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È possibile utilizzare un semplice oggetto Java (POJO) e passare l'oggetto come record. È simile alla nozione di record specifico inAVRO. mbknor-jackson-jsonschema
La libreria AWS Glue Schema Registry utilizza il campo "className" inserito nello schema per fornire un nome di classe completamente classificato. Il campo "className" viene utilizzato dal deserializzatore per deserializzare in un oggetto di quella classe.
Example class :
@JsonSchemaDescription("This is a car")
@JsonSchemaTitle("Simple Car Schema")
// Fully qualified class name to be added to an additionally injected property
// called className for deserializer to determine which class to deserialize
// the bytes into
strings = {@JsonSchemaString(path = "className",
value = "com.amazonaws.services.schemaregistry.integrationtests.generators.Car")}
// List of annotations to help infer JSON Schema are defined by https://github.com/mbknor/mbknor-jackson-jsonSchema
public class Car {
@JsonProperty(required = true)
private String make;
@JsonProperty(required = true)
private String model;
public boolean used;
@JsonSchemaInject(ints = {@JsonSchemaInt(path = "multipleOf", value = 1000)})
private int miles;
private int year;
private Date purchaseDate;
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.NUMBER)
private Date listedDate;
private String[] owners;
private Collection<Float> serviceChecks;
// Empty constructor is required by Jackson to deserialize bytes
// into an Object of this class
public Car() {}