Finding the reasons for Aurora MySQL major version upgrade failures - Amazon Aurora

Finding the reasons for Aurora MySQL major version upgrade failures

In the tutorial, the upgrade from Aurora MySQL version 2 to version 3 succeeded. But if the upgrade had failed, you would want to know why.

You can start by using the describe-events AWS CLI command to look at the DB cluster events. This example shows the events for mydbcluster for the last 10 hours.

aws rds describe-events \ --source-type db-cluster \ --source-identifier mydbcluster \ --duration 600

In this case, we had an upgrade precheck failure.

{ "Events": [ { "SourceIdentifier": "mydbcluster", "SourceType": "db-cluster", "Message": "Database cluster engine version upgrade started.", "EventCategories": [ "maintenance" ], "Date": "2024-04-11T13:23:22.846000+00:00", "SourceArn": "arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster:mydbcluster" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "mydbcluster", "SourceType": "db-cluster", "Message": "Database cluster is in a state that cannot be upgraded: Upgrade prechecks failed. For more details, see the upgrade-prechecks.log file. For more information on troubleshooting the cause of the upgrade failure, see", "EventCategories": [ "maintenance" ], "Date": "2024-04-11T13:23:24.373000+00:00", "SourceArn": "arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster:mydbcluster" } ] }

To diagnose the exact cause of the problem, examine the database logs for the writer DB instance. When an upgrade to Aurora MySQL version 3 fails, the writer instance contains a log file with the name upgrade-prechecks.log. This example shows how to detect the presence of that log and then download it to a local file for examination.

aws rds describe-db-log-files --db-instance-identifier mydbcluster-instance \ --query '*[].[LogFileName]' --output text error/mysql-error-running.log error/mysql-error-running.log.2024-04-11.20 error/mysql-error-running.log.2024-04-11.21 error/mysql-error.log external/mysql-external.log upgrade-prechecks.log aws rds download-db-log-file-portion --db-instance-identifier mydbcluster-instance \ --log-file-name upgrade-prechecks.log \ --starting-token 0 \ --output text >upgrade_prechecks.log

The upgrade-prechecks.log file is in JSON format. We download it using the --output text option to avoid encoding JSON output within another JSON wrapper. For Aurora MySQL version 3 upgrades, this log always includes certain informational and warning messages. It only includes error messages if the upgrade fails. If the upgrade succeeds, the log file isn't produced at all.

To summarize all of the errors and display the associated object and description fields, you can run the command grep -A 2 '"level": "Error"' on the contents of the upgrade-prechecks.log file. Doing so displays each error line and the two lines after it. These contain the name of the corresponding database object and guidance about how to correct the problem.

$ cat upgrade-prechecks.log | grep -A 2 '"level": "Error"' "level": "Error", "dbObject": "problematic_upgrade.dangling_fulltext_index", "description": "Table `problematic_upgrade.dangling_fulltext_index` contains dangling FULLTEXT index. Kindly recreate the table before upgrade."

In this example, you can run the following SQL command on the offending table to try to fix the issue, or you can re-create the table without the dangling index.

OPTIMIZE TABLE problematic_upgrade.dangling_fulltext_index;

Then retry the upgrade.