Enable Google Drive for Your AppStream 2.0 Users - Amazon AppStream 2.0

Enable Google Drive for Your AppStream 2.0 Users

Before enabling Google Drive, you must do the following:

  • Have an active Google Workspace account with a valid organizational domain and users in the domain to use with AppStream 2.0.

  • Configure an AppStream 2.0 stack with an associated fleet.

    The fleet must use an image that uses a version of the AppStream 2.0 agent released on or after May 31, 2018. For more information, see AppStream 2.0 Agent Release Notes. The fleet must also have access to the internet.

  • Add Amazon AppStream 2.0 as a trusted app in one or more domains associated with your Google Workspace account. You can enable Google Drive for up to 10 domains.

  • Have a Windows-based stack. (Linux-based stacks are not supported).

Follow these steps to add Amazon AppStream 2.0 as a trusted app in your Google Workspace domains.

To add Amazon AppStream 2.0 as a trusted app in your Google Workspace domains
  1. Sign in to the Google Workspace Admin console at https://admin.google.com/.

  2. In the left navigation sidebar, choose Security, Access and data control, API controls.

  3. At the top of the page, in the App access control section, choose MANAGE THIRD-PARTY APP ACCESS.

  4. Choose Add app, and then choose OAuth App Name Or Client ID.

  5. Enter the Amazon AppStream 2.0 OAuth client ID for your AWS Region, and then choose SEARCH. For a list of client IDs, see the table that follows this procedure.

  6. In the search results, choose Amazon AppStream 2.0, and then choose Select.

  7. In the Client ID page, under OAuth Client ID, verify that the correct ID appears in the list, and then select the check box to the left of the ID.

  8. On the lower right of the page, choose SELECT.

  9. Configure which organizational units in your Google Workspace organization should gain access.

  10. Under Access to Google Data, choose Trusted: Can access all Google services, and then choose CONTINUE.

  11. Review that the selections made are correct, then when you are satisfied, choose FINISH.

  12. Verify that the Amazon AppStream 2.0 app, with the correct OAuth ID, appears in the list of connected apps.

Amazon AppStream 2.0 OAuth2 client IDs
Region Amazon AppStream 2.0 OAuth client ID
US East (N. Virginia) 266080779488-15n5q5nkiclp6m524qibnmhmbsg0hk92.apps.googleusercontent.com
US East (Ohio) 723951369598-6tvdlf52g2qh0qa141o4k1avasvnj51i.apps.googleusercontent.com
US West (Oregon) 1026466167591-i4jmemrggsjomp9tnkkcs5tniggfiujb.apps.googleusercontent.com
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 325827353178-coqs1c374mf388ctllrlls374dc1bmb2.apps.googleusercontent.com
Asia Pacific (Seoul) 562383781419-am1i2dnvt050tmdltsvr36i8l2js40dj.apps.googleusercontent.com
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 856871139998-4eia2n1db5j6gtv4c1rdte1fh1gec8vs.apps.googleusercontent.com
Asia Pacific (Sydney) 151535156524-b889372osskprm4dt1clpm53mo3m9omp.apps.googleusercontent.com
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 922579247628-qpl9kpihg3hu5dul2lphbjs4qbg6mjm2.apps.googleusercontent.com
Canada (Central) 872792838542-t39aqh72jv895c89thtk6v83sl6jugm2.apps.googleusercontent.com
Europe (Frankfurt) 643727794574-1se5360a77i84je9j3ap12obov1ib76q.apps.googleusercontent.com
Europe (Ireland) 599492309098-098muc7ofjfo9vua5rm5u9q2k3mlok3j.apps.googleusercontent.com
Europe (London) 682555519925-usbn2sk1ffgo8odgf23nj66ri71na0k5.apps.googleusercontent.com
AWS GovCloud (US-East)



For more information about using AppStream 2.0 in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, see Amazon AppStream 2.0 in the AWS GovCloud (US) User Guide.

AWS GovCloud (US-West)



For more information about using AppStream 2.0 in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, see Amazon AppStream 2.0 in the AWS GovCloud (US) User Guide.

South America (São Paulo) 891888628791-1ltbtedva29esqvqadiatlj4htcgcjfo.apps.googleusercontent.com

Follow these steps to enable Google Drive for your AppStream 2.0 users.

To enable Google Drive while creating a stack
  • Follow the steps in Create a Stack in Amazon AppStream 2.0, make sure that Enable Google Drive is selected, and that you have specified at least one organizational domain associated with your Google Workspace account.

To enable Google Drive for an existing stack
  1. Open the AppStream 2.0 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/appstream2.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Stacks, and select the stack for which to enable Google Drive.

  3. Below the stacks list, choose Storage and select Enable Google Drive for Google Workspace.

  4. In the Enable Google Drive for Google Workspace dialog box, in Google Workspace domain name, type the name of at least one organizational domain that is associated with your Google Workspace account. To specify another domain, choose Add another domain, and type the name of the domain.

  5. After you add domain names, choose Enable.


For guidance that you can provide your users to help them get started with using Google Drive during AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions, see Use Google Drive.