Doc AWS SDK Examples GitHub リポジトリには、他にも SDK の例があります。 AWS
SDK for Python (Boto3) を使用する Amazon Comprehend の例
次のコード例は、Amazon Comprehend AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) で を使用してアクションを実行し、一般的なシナリオを実装する方法を示しています。
「シナリオ」は、1 つのサービス内から、または他の AWS のサービスと組み合わせて複数の関数を呼び出し、特定のタスクを実行する方法を示すコード例です。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
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での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendClassifier: """Encapsulates an Amazon Comprehend custom classifier.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client self.classifier_arn = None def create( self, name, language_code, training_bucket, training_key, data_access_role_arn, mode, ): """ Creates a custom classifier. After the classifier is created, it immediately starts training on the data found in the specified Amazon S3 bucket. Training can take 30 minutes or longer. The `describe_document_classifier` function can be used to get training status and returns a status of TRAINED when the classifier is ready to use. :param name: The name of the classifier. :param language_code: The language the classifier can operate on. :param training_bucket: The Amazon S3 bucket that contains the training data. :param training_key: The prefix used to find training data in the training bucket. If multiple objects have the same prefix, all of them are used. :param data_access_role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role that grants Comprehend permission to read from the training bucket. :return: The ARN of the newly created classifier. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.create_document_classifier( DocumentClassifierName=name, LanguageCode=language_code, InputDataConfig={"S3Uri": f"s3://{training_bucket}/{training_key}"}, DataAccessRoleArn=data_access_role_arn, Mode=mode.value, ) self.classifier_arn = response["DocumentClassifierArn"]"Started classifier creation. Arn is: %s.", self.classifier_arn) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't create classifier %s.", name) raise else: return self.classifier_arn
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「CreateDocumentClassifier」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
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での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendClassifier: """Encapsulates an Amazon Comprehend custom classifier.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client self.classifier_arn = None def delete(self): """ Deletes the classifier. """ try: self.comprehend_client.delete_document_classifier( DocumentClassifierArn=self.classifier_arn )"Deleted classifier %s.", self.classifier_arn) self.classifier_arn = None except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't deleted classifier %s.", self.classifier_arn) raise
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「DeleteDocumentClassifier」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
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での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendClassifier: """Encapsulates an Amazon Comprehend custom classifier.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client self.classifier_arn = None def describe_job(self, job_id): """ Gets metadata about a classification job. :param job_id: The ID of the job to look up. :return: Metadata about the job. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.describe_document_classification_job( JobId=job_id ) job = response["DocumentClassificationJobProperties"]"Got classification job %s.", job["JobName"]) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get classification job %s.", job_id) raise else: return job
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「DescribeDocumentClassificationJob」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
GitHub には、その他のリソースもあります。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendClassifier: """Encapsulates an Amazon Comprehend custom classifier.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client self.classifier_arn = None def describe(self, classifier_arn=None): """ Gets metadata about a custom classifier, including its current status. :param classifier_arn: The ARN of the classifier to look up. :return: Metadata about the classifier. """ if classifier_arn is not None: self.classifier_arn = classifier_arn try: response = self.comprehend_client.describe_document_classifier( DocumentClassifierArn=self.classifier_arn ) classifier = response["DocumentClassifierProperties"]"Got classifier %s.", self.classifier_arn) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get classifier %s.", self.classifier_arn) raise else: return classifier
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「DescribeDocumentClassifier」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
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での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendTopicModeler: """Encapsulates a Comprehend topic modeler.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client def describe_job(self, job_id): """ Gets metadata about a topic modeling job. :param job_id: The ID of the job to look up. :return: Metadata about the job. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.describe_topics_detection_job( JobId=job_id ) job = response["TopicsDetectionJobProperties"]"Got topic detection job %s.", job_id) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get topic detection job %s.", job_id) raise else: return job
