500.33, "Message": "Associated with AWS-UpdateSSMAgent", "Name": "Associated" }, "Name": "AWS-UpdateSSMAgent", "InstanceId": "i-0cb2b964d3e14fd9f", "Overview": { "Status": "Pending", "DetailedStatus": "Creating" }, "AssociationId": "b7c3266e-a544-44db-877e-b20d3a108189", "DocumentVersion": "$DEFAULT", "LastUpdateAssociationDate": 1487875500.33, "Date": 1487875500.33, "Targets": [ { "Values": [ "i-0cb2b964d3e14fd9f" ], "Key": "InstanceIds" } ] } }
For more information, see CreateAssociation in the AWS Systems Manager API Reference.
Example 3: To create an association that runs only once
This example creates a new association that only runs once on the specified date and time. Associations created with a date in the past or present (by the time it is processed the date is in the past) run immediately.
aws ssm create-association \ --name
\ --targets"Key=instanceids,Values=i-0cb2b964d3e14fd9f"
\ --schedule-expression"at(2020-05-14T15:55:00)"
\ --apply-only-at-cron-intervalOutput:
{ "AssociationDescription": { "Status": { "Date": 1487875500.33, "Message": "Associated with AWS-UpdateSSMAgent", "Name": "Associated" }, "Name": "AWS-UpdateSSMAgent", "InstanceId": "i-0cb2b964d3e14fd9f", "Overview": { "Status": "Pending", "DetailedStatus": "Creating" }, "AssociationId": "b7c3266e-a544-44db-877e-b20d3a108189", "DocumentVersion": "$DEFAULT", "LastUpdateAssociationDate": 1487875500.33, "Date": 1487875500.33, "Targets": [ { "Values": [ "i-0cb2b964d3e14fd9f" ], "Key": "InstanceIds" } ] } }
For more information, see CreateAssociation in the AWS Systems Manager API Reference or Reference: Cron and rate expressions for Systems Manager in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.
For API details, see CreateAssociation
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using this service with an AWS SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.