Walkthrough: Use the AWS CLI with Run Command - AWS Systems Manager

Walkthrough: Use the AWS CLI with Run Command

The following sample walkthrough shows you how to use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to view information about commands and command parameters, how to run commands, and how to view the status of those commands.


Only trusted administrators should be allowed to use AWS Systems Manager pre-configured documents shown in this topic. The commands or scripts specified in Systems Manager documents run with administrative permissions on your managed nodes. If a user has permission to run any of the pre-defined Systems Manager documents (any document that begins with AWS-), then that user also has administrator access to the node. For all other users, you should create restrictive documents and share them with specific users.

Step 1: Getting started

You must either have administrator permissions on the managed node you want to configure or you must have been granted the appropriate permission in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). Also note, this example uses the US East (Ohio) Region (us-east-2). Run Command is available in the AWS Regions listed in Systems Manager service endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. For more information, see Setting up managed nodes for AWS Systems Manager.

To run commands using the AWS CLI
  1. Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), if you haven't already.

    For information, see Installing or updating the latest version of the AWS CLI.

  2. List all available documents.

    This command lists all of the documents available for your account based on IAM permissions.

    aws ssm list-documents
  3. Verify that an managed node is ready to receive commands.

    The output of the following command shows if managed nodes are online.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm describe-instance-information \ --output text --query "InstanceInformationList[*]"
    aws ssm describe-instance-information ^ --output text --query "InstanceInformationList[*]"
  4. Run the following command to view details about a particular managed node.


    To run the commands in this walkthrough, replace the instance and command IDs. For managed AWS IoT Greengrass core devices, use the mi-ID_number for instance ID. The command ID is returned as a response to send-command. Instance IDs are available from Fleet Manager, a tool in AWS Systems Manager..

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm describe-instance-information \ --instance-information-filter-list key=InstanceIds,valueSet=instance-ID
    aws ssm describe-instance-information ^ --instance-information-filter-list key=InstanceIds,valueSet=instance-ID

Step 2: Run shell scripts to view resource details

Using Run Command and the AWS-RunShellScript document, you can run any command or script on a managed node as if you were logged on locally.

View the description and available parameters

Run the following command to view a description of the Systems Manager JSON document.

Linux & macOS
aws ssm describe-document \ --name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --query "[Document.Name,Document.Description]"
aws ssm describe-document ^ --name "AWS-RunShellScript" ^ --query "[Document.Name,Document.Description]"

Run the following command to view the available parameters and details about those parameters.

Linux & macOS
aws ssm describe-document \ --name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --query "Document.Parameters[*]"
aws ssm describe-document ^ --name "AWS-RunShellScript" ^ --query "Document.Parameters[*]"

Step 3: Send simple commands using the AWS-RunShellScript document

Run the following command to get IP information for a Linux managed node.

If you're targeting a Windows Server managed node, change the document-name to AWS-RunPowerShellScript and change the command from ifconfig to ipconfig.

Linux & macOS
aws ssm send-command \ --instance-ids "instance-ID" \ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --comment "IP config" \ --parameters commands=ifconfig \ --output text
aws ssm send-command ^ --instance-ids "instance-ID" ^ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" ^ --comment "IP config" ^ --parameters commands=ifconfig ^ --output text
Get command information with response data

The following command uses the Command ID that was returned from the previous command to get the details and response data of the command execution. The system returns the response data if the command completed. If the command execution shows "Pending" or "InProgress" you run this command again to see the response data.

Linux & macOS
aws ssm list-command-invocations \ --command-id $sh-command-id \ --details
aws ssm list-command-invocations ^ --command-id $sh-command-id ^ --details

Identify user

The following command displays the default user running the commands.

Linux & macOS
sh_command_id=$(aws ssm send-command \ --instance-ids "instance-ID" \ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --comment "Demo run shell script on Linux managed node" \ --parameters commands=whoami \ --output text \ --query "Command.CommandId")
Get command status

The following command uses the Command ID to get the status of the command execution on the managed node. This example uses the Command ID that was returned in the previous command.

