Apache Spark with Amazon SageMaker AI - Amazon SageMaker AI

Apache Spark with Amazon SageMaker AI

Amazon SageMaker AI Spark is an open source Spark library that helps you build Spark machine learning (ML) pipelines with SageMaker AI. This simplifies the integration of Spark ML stages with SageMaker AI stages, like model training and hosting. For information about SageMaker AI Spark, see the SageMaker AI Spark GitHub repository. The following topics provide information to learn how to use Apache Spark with SageMaker AI.

The SageMaker AI Spark library is available in Python and Scala. You can use SageMaker AI Spark to train models in SageMaker AI using org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame data frames in your Spark clusters. After model training, you can also host the model using SageMaker AI hosting services.

The SageMaker AI Spark library, com.amazonaws.services.sagemaker.sparksdk, provides the following classes, among others:

  • SageMakerEstimator—Extends the org.apache.spark.ml.Estimator interface. You can use this estimator for model training in SageMaker AI.

  • KMeansSageMakerEstimator, PCASageMakerEstimator, and XGBoostSageMakerEstimator—Extend the SageMakerEstimator class.

  • SageMakerModel—Extends the org.apache.spark.ml.Model class. You can use this SageMakerModel for model hosting and getting inferences in SageMaker AI.

You can download the source code for both Python Spark (PySpark) and Scala libraries from the SageMaker AI Spark GitHub repository.

For installation and examples of the SageMaker AI Spark library, see SageMaker AI Spark for Scala examples or Resources for using SageMaker AI Spark for Python (PySpark) examples.

If you use Amazon EMR on AWS to manage Spark clusters, see Apache Spark. For more information on using Amazon EMR in SageMaker AI, see Data preparation using Amazon EMR.

Integrate your Apache Spark application with SageMaker AI

The following is high-level summary of the steps for integrating your Apache Spark application with SageMaker AI.

  1. Continue data preprocessing using the Apache Spark library that you are familiar with. Your dataset remains a DataFrame in your Spark cluster. Load your data into a DataFrame. Preprocess it so that you have a features column with org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.Vector of Doubles, and an optional label column with values of Double​ type.

  2. Use the estimator in the SageMaker AI Spark library to train your model. For example, if you choose the k-means algorithm provided by SageMaker AI for model training, call the KMeansSageMakerEstimator.fit method.

    Provide your DataFrame as input. The estimator returns a SageMakerModel object.


    SageMakerModel extends the org.apache.spark.ml.Model.

    The fit method does the following:

    1. Converts the input DataFrame to the protobuf format. It does so by selecting the features and label columns from the input DataFrame. It then uploads the protobuf data to an Amazon S3 bucket. The protobuf format is efficient for model training in SageMaker AI.

    2. Starts model training in SageMaker AI by sending a SageMaker AI CreateTrainingJob request. After model training has completed, SageMaker AI saves the model artifacts to an S3 bucket.

      SageMaker AI assumes the IAM role that you specified for model training to perform tasks on your behalf. For example, it uses the role to read training data from an S3 bucket and to write model artifacts to a bucket.

    3. Creates and returns a SageMakerModel object. The constructor does the following tasks, which are related to deploying your model to SageMaker AI.

      1. Sends a CreateModel request to SageMaker AI.

      2. Sends a CreateEndpointConfig request to SageMaker AI.

      3. Sends a CreateEndpoint request to SageMaker AI, which then launches the specified resources, and hosts the model on them.

  3. You can get inferences from your model hosted in SageMaker AI with the SageMakerModel.transform.

    Provide an input DataFrame with features as input. The transform method transforms it to a DataFrame containing inferences. Internally, the transform method sends a request to the InvokeEndpoint SageMaker API to get inferences. The transform method appends the inferences to the input DataFrame.