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EMREsempi di Amazon che utilizzano SDK per Python (Boto3)
I seguenti esempi di codice mostrano come eseguire azioni e implementare scenari comuni utilizzando il AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) con AmazonEMR.
Le operazioni sono estratti di codice da programmi più grandi e devono essere eseguite nel contesto. Sebbene le operazioni mostrino come richiamare le singole funzioni del servizio, è possibile visualizzarle contestualizzate negli scenari correlati.
Gli scenari sono esempi di codice che mostrano come eseguire un'attività specifica richiamando più funzioni all'interno dello stesso servizio o combinate con altri Servizi AWS.
Ogni esempio include un collegamento al codice sorgente completo, dove puoi trovare istruzioni su come configurare ed eseguire il codice nel contesto.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzareAddJobFlowSteps
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. Aggiungi un passaggio Spark, che viene eseguito dal cluster non appena viene aggiunto.
def add_step(cluster_id, name, script_uri, script_args, emr_client): """ Adds a job step to the specified cluster. This example adds a Spark step, which is run by the cluster as soon as it is added. :param cluster_id: The ID of the cluster. :param name: The name of the step. :param script_uri: The URI where the Python script is stored. :param script_args: Arguments to pass to the Python script. :param emr_client: The Boto3 EMR client object. :return: The ID of the newly added step. """ try: response = emr_client.add_job_flow_steps( JobFlowId=cluster_id, Steps=[ { "Name": name, "ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE", "HadoopJarStep": { "Jar": "command-runner.jar", "Args": [ "spark-submit", "--deploy-mode", "cluster", script_uri, *script_args, ], }, } ], ) step_id = response["StepIds"][0]"Started step with ID %s", step_id) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't start step %s with URI %s.", name, script_uri) raise else: return step_id
Esegui un comando Amazon EMR File System (EMRFS) come fase di processo su un cluster. Questo può essere usato per automatizzare EMRFS i comandi su un cluster invece di eseguirli manualmente tramite una SSH connessione.
import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError def add_emrfs_step(command, bucket_url, cluster_id, emr_client): """ Add an EMRFS command as a job flow step to an existing cluster. :param command: The EMRFS command to run. :param bucket_url: The URL of a bucket that contains tracking metadata. :param cluster_id: The ID of the cluster to update. :param emr_client: The Boto3 Amazon EMR client object. :return: The ID of the added job flow step. Status can be tracked by calling the emr_client.describe_step() function. """ job_flow_step = { "Name": "Example EMRFS Command Step", "ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE", "HadoopJarStep": { "Jar": "command-runner.jar", "Args": ["/usr/bin/emrfs", command, bucket_url], }, } try: response = emr_client.add_job_flow_steps( JobFlowId=cluster_id, Steps=[job_flow_step] ) step_id = response["StepIds"][0] print(f"Added step {step_id} to cluster {cluster_id}.") except ClientError: print(f"Couldn't add a step to cluster {cluster_id}.") raise else: return step_id def usage_demo(): emr_client = boto3.client("emr") # Assumes the first waiting cluster has EMRFS enabled and has created metadata # with the default name of 'EmrFSMetadata'. cluster = emr_client.list_clusters(ClusterStates=["WAITING"])["Clusters"][0] add_emrfs_step( "sync", "s3://elasticmapreduce/samples/cloudfront", cluster["Id"], emr_client ) if __name__ == "__main__": usage_demo()
Per API i dettagli, vedere AddJobFlowStepsPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come usare. DescribeCluster
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. def describe_cluster(cluster_id, emr_client): """ Gets detailed information about a cluster. :param cluster_id: The ID of the cluster to describe. :param emr_client: The Boto3 EMR client object. :return: The retrieved cluster information. """ try: response = emr_client.describe_cluster(ClusterId=cluster_id) cluster = response["Cluster"]"Got data for cluster %s.", cluster["Name"]) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get data for cluster %s.", cluster_id) raise else: return cluster
Per API i dettagli, vedere DescribeClusterPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come usare. DescribeStep
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. def describe_step(cluster_id, step_id, emr_client): """ Gets detailed information about the specified step, including the current state of the step. :param cluster_id: The ID of the cluster. :param step_id: The ID of the step. :param emr_client: The Boto3 EMR client object. :return: The retrieved information about the specified step. """ try: response = emr_client.describe_step(ClusterId=cluster_id, StepId=step_id) step = response["Step"]"Got data for step %s.", step_id) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get data for step %s.", step_id) raise else: return step
Per API i dettagli, vedere DescribeStepPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come usare. ListSteps
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. def list_steps(cluster_id, emr_client): """ Gets a list of steps for the specified cluster. In this example, all steps are returned, including completed and failed steps. :param cluster_id: The ID of the cluster. :param emr_client: The Boto3 EMR client object. :return: The list of steps for the specified cluster. """ try: response = emr_client.list_steps(ClusterId=cluster_id) steps = response["Steps"]"Got %s steps for cluster %s.", len(steps), cluster_id) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get steps for cluster %s.", cluster_id) raise else: return steps
Per API i dettagli, vedere ListStepsPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come usare. RunJobFlow