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「DescribeTopicsDetectionJob」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
GitHub には、その他のリソースもあります。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendDetect: """Encapsulates Comprehend detection functions.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client def detect_languages(self, text): """ Detects languages used in a document. :param text: The document to inspect. :return: The list of languages along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_dominant_language(Text=text) languages = response["Languages"]"Detected %s languages.", len(languages)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect languages.") raise else: return languages
API の詳細については、「AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンス」の「DetectDominantLanguage」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
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での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendDetect: """Encapsulates Comprehend detection functions.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client def detect_entities(self, text, language_code): """ Detects entities in a document. Entities can be things like people and places or other common terms. :param text: The document to inspect. :param language_code: The language of the document. :return: The list of entities along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_entities( Text=text, LanguageCode=language_code ) entities = response["Entities"]"Detected %s entities.", len(entities)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect entities.") raise else: return entities
API の詳細については、「AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンス」の「DetectEntities」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
GitHub には、その他のリソースもあります。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendDetect: """Encapsulates Comprehend detection functions.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client def detect_key_phrases(self, text, language_code): """ Detects key phrases in a document. A key phrase is typically a noun and its modifiers. :param text: The document to inspect. :param language_code: The language of the document. :return: The list of key phrases along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_key_phrases( Text=text, LanguageCode=language_code ) phrases = response["KeyPhrases"]"Detected %s phrases.", len(phrases)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect phrases.") raise else: return phrases
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「DetectKeyPhrases」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
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での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendDetect: """Encapsulates Comprehend detection functions.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client def detect_pii(self, text, language_code): """ Detects personally identifiable information (PII) in a document. PII can be things like names, account numbers, or addresses. :param text: The document to inspect. :param language_code: The language of the document. :return: The list of PII entities along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_pii_entities( Text=text, LanguageCode=language_code ) entities = response["Entities"]"Detected %s PII entities.", len(entities)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect PII entities.") raise else: return entities
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「DetectPiiEntities」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
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での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendDetect: """Encapsulates Comprehend detection functions.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client def detect_sentiment(self, text, language_code): """ Detects the overall sentiment expressed in a document. Sentiment can be positive, negative, neutral, or a mixture. :param text: The document to inspect. :param language_code: The language of the document. :return: The sentiments along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_sentiment( Text=text, LanguageCode=language_code )"Detected primary sentiment %s.", response["Sentiment"]) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect sentiment.") raise else: return response
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「DetectSentiment」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
