Displays all pg_stat_statements
columns and adds more columns in the end.
aurora_stat_statements(showtext boolean
showtext boolean
Return type
SETOF record with all pg_stat_statements
columns and the following
additional columns. For more information on pg_stat_statements
see pg_stat_statements
You can reset stats for this function using
– Total number of shared blocks read from aurora storage by this statement. -
– Total number of optimized reads cache hits by this statement. -
– Iftrack_io_timing
is enabled, it tracks the total time the statement spent reading shared blocks from aurora storage, in milliseconds, otherwise the value is zero. For more information, see track_io_timing. -
– Iftrack_io_timing
is enabled, it tracks the total time the statement spent reading local blocks, in milliseconds, otherwise the value is zero. For more information, see track_io_timing. -
– Iftrack_io_timing
is enabled, it tracks the total time the statement spent reading shared blocks from optimized reads cache, in milliseconds, otherwise the value is zero. For more information, see track_io_timing. -
– Total sum of peak memory values during planning phase for all calls to this statement. To see the average peak memory during planning for the statement, divide this value by the number of calls. -
– Smallest peak memory value seen during planning across all calls to this statement. -
– Largest peak memory value during planning seen across all calls to this statement. -
– Total sum of peak memory values during execution phase for all calls to this statement. To see the average peak memory during execution for the statement, divide this value by the number of calls. -
–Smallest peak memory value, in bytes, seen during execution across all calls to this statement. -
– Largest peak memory value, in bytes, seen during execution across all calls to this statement.
, min_plan_peakmem
, and
are only monitored when the setting
is turned on.
Usage notes
To use the aurora_stat_statements() function, you must include
extension in the
This function is available in the following Aurora PostgreSQL versions:
15.4 and higher 15 versions
14.9 and higher 14 versions
The columns showing peak memory are available from the following versions:
16.3 and higher versions
15.7 and higher versions
14.12 and higher versions
The following example shows how it carries all the pg_stat_statements columns and append 11 new columns in the end:
select * from aurora_stat_statements(true) where query like 'with window_max%';
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ userid | 16409 dbid | 5 toplevel | t queryid | -8347523682669847482 query | with window_max as (select custid, max(scratch) over (order by scratch rows between $1 preceding and $2 following) wmax from ts) select sum(wmax), max(custid) from window_max plans | 0 total_plan_time | 0 min_plan_time | 0 max_plan_time | 0 mean_plan_time | 0 stddev_plan_time | 0 calls | 4 total_exec_time | 254.105121 min_exec_time | 57.503164000000005 max_exec_time | 68.687418 mean_exec_time | 63.52628025 stddev_exec_time | 5.150765359979643 rows | 4 shared_blks_hit | 200192 shared_blks_read | 0 shared_blks_dirtied | 0 shared_blks_written | 0 local_blks_hit | 0 local_blks_read | 0 local_blks_dirtied | 0 local_blks_written | 0 temp_blks_read | 0 temp_blks_written | 0 blk_read_time | 0 blk_write_time | 0 temp_blk_read_time | 0 temp_blk_write_time | 0 wal_records | 0 wal_fpi | 0 wal_bytes | 0 jit_functions | 0 jit_generation_time | 0 jit_inlining_count | 0 jit_inlining_time | 0 jit_optimization_count | 0 jit_optimization_time | 0 jit_emission_count | 0 jit_emission_time | 0 storage_blks_read | 0 orcache_blks_hit | 0 storage_blk_read_time | 0 local_blk_read_time | 0 orcache_blk_read_time | 0 total_plan_peakmem | 0 min_plan_peakmem | 0 max_plan_peakmem | 0 total_exec_peakmem | 6356224 min_exec_peakmem | 1589056 max_exec_peakmem | 1589056