You can configure AppStream 2.0 to redirect a streaming session from a web browser to the AppStream 2.0 client. That way, when your users sign in to AppStream 2.0 and start a streaming session in their web browser, their session is redirected to the AppStream 2.0 client. To do so, perform these steps.
Use the AppStream 2.0
API action to generate a streaming URL. Add the following prefix for the custom AppStream 2.0 client handler to the streaming URL:
Together, the prefix and streaming URL are formatted as follows:
When encoding the URL, make sure that the encoding is in UTF-8.
Powershell sample to encode:
When users are redirected to the streaming URL, their browser detects that the link must be opened by the AppStream 2.0 client.
Users are prompted to choose whether they want to start the streaming session by using the AppStream 2.0 client.
After the prompt, either of the following occurs:
If the AppStream 2.0 client is installed, the user can choose to continue the streaming session by using the AppStream 2.0 client.
If the AppStream 2.0 client is not installed, the browser behavior varies as follows:
Chrome — No message is displayed.
Firefox — A message states that the user needs a new app to open Amazon AppStream.
Microsoft Edge — No message is displayed.
Internet Explorer — A message notifies the user that the AppStream 2.0 client is not installed.
In this case, users can select the Download AppStream Client link to download the client. After they download the client, they can install it, and refresh their browser to start the streaming session by using the client.
Create a Windows desktop shortcut using the default browser
To create a Windows desktop shortcut using the default browser to launch the client, use the following sample Powershell script.
$StringToEncode = '
your URL string
' $encodedUrl = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($StringToEncode)) $shortcutContent = " [{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}] Prop3=19,0 [InternetShortcut] IDList= URL=amazonappstream:$encodedUrl IconIndex=0 HotKey=0 IconFile=$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\AppStreamClient\appstreamclient.exe " Set-Content -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\AppStream 2.0 Client Launcher.url" -Value $shortcutContent