Creating a performance analysis report in Performance Insights - Amazon Aurora

Creating a performance analysis report in Performance Insights

You can create a performance analysis report for a specific period in the Performance Insights dashboard. You can select a time period and add one or more tags to the analysis report.

The analysis period can range from 5 minutes to 6 days. There must be at least 24 hours of performance data before the analysis start time.

For the region, DB engine, and instance class support information for this feature, see Amazon Aurora DB engine, Region, and instance class support for Performance Insights features

To create a performance analysis report for a time period
  1. Open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Performance Insights.

  3. Choose a DB instance.

  4. Choose Analyze performance in Database load section on the Performance Insights dashboard.

    The fields to set the time period and add one or more tags to the performance analysis report are displayed.

    Performance Insights dashboard showing fields to create analysis report
  5. Choose the time period. If you set a time period in the Relative range or Absolute range in the upper right, you can only enter or select the analysis report date and time within this time period. If you select the analysis period outside of this time period, an error message displays.

    To set the time period, you can do any of the following:

    • Press and drag any of the sliders on the DB load chart.

      The Performance analysis period box displays the selected time period and DB load chart highlights the selected time period.

    • Choose the Start date, Start time, End date, and End time in the Performance analysis period box.

    Performance Insights dashboard with analysis period selected
  6. (Optional) Enter Key and Value-optional to add a tag for the report.

    Performance Insights dashboard with fields to add a new tag
  7. Choose Analyze performance.

    A banner displays a message whether the report generation is successful or failed. The message also provides the link to view the report.

    The following example shows the banner with the report creation successful message.

    Analysis report creation successful message banner

    The report is available to view in Performance analysis reports - new tab.

You can create a performance analysis report using the AWS CLI. For an example on how to create a report using AWS CLI, see Creating a performance analysis report for a time period.