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Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie InvokeFlow mit einem Amazon Bedrock-Flow kommunizieren können, der einen Agentenknoten enthält.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Converse mit einem Amazon Bedrock-Flow.
- SDK für Python (Boto3)
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einrichten und ausführen. """ Shows how to run an Amazon Bedrock flow with InvokeFlow and handle muli-turn interaction for a single conversation. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/bedrock/latest/userguide/flows-multi-turn-invocation.html. """ import logging import boto3 import botocore import botocore.exceptions logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def invoke_flow(client, flow_id, flow_alias_id, input_data, execution_id): """ Invoke an Amazon Bedrock flow and handle the response stream. Args: client: Boto3 client for Amazon Bedrock agent runtime. flow_id: The ID of the flow to invoke. flow_alias_id: The alias ID of the flow. input_data: Input data for the flow. execution_id: Execution ID for continuing a flow. Use the value None on first run. Returns: Dict containing flow_complete status, input_required info, and execution_id """ response = None request_params = None if execution_id is None: # Don't pass execution ID for first run. request_params = { "flowIdentifier": flow_id, "flowAliasIdentifier": flow_alias_id, "inputs": [input_data], "enableTrace": True } else: request_params = { "flowIdentifier": flow_id, "flowAliasIdentifier": flow_alias_id, "executionId": execution_id, "inputs": [input_data], "enableTrace": True } response = client.invoke_flow(**request_params) if "executionId" not in request_params: execution_id = response['executionId'] input_required = None flow_status = "" # Process the streaming response for event in response['responseStream']: # Check if flow is complete. if 'flowCompletionEvent' in event: flow_status = event['flowCompletionEvent']['completionReason'] # Check if more input us needed from user. elif 'flowMultiTurnInputRequestEvent' in event: input_required = event # Print the model output. elif 'flowOutputEvent' in event: print(event['flowOutputEvent']['content']['document']) # Log trace events. elif 'flowTraceEvent' in event: logger.info("Flow trace: %s", event['flowTraceEvent']) return { "flow_status": flow_status, "input_required": input_required, "execution_id": execution_id } def converse_with_flow(bedrock_agent_client, flow_id, flow_alias_id): """ Run a conversation with the supplied flow. Args: bedrock_agent_client: Boto3 client for Amazon Bedrock agent runtime. flow_id: The ID of the flow to run. flow_alias_id: The alias ID of the flow. """ flow_execution_id = None finished = False # Get the intial prompt from the user. user_input = input("Enter input: ") # Use prompt to create input data. flow_input_data = { "content": { "document": user_input }, "nodeName": "FlowInputNode", "nodeOutputName": "document" } try: while not finished: # Invoke the flow until successfully finished. result = invoke_flow( bedrock_agent_client, flow_id, flow_alias_id, flow_input_data, flow_execution_id) status = result['flow_status'] flow_execution_id = result['execution_id'] more_input = result['input_required'] if status == "INPUT_REQUIRED": # The flow needs more information from the user. logger.info("The flow %s requires more input", flow_id) user_input = input( more_input['flowMultiTurnInputRequestEvent']['content']['document'] + ": ") flow_input_data = { "content": { "document": user_input }, "nodeName": more_input['flowMultiTurnInputRequestEvent']['nodeName'], "nodeInputName": "agentInputText" } elif status == "SUCCESS": # The flow completed successfully. finished = True logger.info("The flow %s successfully completed.", flow_id) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: print(f"Client error: {str(e)}") logger.error("Client error: %s", {str(e)}) except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}") logger.error("An error occurred: %s", {str(e)}) logger.error("Error type: %s", {type(e)}) def main(): """ Main entry point for the script. """ # Replace these with your actual flow ID and flow alias ID. FLOW_ID = 'YOUR_FLOW_ID' FLOW_ALIAS_ID = 'YOUR_FLOW_ALIAS_ID' logger.info("Starting conversation with FLOW: %s ID: %s", FLOW_ID, FLOW_ALIAS_ID) # Get the Bedrock agent runtime client. session = boto3.Session(profile_name='default') bedrock_agent_client = session.client('bedrock-agent-runtime') # Start the conversation. converse_with_flow(bedrock_agent_client, FLOW_ID, FLOW_ALIAS_ID) logger.info("Conversation with FLOW: %s ID: %s finished", FLOW_ID, FLOW_ALIAS_ID) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie InvokeFlowin AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
Eine vollständige Liste der AWS SDK-Entwicklerhandbücher und Codebeispiele finden Sie unter. Amazon Bedrock mit einem AWS SDK verwenden Dieses Thema enthält auch Informationen zu den ersten Schritten und Details zu früheren SDK-Versionen.