GitHub には、その他のリソースもあります。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendDetect: """Encapsulates Comprehend detection functions.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client def detect_syntax(self, text, language_code): """ Detects syntactical elements of a document. Syntax tokens are portions of text along with their use as parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, and interjections. :param text: The document to inspect. :param language_code: The language of the document. :return: The list of syntax tokens along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_syntax( Text=text, LanguageCode=language_code ) tokens = response["SyntaxTokens"]"Detected %s syntax tokens.", len(tokens)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect syntax.") raise else: return tokens
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンス の「DetectSyntax」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
GitHub には、その他のリソースもあります。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendClassifier: """Encapsulates an Amazon Comprehend custom classifier.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client self.classifier_arn = None def list_jobs(self): """ Lists the classification jobs for the current account. :return: The list of jobs. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.list_document_classification_jobs() jobs = response["DocumentClassificationJobPropertiesList"]"Got %s document classification jobs.", len(jobs)) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't get document classification jobs.", ) raise else: return jobs
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「ListDocumentClassificationJobs」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
GitHub には、その他のリソースもあります。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendClassifier: """Encapsulates an Amazon Comprehend custom classifier.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client self.classifier_arn = None def list(self): """ Lists custom classifiers for the current account. :return: The list of classifiers. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.list_document_classifiers() classifiers = response["DocumentClassifierPropertiesList"]"Got %s classifiers.", len(classifiers)) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't get classifiers.", ) raise else: return classifiers
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「ListDocumentClassifiers」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
GitHub には、その他のリソースもあります。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendTopicModeler: """Encapsulates a Comprehend topic modeler.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client def list_jobs(self): """ Lists topic modeling jobs for the current account. :return: The list of jobs. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.list_topics_detection_jobs() jobs = response["TopicsDetectionJobPropertiesList"]"Got %s topic detection jobs.", len(jobs)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get topic detection jobs.") raise else: return jobs
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「ListTopicsDetectionJobs」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
GitHub には、その他のリソースもあります。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendClassifier: """Encapsulates an Amazon Comprehend custom classifier.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client self.classifier_arn = None def start_job( self, job_name, input_bucket, input_key, input_format, output_bucket, output_key, data_access_role_arn, ): """ Starts a classification job. The classifier must be trained or the job will fail. Input is read from the specified Amazon S3 input bucket and written to the specified output bucket. Output data is stored in a tar archive compressed in gzip format. The job runs asynchronously, so you can call `describe_document_classification_job` to get job status until it returns a status of SUCCEEDED. :param job_name: The name of the job. :param input_bucket: The Amazon S3 bucket that contains input data. :param input_key: The prefix used to find input data in the input bucket. If multiple objects have the same prefix, all of them are used. :param input_format: The format of the input data, either one document per file or one document per line. :param output_bucket: The Amazon S3 bucket where output data is written. :param output_key: The prefix prepended to the output data. :param data_access_role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role that grants Comprehend permission to read from the input bucket and write to the output bucket. :return: Information about the job, including the job ID. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.start_document_classification_job( DocumentClassifierArn=self.classifier_arn, JobName=job_name, InputDataConfig={ "S3Uri": f"s3://{input_bucket}/{input_key}", "InputFormat": input_format.value, }, OutputDataConfig={"S3Uri": f"s3://{output_bucket}/{output_key}"}, DataAccessRoleArn=data_access_role_arn, ) "Document classification job %s is %s.", job_name, response["JobStatus"] ) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't start classification job %s.", job_name) raise else: return response
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「StartDocumentClassificationJob」を参照してください。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
GitHub には、その他のリソースもあります。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 class ComprehendTopicModeler: """Encapsulates a Comprehend topic modeler.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client def start_job( self, job_name, input_bucket, input_key, input_format, output_bucket, output_key, data_access_role_arn, ): """ Starts a topic modeling job. Input is read from the specified Amazon S3 input bucket and written to the specified output bucket. Output data is stored in a tar archive compressed in gzip format. The job runs asynchronously, so you can call `describe_topics_detection_job` to get job status until it returns a status of SUCCEEDED. :param job_name: The name of the job. :param input_bucket: An Amazon S3 bucket that contains job input. :param input_key: The prefix used to find input data in the input bucket. If multiple objects have the same prefix, all of them are used. :param input_format: The format of the input data, either one document per file or one document per line. :param output_bucket: The Amazon S3 bucket where output data is written. :param output_key: The prefix prepended to the output data. :param data_access_role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role that grants Comprehend permission to read from the input bucket and write to the output bucket. :return: Information about the job, including the job ID. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.start_topics_detection_job( JobName=job_name, DataAccessRoleArn=data_access_role_arn, InputDataConfig={ "S3Uri": f"s3://{input_bucket}/{input_key}", "InputFormat": input_format.value, }, OutputDataConfig={"S3Uri": f"s3://{output_bucket}/{output_key}"}, )"Started topic modeling job %s.", response["JobId"]) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't start topic modeling job.") raise else: return response
API の詳細については、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンスの「StartTopicsDetectionJob」を参照してください。
ドキュメントから個人を特定できる情報 (PII)を検出する。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
GitHub には、その他のリソースもあります。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 Amazon Comprehend のアクションをラップするクラスを作成します。
import logging from pprint import pprint import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ComprehendDetect: """Encapsulates Comprehend detection functions.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client def detect_languages(self, text): """ Detects languages used in a document. :param text: The document to inspect. :return: The list of languages along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_dominant_language(Text=text) languages = response["Languages"]"Detected %s languages.", len(languages)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect languages.") raise else: return languages def detect_entities(self, text, language_code): """ Detects entities in a document. Entities can be things like people and places or other common terms. :param text: The document to inspect. :param language_code: The language of the document. :return: The list of entities along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_entities( Text=text, LanguageCode=language_code ) entities = response["Entities"]"Detected %s entities.", len(entities)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect entities.") raise else: return entities def detect_key_phrases(self, text, language_code): """ Detects key phrases in a document. A key phrase is typically a noun and its modifiers. :param text: The document to inspect. :param language_code: The language of the document. :return: The list of key phrases along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_key_phrases( Text=text, LanguageCode=language_code ) phrases = response["KeyPhrases"]"Detected %s phrases.", len(phrases)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect phrases.") raise else: return phrases def detect_pii(self, text, language_code): """ Detects personally identifiable information (PII) in a document. PII can be things like names, account numbers, or addresses. :param text: The document to inspect. :param language_code: The language of the document. :return: The list of PII entities along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_pii_entities( Text=text, LanguageCode=language_code ) entities = response["Entities"]"Detected %s PII entities.", len(entities)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect PII entities.") raise else: return entities def detect_sentiment(self, text, language_code): """ Detects the overall sentiment expressed in a document. Sentiment can be positive, negative, neutral, or a mixture. :param text: The document to inspect. :param language_code: The language of the document. :return: The sentiments along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_sentiment( Text=text, LanguageCode=language_code )"Detected primary sentiment %s.", response["Sentiment"]) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect sentiment.") raise else: return response def detect_syntax(self, text, language_code): """ Detects syntactical elements of a document. Syntax tokens are portions of text along with their use as parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, and interjections. :param text: The document to inspect. :param language_code: The language of the document. :return: The list of syntax tokens along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_syntax( Text=text, LanguageCode=language_code ) tokens = response["SyntaxTokens"]"Detected %s syntax tokens.", len(tokens)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect syntax.") raise else: return tokens
Wrapper クラスの関数を呼び出して、ドキュメント内のエンティティ、フレーズなどを検出します。
def usage_demo(): print("-" * 88) print("Welcome to the Amazon Comprehend detection demo!") print("-" * 88) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") comp_detect = ComprehendDetect(boto3.client("comprehend")) with open("detect_sample.txt") as sample_file: sample_text = demo_size = 3 print("Sample text used for this demo:") print("-" * 88) print(sample_text) print("-" * 88) print("Detecting languages.") languages = comp_detect.detect_languages(sample_text) pprint(languages) lang_code = languages[0]["LanguageCode"] print("Detecting entities.") entities = comp_detect.detect_entities(sample_text, lang_code) print(f"The first {demo_size} are:") pprint(entities[:demo_size]) print("Detecting key phrases.") phrases = comp_detect.detect_key_phrases(sample_text, lang_code) print(f"The first {demo_size} are:") pprint(phrases[:demo_size]) print("Detecting personally identifiable information (PII).") pii_entities = comp_detect.detect_pii(sample_text, lang_code) print(f"The first {demo_size} are:") pprint(pii_entities[:demo_size]) print("Detecting sentiment.") sentiment = comp_detect.detect_sentiment(sample_text, lang_code) print(f"Sentiment: {sentiment['Sentiment']}") print("SentimentScore:") pprint(sentiment["SentimentScore"]) print("Detecting syntax elements.") syntax_tokens = comp_detect.detect_syntax(sample_text, lang_code) print(f"The first {demo_size} are:") pprint(syntax_tokens[:demo_size]) print("Thanks for watching!") print("-" * 88)
API の詳細については、「AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンス」の以下のトピックを参照してください。
次のコード例は、Amazon Comprehend を使用して、Amazon S3 に格納されている画像から Amazon Textract によって抽出されたテキスト内のエンティティを検出する方法を示しています。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
Jupyter Notebook AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) で を使用して、イメージから抽出されたテキスト内のエンティティを検出する方法を示します。この例では、Amazon Textract を使用して Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) に保存されている画像からテキストを抽出し、Amazon Comprehend を使用して、抽出されたテキスト内のエンティティを検出します。
この例は Jupyter Notebook であり、ノートブックをホストできる環境で実行する必要があります。Amazon SageMaker AI を使用して例を実行する方法については、TextractAndComprehendNotebook.ipynb
」の手順を参照してください。 完全なソースコードとセットアップおよび実行の手順については、GitHub
で完全な例を参照してください。 この例で使用されているサービス
Amazon Comprehend
Amazon S3
Amazon Textract
Amazon Comprehend トピックモデリングジョブをサンプルデータに対して実行します。
Amazon S3 からジョブ出力データを抽出します。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
GitHub には、その他のリソースもあります。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 Amazon Comprehend トピックモデリングアクションを呼び出すラッパークラスを作成します。
class ComprehendTopicModeler: """Encapsulates a Comprehend topic modeler.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client def start_job( self, job_name, input_bucket, input_key, input_format, output_bucket, output_key, data_access_role_arn, ): """ Starts a topic modeling job. Input is read from the specified Amazon S3 input bucket and written to the specified output bucket. Output data is stored in a tar archive compressed in gzip format. The job runs asynchronously, so you can call `describe_topics_detection_job` to get job status until it returns a status of SUCCEEDED. :param job_name: The name of the job. :param input_bucket: An Amazon S3 bucket that contains job input. :param input_key: The prefix used to find input data in the input bucket. If multiple objects have the same prefix, all of them are used. :param input_format: The format of the input data, either one document per file or one document per line. :param output_bucket: The Amazon S3 bucket where output data is written. :param output_key: The prefix prepended to the output data. :param data_access_role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role that grants Comprehend permission to read from the input bucket and write to the output bucket. :return: Information about the job, including the job ID. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.start_topics_detection_job( JobName=job_name, DataAccessRoleArn=data_access_role_arn, InputDataConfig={ "S3Uri": f"s3://{input_bucket}/{input_key}", "InputFormat": input_format.value, }, OutputDataConfig={"S3Uri": f"s3://{output_bucket}/{output_key}"}, )"Started topic modeling job %s.", response["JobId"]) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't start topic modeling job.") raise else: return response def describe_job(self, job_id): """ Gets metadata about a topic modeling job. :param job_id: The ID of the job to look up. :return: Metadata about the job. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.describe_topics_detection_job( JobId=job_id ) job = response["TopicsDetectionJobProperties"]"Got topic detection job %s.", job_id) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get topic detection job %s.", job_id) raise else: return job def list_jobs(self): """ Lists topic modeling jobs for the current account. :return: The list of jobs. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.list_topics_detection_jobs() jobs = response["TopicsDetectionJobPropertiesList"]"Got %s topic detection jobs.", len(jobs)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get topic detection jobs.") raise else: return jobs
