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Utilizzare GetPipelineState
con una CLI
Gli esempi di codice seguenti mostrano come utilizzare GetPipelineState
Per ottenere informazioni sullo stato di una pipeline
Questo esempio restituisce lo stato più recente di una pipeline denominata. MyFirstPipeline
aws codepipeline get-pipeline-state --name
{ "created": 1446137312.204, "pipelineName": "MyFirstPipeline", "pipelineVersion": 1, "stageStates": [ { "actionStates": [ { "actionName": "Source", "entityUrl": "", "latestExecution": { "lastStatusChange": 1446137358.328, "status": "Succeeded" } } ], "stageName": "Source" }, { "actionStates": [ { "actionName": "CodePipelineDemoFleet", "entityUrl": "", "latestExecution": { "externalExecutionId": "d-EXAMPLE", "externalExecutionUrl": "", "lastStatusChange": 1446137493.131, "status": "Succeeded", "summary": "Deployment Succeeded" } } ], "inboundTransitionState": { "enabled": true }, "stageName": "Beta" } ], "updated": 1446137312.204 }
Per i dettagli sull'API, vedere GetPipelineState
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
- PowerShell
- Strumenti per PowerShell
Esempio 1: Questo esempio ottiene informazioni generali sugli stadi della pipeline specificata.
Get-CPPipelineState -Name CodePipelineDemo
Created : 8/13/2015 10:17:54 PM PipelineName : CodePipelineDemo PipelineVersion : 1 StageStates : {Source, Build, Beta, TestStage} Updated : 8/13/2015 10:17:54 PM
Esempio 2: Questo esempio ottiene informazioni dettagliate sullo stato della pipeline specificata.
ForEach ($stageState in (Get-CPPipelineState -Name $arg).StageStates) { Write-Output ("For " + $stageState.StageName + ":") Write-Output (" InboundTransitionState:") Write-Output (" DisabledReason = " + $stageState.InboundTransitionState.DisabledReason) Write-Output (" Enabled = " + $stageState.InboundTransitionState.Enabled) Write-Output (" LastChangedAt = " + $stageState.InboundTransitionState.LastChangedAt) Write-Output (" LastChangedBy = " + $stageState.InboundTransitionState.LastChangedBy) Write-Output (" ActionStates:") ForEach ($actionState in $stageState.ActionStates) { Write-Output (" For " + $actionState.ActionName + ":") Write-Output (" CurrentRevision:") Write-Output (" Created = " + $actionState.CurrentRevision.Created) Write-Output (" RevisionChangeId = " + $actionState.CurrentRevision.RevisionChangeId) Write-Output (" RevisionId = " + $actionState.CurrentRevision.RevisionId) Write-Output (" EntityUrl = " + $actionState.EntityUrl) Write-Output (" LatestExecution:") Write-Output (" ErrorDetails:") Write-Output (" Code = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.ErrorDetails.Code) Write-Output (" Message = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.ErrorDetails.Message) Write-Output (" ExternalExecutionId = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.ExternalExecutionId) Write-Output (" ExternalExecutionUrl = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.ExternalExecutionUrl) Write-Output (" LastStatusChange = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.LastStatusChange) Write-Output (" PercentComplete = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.PercentComplete) Write-Output (" Status = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.Status) Write-Output (" Summary = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.Summary) Write-Output (" RevisionUrl = " + $actionState.RevisionUrl) } }
For Source: InboundTransitionState: DisabledReason = Enabled = LastChangedAt = LastChangedBy = ActionStates: For Source: CurrentRevision: Created = RevisionChangeId = RevisionId = EntityUrl = LatestExecution: ErrorDetails: Code = Message = ExternalExecutionId = ExternalExecutionUrl = LastStatusChange = 07/20/2015 23:28:45 PercentComplete = 0 Status = Succeeded Summary = RevisionUrl = For Build: InboundTransitionState: DisabledReason = Enabled = True LastChangedAt = 01/01/0001 00:00:00 LastChangedBy = ActionStates: For Build: CurrentRevision: Created = RevisionChangeId = RevisionId = EntityUrl = LatestExecution: ErrorDetails: Code = TimeoutError Message = The action failed because a job worker exceeded its time limit. If this is a custom action, make sure that the job worker is configured correctly. ExternalExecutionId = ExternalExecutionUrl = LastStatusChange = 07/21/2015 00:29:29 PercentComplete = 0 Status = Failed Summary = RevisionUrl = For Beta: InboundTransitionState: DisabledReason = Enabled = True LastChangedAt = 01/01/0001 00:00:00 LastChangedBy = ActionStates: For CodePipelineDemoFleet: CurrentRevision: Created = RevisionChangeId = RevisionId = EntityUrl = LatestExecution: ErrorDetails: Code = Message = ExternalExecutionId = d-D5LTCZXEX ExternalExecutionUrl = LastStatusChange = 07/08/2015 22:07:42 PercentComplete = 0 Status = Succeeded Summary = Deployment Succeeded RevisionUrl = For TestStage: InboundTransitionState: DisabledReason = Enabled = True LastChangedAt = 01/01/0001 00:00:00 LastChangedBy = ActionStates: For MyJenkinsTestAction25: CurrentRevision: Created = RevisionChangeId = RevisionId = EntityUrl = LatestExecution: ErrorDetails: Code = Message = ExternalExecutionId = 5 ExternalExecutionUrl = LastStatusChange = 07/08/2015 22:09:03 PercentComplete = 0 Status = Succeeded Summary = Finished RevisionUrl =
Per i dettagli sull'API, vedere GetPipelineStatein AWS Strumenti per PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.