The following topics provide reference information for constants, functions, and events that you can use to configure embedded AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions.
The following AppStream 2.0 user interface elements can be passed into the HIDDEN_ELEMENTS
configuration option when an embedded AppStream 2.0 streaming session is initialized.
The following AppStream 2.0 user interface elements can be passed as constants into the HIDDEN_ELEMENTS
configuration option when an embedded AppStream 2.0 streaming session is initialized.
The following three elements can be passed as strings into HIDDEN_ELEMENTS, rather than as constants.
String | Description |
'adminCommandsButton' |
When you are connected to an AppStream 2.0 image builder, the Admin Commands button displays on the top right corner of the AppStream 2.0 toolbar. Passing this string into HIDDEN_ELEMENTS hides the Admin Commands button. |
'softKeyboardButton' |
During AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions on touch-enabled devices, users can tap the keyboard icon on the AppStream 2.0 toolbar to display the on-screen keyboard. Passing this string into HIDDEN_ELEMENTS hides the keyboard icon. |
'keyboardShortcutsButton' |
During AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions on touch-enabled devices, users can tap the Fn icon on the AppStream 2.0 toolbar to display keyboard shortcuts. Passing this string into HIDDEN_ELEMENTS hides the Fn icon. |
Functions for the AppStream.Embed
The following table lists the functions that can be performed on the AppStream.Embed
Function | Description |
AppStream.Embed(containerId:string, options:object) |
The AppStream.Embed object constructor. This constructor initializes and communicates with the AppStream.Embed object, and it uses a div container ID. The ID is used to inject the iframe. It also injects an object that includes the configuration options for appstreamOptions (sessionURL and HIDDEN_ELEMENTS ).
endSession() |
This function ends the streaming session, but does not destroy the iframe. If you specify a redirect URL, the iframe attempts to load the URL. Depending on the CORS headers of the page, the URL may not load. |
launchApp(appId:string) |
This function programmatically launches an application with the application ID that was specified during image creation. |
launchAppSwitcher() |
This function sends the AppSwitcher command to the AppStream 2.0 portal. This triggers the AppSwitcher command on the instance. |
getSessionState() |
This function returns an object for sessionStatus . For more information, see Events for Embedded AppStream 2.0 Streaming Sessions.
getUserInterfaceState() |
This function returns an object for
For more information, see Events for Embedded AppStream 2.0 Streaming Sessions. |
addEventListener(name, callback) |
This function adds a callback function to call when the specified event is triggered. For a list of the events that can be triggered, see Events for Embedded AppStream 2.0 Streaming Sessions. |
removeEventListener(name, callback) |
This function removes the callback for the specified events. |
destroy() |
This function deletes the iframe and cleans up resources. This function does not affect streaming sessions that are in progress. |
Events for Embedded AppStream 2.0 Streaming Sessions
The following table lists the events that can be triggered during embedded AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions.
Event | Data | Description |
AppStream.Embed.Events.SESSION_STATE_CHANGE |
This event is triggered when any session state change occurs. The event includes a map of the states that changed. To retrieve the full session state, use the Following are the session states:
This event is triggered when any session state change occurs. The event includes a map of the states that changed. To retrieve the full session state, use the getSessionState() function. |
AppStream.Embed.Events.SESSION_ERROR |
This event is triggered when any errors occur during a session. |
Examples for Adding Event Listeners and Ending an Embedded AppStream 2.0 Streaming Session
The examples in this section show how to do the following:
Add event listeners for embedded AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions.
Programmatically end an embedded AppStream 2.0 streaming session.
Example 1: Add event listeners for embedded AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions
To add event listeners for session state changes, session interface state changes, and session errors during embedded streaming sessions, use the following code:
appstreamEmbed.addEventListener(AppStream.Embed.Events.SESSION_STATE_CHANGE, updateSessionStateCallback); appstreamEmbed.addEventListener(AppStream.Embed.Events.SESSION_INTERFACE_STATE_CHANGE, updateUserInterfaceStateCallback); appstreamEmbed.addEventListener(AppStream.Embed.Events.SESSION_ERROR, errorCallback);
In this example, AppStream.Embed.Events.SESSION_STATE_CHANGE
, and AppStream.Embed.Events.SESSION_ERROR
are event names.
The updateSessionStateCallback
, updateUserInterfaceStateCallback
, and errorCallback
functions are ones that you implement. These functions are passed into the addEventListener
function and called when an event is triggered.
Example 2: Programmatically end an embedded AppStream 2.0 streaming session
To end an embedded AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions, use the following function: