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Amazon Bedrock AWS リージョン での による機能のサポート

Amazon Bedrock AWS リージョン での による機能のサポート - Amazon Bedrock



Amazon Bedrock AWS リージョン をサポートする のリストについては、「Amazon Bedrock エンドポイントとクォータ」を参照してください。Amazon Bedrock の機能は、リージョンごとのサポートが異なります。



  • モデル推論 (InvokeModelInvokeModelWithResponseStreamConverseConverseStream) は、Amazon Bedrock でサポートされているすべてのリージョンで使用できます。

  • 欧州 (パリ) でのモデル評価は、自動評価ジョブでのみ使用できます。

  • AWS GovCloud (米国西部) のプロビジョンドスループットは、コミットなしのカスタムモデルでのみ使用できます。


Regions 米国東部 (バージニア北部) 米国東部 (オハイオ) 米国西部 (オレゴン) AWS GovCloud (米国東部) AWS GovCloud (米国西部) アジアパシフィック (東京) アジアパシフィック (ソウル) アジアパシフィック (大阪) アジアパシフィック (ムンバイ) アジアパシフィック (ハイデラバード) アジアパシフィック (シンガポール) アジアパシフィック (シドニー) カナダ (中部) 欧州 (フランクフルト) 欧州 (チューリッヒ) 欧州 (ストックホルム) 欧州 (アイルランド) 欧州 (ロンドン) 欧州 (パリ) 南米 (サンパウロ)
エージェント Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり
Amazon Bedrock IDE Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし
アプリケーション推論プロファイル Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり
バッチ推論 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり
継続的な事前トレーニング Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし
カスタムモデルのインポート Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし
ファインチューニング Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし
フロー Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり
ガードレール Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり
ガードレールイメージフィルター Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし
ナレッジベース Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり
レイテンシーの最適化 Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし
モデルコピー Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり
モデル評価 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり
モデル共有 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし
プロンプト管理 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり
プロンプトの最適化 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり
プロビジョンドスループット Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり
RAG 評価 Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり
再ランク付け Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Green circular icon with a white checkmark symbol inside. あり Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし Red circular icon with an X symbol, indicating cancellation or denial. なし


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