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. def run_job_flow( name, log_uri, keep_alive, applications, job_flow_role, service_role, security_groups, steps, emr_client, ): """ Runs a job flow with the specified steps. A job flow creates a cluster of instances and adds steps to be run on the cluster. Steps added to the cluster are run as soon as the cluster is ready. This example uses the 'emr-5.30.1' release. A list of recent releases can be found here: :param name: The name of the cluster. :param log_uri: The URI where logs are stored. This can be an Amazon S3 bucket URL, such as 's3://my-log-bucket'. :param keep_alive: When True, the cluster is put into a Waiting state after all steps are run. When False, the cluster terminates itself when the step queue is empty. :param applications: The applications to install on each instance in the cluster, such as Hive or Spark. :param job_flow_role: The IAM role assumed by the cluster. :param service_role: The IAM role assumed by the service. :param security_groups: The security groups to assign to the cluster instances. Amazon EMR adds all needed rules to these groups, so they can be empty if you require only the default rules. :param steps: The job flow steps to add to the cluster. These are run in order when the cluster is ready. :param emr_client: The Boto3 EMR client object. :return: The ID of the newly created cluster. """ try: response = emr_client.run_job_flow( Name=name, LogUri=log_uri, ReleaseLabel="emr-5.30.1", Instances={ "MasterInstanceType": "m5.xlarge", "SlaveInstanceType": "m5.xlarge", "InstanceCount": 3, "KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps": keep_alive, "EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup": security_groups["manager"].id, "EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup": security_groups["worker"].id, }, Steps=[ { "Name": step["name"], "ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE", "HadoopJarStep": { "Jar": "command-runner.jar", "Args": [ "spark-submit", "--deploy-mode", "cluster", step["script_uri"], *step["script_args"], ], }, } for step in steps ], Applications=[{"Name": app} for app in applications],,, EbsRootVolumeSize=10, VisibleToAllUsers=True, ) cluster_id = response["JobFlowId"]"Created cluster %s.", cluster_id) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't create cluster.") raise else: return cluster_id
Per API i dettagli, vedere RunJobFlowPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come usare. TerminateJobFlows
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. def terminate_cluster(cluster_id, emr_client): """ Terminates a cluster. This terminates all instances in the cluster and cannot be undone. Any data not saved elsewhere, such as in an Amazon S3 bucket, is lost. :param cluster_id: The ID of the cluster to terminate. :param emr_client: The Boto3 EMR client object. """ try: emr_client.terminate_job_flows(JobFlowIds=[cluster_id])"Terminated cluster %s.", cluster_id) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't terminate cluster %s.", cluster_id) raise
Per API i dettagli, vedere TerminateJobFlowsPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come creare un EMR cluster Amazon di breve durata che esegue una fase e termina automaticamente al termine della fase.
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
Crea un EMR cluster Amazon di breve durata che stima il valore di pi utilizzando Apache Spark per parallelizzare un gran numero di calcoli. Il job scrive l'output EMR nei log di Amazon e in un bucket Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Il cluster termina automaticamente dopo aver completato il processo.
Crea un bucket Amazon S3 e carica uno script di processo.
Crea AWS Identity and Access Management () ruoliIAM.
Crea gruppi di sicurezza Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (AmazonEC2).
Crea un cluster Amazon EMR di breve durata ed esegui un passaggio del processo.
Questo esempio è visualizzato al meglio su. GitHub Per il codice sorgente completo e le istruzioni su come configurarlo ed eseguirlo, vedi l'esempio completo su GitHub
. Servizi utilizzati in questo esempio
Amazon EMR
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come AWS Systems Manager eseguire uno script di shell su EMR istanze Amazon che installano librerie aggiuntive. In questo modo, puoi automatizzare la gestione delle istanze anziché eseguire i comandi manualmente tramite una connessione. SSH
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. import argparse import time import boto3 def install_libraries_on_core_nodes(cluster_id, script_path, emr_client, ssm_client): """ Copies and runs a shell script on the core nodes in the cluster. :param cluster_id: The ID of the cluster. :param script_path: The path to the script, typically an Amazon S3 object URL. :param emr_client: The Boto3 Amazon EMR client. :param ssm_client: The Boto3 AWS Systems Manager client. """ core_nodes = emr_client.list_instances( ClusterId=cluster_id, InstanceGroupTypes=["CORE"] )["Instances"] core_instance_ids = [node["Ec2InstanceId"] for node in core_nodes] print(f"Found core instances: {core_instance_ids}.") commands = [ # Copy the shell script from Amazon S3 to each node instance. f"aws s3 cp {script_path} /home/hadoop", # Run the shell script to install libraries on each node instance. "bash /home/hadoop/", ] for command in commands: print(f"Sending '{command}' to core instances...") command_id = ssm_client.send_command( InstanceIds=core_instance_ids, DocumentName="AWS-RunShellScript", Parameters={"commands": [command]}, TimeoutSeconds=3600, )["Command"]["CommandId"] while True: # Verify the previous step succeeded before running the next step. cmd_result = ssm_client.list_commands(CommandId=command_id)["Commands"][0] if cmd_result["StatusDetails"] == "Success": print(f"Command succeeded.") break elif cmd_result["StatusDetails"] in ["Pending", "InProgress"]: print(f"Command status is {cmd_result['StatusDetails']}, waiting...") time.sleep(10) else: print(f"Command status is {cmd_result['StatusDetails']}, quitting.") raise RuntimeError( f"Command {command} failed to run. " f"Details: {cmd_result['StatusDetails']}" ) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("cluster_id", help="The ID of the cluster.") parser.add_argument("script_path", help="The path to the script in Amazon S3.") args = parser.parse_args() emr_client = boto3.client("emr") ssm_client = boto3.client("ssm") install_libraries_on_core_nodes( args.cluster_id, args.script_path, emr_client, ssm_client ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Per API i dettagli, vedere ListInstancesPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API