def usage_demo(): print("-" * 88) print("Welcome to the Amazon Comprehend topic modeling demo!") print("-" * 88) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") input_prefix = "input/" output_prefix = "output/" demo_resources = ComprehendDemoResources( boto3.resource("s3"), boto3.resource("iam") ) topic_modeler = ComprehendTopicModeler(boto3.client("comprehend")) print("Setting up storage and security resources needed for the demo.") demo_resources.setup("comprehend-topic-modeler-demo") print("Copying sample data from public bucket into input bucket.") demo_resources.bucket.copy( {"Bucket": "public-sample-us-west-2", "Key": "TopicModeling/Sample.txt"}, f"{input_prefix}sample.txt", ) print("Starting topic modeling job on sample data.") job_info = topic_modeler.start_job( "demo-topic-modeling-job",, input_prefix, JobInputFormat.per_line,, output_prefix, demo_resources.data_access_role.arn, ) print( f"Waiting for job {job_info['JobId']} to complete. This typically takes " f"20 - 30 minutes." ) job_waiter = JobCompleteWaiter(topic_modeler.comprehend_client) job_waiter.wait(job_info["JobId"]) job = topic_modeler.describe_job(job_info["JobId"]) print(f"Job {job['JobId']} complete:") pprint(job) print( f"Getting job output data from the output Amazon S3 bucket: " f"{job['OutputDataConfig']['S3Uri']}." ) job_output = demo_resources.extract_job_output(job) lines = 10 print(f"First {lines} lines of document topics output:") pprint(job_output["doc-topics.csv"]["data"][:lines]) print(f"First {lines} lines of terms output:") pprint(job_output["topic-terms.csv"]["data"][:lines]) print("Cleaning up resources created for the demo.") demo_resources.cleanup() print("Thanks for watching!") print("-" * 88)
API の詳細については、「AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンス」の以下のトピックを参照してください。
Amazon Comprehend マルチラベル分類子を作成します。
2 番目のデータセットで分類ジョブを実行します。
Amazon S3 からジョブ出力データを抽出します。
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
GitHub には、その他のリソースもあります。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 Amazon Comprehend ドキュメント分類子アクションを呼び出すラッパークラスを作成します。
class ComprehendClassifier: """Encapsulates an Amazon Comprehend custom classifier.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client self.classifier_arn = None def create( self, name, language_code, training_bucket, training_key, data_access_role_arn, mode, ): """ Creates a custom classifier. After the classifier is created, it immediately starts training on the data found in the specified Amazon S3 bucket. Training can take 30 minutes or longer. The `describe_document_classifier` function can be used to get training status and returns a status of TRAINED when the classifier is ready to use. :param name: The name of the classifier. :param language_code: The language the classifier can operate on. :param training_bucket: The Amazon S3 bucket that contains the training data. :param training_key: The prefix used to find training data in the training bucket. If multiple objects have the same prefix, all of them are used. :param data_access_role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role that grants Comprehend permission to read from the training bucket. :return: The ARN of the newly created classifier. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.create_document_classifier( DocumentClassifierName=name, LanguageCode=language_code, InputDataConfig={"S3Uri": f"s3://{training_bucket}/{training_key}"}, DataAccessRoleArn=data_access_role_arn, Mode=mode.value, ) self.classifier_arn = response["DocumentClassifierArn"]"Started classifier creation. Arn is: %s.", self.classifier_arn) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't create classifier %s.", name) raise else: return self.classifier_arn def describe(self, classifier_arn=None): """ Gets metadata about a custom classifier, including its current status. :param classifier_arn: The ARN of the classifier to look up. :return: Metadata about the classifier. """ if classifier_arn is not None: self.classifier_arn = classifier_arn try: response = self.comprehend_client.describe_document_classifier( DocumentClassifierArn=self.classifier_arn ) classifier = response["DocumentClassifierProperties"]"Got classifier %s.", self.classifier_arn) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get classifier %s.", self.classifier_arn) raise else: return classifier def list(self): """ Lists custom classifiers for the current account. :return: The list of classifiers. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.list_document_classifiers() classifiers = response["DocumentClassifierPropertiesList"]"Got %s classifiers.", len(classifiers)) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't get classifiers.", ) raise else: return classifiers def delete(self): """ Deletes the classifier. """ try: self.comprehend_client.delete_document_classifier( DocumentClassifierArn=self.classifier_arn )"Deleted classifier %s.", self.classifier_arn) self.classifier_arn = None except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't deleted classifier %s.", self.classifier_arn) raise def start_job( self, job_name, input_bucket, input_key, input_format, output_bucket, output_key, data_access_role_arn, ): """ Starts a classification job. The classifier must be trained or the job will fail. Input is read from the specified Amazon S3 input bucket and written to the specified output bucket. Output data is stored in a tar archive compressed in gzip format. The job runs asynchronously, so you can call `describe_document_classification_job` to get job status until it returns a status of SUCCEEDED. :param job_name: The name of the job. :param input_bucket: The Amazon S3 bucket that contains input data. :param input_key: The prefix used to find input data in the input bucket. If multiple objects have the same prefix, all of them are used. :param input_format: The format of the input data, either one document per file or one document per line. :param output_bucket: The Amazon S3 bucket where output data is written. :param output_key: The prefix prepended to the output data. :param data_access_role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role that grants Comprehend permission to read from the input bucket and write to the output bucket. :return: Information about the job, including the job ID. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.start_document_classification_job( DocumentClassifierArn=self.classifier_arn, JobName=job_name, InputDataConfig={ "S3Uri": f"s3://{input_bucket}/{input_key}", "InputFormat": input_format.value, }, OutputDataConfig={"S3Uri": f"s3://{output_bucket}/{output_key}"}, DataAccessRoleArn=data_access_role_arn, ) "Document classification job %s is %s.", job_name, response["JobStatus"] ) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't start classification job %s.", job_name) raise else: return response def describe_job(self, job_id): """ Gets metadata about a classification job. :param job_id: The ID of the job to look up. :return: Metadata about the job. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.describe_document_classification_job( JobId=job_id ) job = response["DocumentClassificationJobProperties"]"Got classification job %s.", job["JobName"]) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get classification job %s.", job_id) raise else: return job def list_jobs(self): """ Lists the classification jobs for the current account. :return: The list of jobs. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.list_document_classification_jobs() jobs = response["DocumentClassificationJobPropertiesList"]"Got %s document classification jobs.", len(jobs)) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't get document classification jobs.", ) raise else: return jobs
class ClassifierDemo: """ Encapsulates functions used to run the demonstration. """ def __init__(self, demo_resources): """ :param demo_resources: A ComprehendDemoResources class that manages resources for the demonstration. """ self.demo_resources = demo_resources self.training_prefix = "training/" self.input_prefix = "input/" self.input_format = JobInputFormat.per_line self.output_prefix = "output/" def setup(self): """Creates AWS resources used by the demo.""" self.demo_resources.setup("comprehend-classifier-demo") def cleanup(self): """Deletes AWS resources used by the demo.""" self.demo_resources.cleanup() @staticmethod def _sanitize_text(text): """Removes characters that cause errors for the document parser.""" return text.replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ").replace(",", ";") @staticmethod def _get_issues(query, issue_count): """ Gets issues from GitHub using the specified query parameters. :param query: The query string used to request issues from the GitHub API. :param issue_count: The number of issues to retrieve. :return: The list of issues retrieved from GitHub. """ issues = []"Requesting issues from %s?%s.", GITHUB_SEARCH_URL, query) response = requests.get(f"{GITHUB_SEARCH_URL}?{query}&per_page={issue_count}") if response.status_code == 200: issue_page = response.json()["items"]"Got %s issues.", len(issue_page)) issues = [ { "title": ClassifierDemo._sanitize_text(issue["title"]), "body": ClassifierDemo._sanitize_text(issue["body"]), "labels": {label["name"] for label in issue["labels"]}, } for issue in issue_page ] else: logger.error( "GitHub returned error code %s with message %s.", response.status_code, response.json(), )"Found %s issues.", len(issues)) return issues def get_training_issues(self, training_labels): """ Gets issues used for training the custom classifier. Training issues are closed issues from the Boto3 repo that have known labels. Comprehend requires a minimum of ten training issues per label. :param training_labels: The issue labels to use for training. :return: The set of issues used for training. """ issues = [] per_label_count = 15 for label in training_labels: issues += self._get_issues( f"q=type:issue+repo:boto/boto3+state:closed+label:{label}", per_label_count, ) for issue in issues: issue["labels"] = issue["labels"].intersection(training_labels) return issues def get_input_issues(self, training_labels): """ Gets input issues from GitHub. For demonstration purposes, input issues