Modellunterstützung von AWS-Region in Amazon Bedrock - Amazon Bedrock

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Modellunterstützung von AWS-Region in Amazon Bedrock

Eine Liste der Produkte AWS-Regionen , die Amazon Bedrock unterstützen, finden Sie unter Amazon Bedrock Endpoints and Quotas. Die Modelle der Amazon Bedrock Foundation unterscheiden sich in ihrer regionalen Unterstützung.

Die folgende Tabelle zeigt den regionalen Support nach Modell:

Anbieter Modell USA Ost (Nord-Virginia) USA Ost (Ohio) USA West (Oregon) AWS GovCloud (US-Ost) AWS GovCloud (US-West) Asien-Pazifik (Tokio) Asien-Pazifik (Seoul) Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Asien-Pazifik (Singapur) Asien-Pazifik (Sydney) Kanada (Zentral) Europa (Frankfurt) Europa (Zürich) Europa (Irland) Europa (London) Europe (Paris) Südamerika (São Paulo)
AI21 Labs Jamba-Instruct Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
AI21 Labs Jamba 1.5 Large Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
AI21 Labs Jamba 1.5 Mini Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Amazon Titan Text G1 - Express Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja
Amazon Titan Embeddings G1 - Text Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Amazon Titan Text Embeddings V2 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja
Amazon Rerank 1.0 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Amazon Titan Text G1 - Lite Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja
Amazon Titan Multimodal Embeddings G1 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja
Amazon Titan Image Generator G1 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Amazon Titan Image Generator G1 v2 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Amazon Titan Text G1 - Premier Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Amazon Nova Pro Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Amazon Nova Lite Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Amazon Nova Canvas Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Amazon Nova Reel Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Amazon Nova Micro Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Anthropic Claude Instant Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Anthropic Claude 2.1 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Anthropic Claude 3 Haiku Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja
Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja
Anthropic Claude Instant Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Anthropic Claude Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Anthropic Claude 2 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Anthropic Claude 3 Opus Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet v2 Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Anthropic Claude 3.5 Haiku Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Cohere Embed English Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja
Cohere Embed Multilingual Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja
Cohere Rerank 3.5 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Cohere Command Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Cohere Command R Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Cohere Command R+ Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Cohere Command Light Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Luma AI Ray v2 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Meta Llama 3 70B Instruct Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Meta Llama 3 8B Instruct Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Meta Llama 3.2 3B Instruct Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Meta Llama 3.2 11B Instruct Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Meta Llama 3.1 405B Instruct Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Meta Llama 3.1 70B Instruct Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Meta Llama 3.2 1B Instruct Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Meta Llama 3.2 90B Instruct Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Meta Llama 3.3 70B Instruct Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Meta Llama 3.1 8B Instruct Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Orange triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark in the center. Ja* Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Mistral AI Mistral 7B Instruct Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja
Mistral AI Mixtral 8x7B Instruct Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja
Mistral AI Mistral Large (24.02) Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja
Mistral AI Mistral Small (24.02) Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Mistral AI Mistral Large (24.07) Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Stability AI SD3 Large 1.0 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Stability AI Stable Diffusion 3.5 Large Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Stability AI Stable Image Core 1.0 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Stability AI Stable Image Core 1.0 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Stability AI Stable Image Ultra 1.0 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Stability AI Stable Image Ultra 1.0 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein

* Einige Modelle sind in einigen Regionen nur durch regionsübergreifende Inferenz zugänglich. Weitere Informationen zur regionsübergreifenden Inferenz finden Sie unter und. Erhöhen Sie den Durchsatz mit regionsübergreifender Inferenz Unterstützte Regionen und Modelle für Inferenzprofile

Die folgende Tabelle zeigt die Unterstützung von Regionen für Modelle, deren Verfallsdatum festgelegt ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Modelllebenszyklus.

Anbieter Modell USA Ost (Nord-Virginia) USA Ost (Ohio) USA West (Oregon) AWS GovCloud (US-Ost) AWS GovCloud (US-West) Asien-Pazifik (Tokio) Asien-Pazifik (Seoul) Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Asien-Pazifik (Singapur) Asien-Pazifik (Sydney) Kanada (Zentral) Europa (Frankfurt) Europa (Zürich) Europa (Irland) Europa (London) Europe (Paris) Südamerika (São Paulo)
AI21 Labs J2 Grande Instruct Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
AI21 Labs J2 Jumbo Instruct Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
AI21 Labs Jurassic-2 Mid Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
AI21 Labs Jurassic-2 Ultra Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein
Stability AI SDXL 1.0 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. Ja Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. Nein

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