Linux & macOS
aws ssm list-commands \ --command-id "command-ID"
aws ssm list-commands ^ --command-id "command-ID"
Get command details

The following command uses the Command ID from the previous command to get the status of the command execution on a per managed node basis.

Linux & macOS
aws ssm list-command-invocations \ --command-id "command-ID" \ --details
aws ssm list-command-invocations ^ --command-id "command-ID" ^ --details
Get command information with response data for a specific managed node

The following command returns the output of the original aws ssm send-command request for a specific managed node.

Linux & macOS
aws ssm list-command-invocations \ --instance-id instance-ID \ --command-id "command-ID" \ --details
aws ssm list-command-invocations ^ --instance-id instance-ID ^ --command-id "command-ID" ^ --details

Display Python version

The following command returns the version of Python running on a node.

Linux & macOS
sh_command_id=$(aws ssm send-command \ --instance-ids "instance-ID" \ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --comment "Demo run shell script on Linux Instances" \ --parameters commands='python -V' \ --output text --query "Command.CommandId") \ sh -c 'aws ssm list-command-invocations \ --command-id "$sh_command_id" \ --details \ --query "CommandInvocations[].CommandPlugins[].{Status:Status,Output:Output}"'

Step 4: Run a simple Python script using Run Command

The following command runs a simple Python "Hello World" script using Run Command.

Linux & macOS
sh_command_id=$(aws ssm send-command \ --instance-ids "instance-ID" \ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --comment "Demo run shell script on Linux Instances" \ --parameters '{"commands":["#!/usr/bin/python","print \"Hello World from python\""]}' \ --output text \ --query "Command.CommandId") \ sh -c 'aws ssm list-command-invocations \ --command-id "$sh_command_id" \ --details \ --query "CommandInvocations[].CommandPlugins[].{Status:Status,Output:Output}"'

Step 5: Run a Bash script using Run Command

The examples in this section demonstrate how to run the following bash script using Run Command.

For examples of using Run Command to run scripts stored in remote locations, see Running scripts from Amazon S3 and Running scripts from GitHub.

#!/bin/bash yum -y update yum install -y ruby cd /home/ec2-user curl -O https://aws-codedeploy-us-east-2.s3.amazonaws.com/latest/install chmod +x ./install ./install auto

This script installs the AWS CodeDeploy agent on Amazon Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) instances, as described in Create an Amazon EC2 instance for CodeDeploy in the AWS CodeDeploy User Guide.

The script installs the CodeDeploy agent from an AWS managed S3 bucket in thee US East (Ohio) Region (us-east-2), aws-codedeploy-us-east-2.

Run a bash script in an AWS CLI command

The following sample demonstrates how to include the bash script in a CLI command using the --parameters option.

Linux & macOS
aws ssm send-command \ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --targets '[{"Key":"InstanceIds","Values":["instance-id"]}]' \ --parameters '{"commands":["#!/bin/bash","yum -y update","yum install -y ruby","cd /home/ec2-user","curl -O https://aws-codedeploy-us-east-2.s3.amazonaws.com/latest/install","chmod +x ./install","./install auto"]}'

Run a bash script in a JSON file

In the following example, the content of the bash script is stored in a JSON file, and the file is included in the command using the --cli-input-json option.

Linux & macOS
aws ssm send-command \ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --targets "Key=InstanceIds,Values=instance-id" \ --cli-input-json file://installCodeDeployAgent.json
aws ssm send-command ^ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" ^ --targets "Key=InstanceIds,Values=instance-id" ^ --cli-input-json file://installCodeDeployAgent.json

The contents of the referenced installCodeDeployAgent.json file is shown in the following example.

{ "Parameters": { "commands": [ "#!/bin/bash", "yum -y update", "yum install -y ruby", "cd /home/ec2-user", "curl -O https://aws-codedeploy-us-east-2.s3.amazonaws.com/latest/install", "chmod +x ./install", "./install auto" ] } }