are open issues from the Boto3 repo with known labels, though in practice any issue could be submitted to the classifier for labeling. :param training_labels: The set of labels to query for. :return: The set of issues used for input. """ issues = [] per_label_count = 5 for label in training_labels: issues += self._get_issues( f"q=type:issue+repo:boto/boto3+state:open+label:{label}", per_label_count, ) return issues def upload_issue_data(self, issues, training=False): """ Uploads issue data to an Amazon S3 bucket, either for training or for input. The data is first put into the format expected by Comprehend. For training, the set of pipe-delimited labels is prepended to each document. For input, labels are not sent. :param issues: The set of issues to upload to Amazon S3. :param training: Indicates whether the issue data is used for training or input. """ try: obj_key = ( self.training_prefix if training else self.input_prefix ) + "issues.txt" if training: issue_strings = [ f"{'|'.join(issue['labels'])},{issue['title']} {issue['body']}" for issue in issues ] else: issue_strings = [ f"{issue['title']} {issue['body']}" for issue in issues ] issue_bytes = BytesIO("\n".join(issue_strings).encode("utf-8")) self.demo_resources.bucket.upload_fileobj(issue_bytes, obj_key) "Uploaded data as %s to bucket %s.", obj_key,, ) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't upload data to bucket %s.", ) raise def extract_job_output(self, job): """Extracts job output from Amazon S3.""" return self.demo_resources.extract_job_output(job) @staticmethod def reconcile_job_output(input_issues, output_dict): """ Reconciles job output with the list of input issues. Because the input issues have known labels, these can be compared with the labels added by the classifier to judge the accuracy of the output. :param input_issues: The list of issues used as input. :param output_dict: The dictionary of data that is output by the classifier. :return: The list of reconciled input and output data. """ reconciled = [] for archive in output_dict.values(): for line in archive["data"]: in_line = int(line["Line"]) in_labels = input_issues[in_line]["labels"] out_labels = { label["Name"] for label in line["Labels"] if float(label["Score"]) > 0.3 } reconciled.append( f"{line['File']}, line {in_line} has labels {in_labels}.\n" f"\tClassifier assigned {out_labels}." )"Reconciled input and output labels.") return reconciled
ラベルがわかっている一連の GitHub 課題について分類子をトレーニングし、次に 2 つ目の GitHub 課題セットを分類子に送信してラベル付けできるようにします。
def usage_demo(): print("-" * 88) print("Welcome to the Amazon Comprehend custom document classifier demo!") print("-" * 88) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") comp_demo = ClassifierDemo( ComprehendDemoResources(boto3.resource("s3"), boto3.resource("iam")) ) comp_classifier = ComprehendClassifier(boto3.client("comprehend")) classifier_trained_waiter = ClassifierTrainedWaiter( comp_classifier.comprehend_client ) training_labels = {"bug", "feature-request", "dynamodb", "s3"} print("Setting up storage and security resources needed for the demo.") comp_demo.setup() print("Getting training data from GitHub and uploading it to Amazon S3.") training_issues = comp_demo.get_training_issues(training_labels) comp_demo.upload_issue_data(training_issues, True) classifier_name = "doc-example-classifier" print(f"Creating document classifier {classifier_name}.") comp_classifier.create( classifier_name, "en",, comp_demo.training_prefix, comp_demo.demo_resources.data_access_role.arn, ClassifierMode.multi_label, ) print( f"Waiting until {classifier_name} is trained. This typically takes " f"30–40 minutes." ) classifier_trained_waiter.wait(comp_classifier.classifier_arn) print(f"Classifier {classifier_name} is trained:") pprint(comp_classifier.describe()) print("Getting input data from GitHub and uploading it to Amazon S3.") input_issues = comp_demo.get_input_issues(training_labels) comp_demo.upload_issue_data(input_issues) print("Starting classification job on input data.") job_info = comp_classifier.start_job( "issue_classification_job",, comp_demo.input_prefix, comp_demo.input_format,, comp_demo.output_prefix, comp_demo.demo_resources.data_access_role.arn, ) print(f"Waiting for job {job_info['JobId']} to complete.") job_waiter = JobCompleteWaiter(comp_classifier.comprehend_client) job_waiter.wait(job_info["JobId"]) job = comp_classifier.describe_job(job_info["JobId"]) print(f"Job {job['JobId']} complete:") pprint(job) print( f"Getting job output data from Amazon S3: " f"{job['OutputDataConfig']['S3Uri']}." ) job_output = comp_demo.extract_job_output(job) print("Job output:") pprint(job_output) print("Reconciling job output with labels from GitHub:") reconciled_output = comp_demo.reconcile_job_output(input_issues, job_output) print(*reconciled_output, sep="\n") answer = input(f"Do you want to delete the classifier {classifier_name} (y/n)? ") if answer.lower() == "y": print(f"Deleting {classifier_name}.") comp_classifier.delete() print("Cleaning up resources created for the demo.") comp_demo.cleanup() print("Thanks for watching!") print("-" * 88)
API の詳細については、「AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API リファレンス」の以下のトピックを参照してください。