Oracle Label Security - Amazon Relational Database Service

Oracle Label Security

Amazon RDS supports Oracle Label Security for the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database through the use of the OLS option.

Most database security controls access at the object level. Oracle Label Security provides fine-grained control of access to individual table rows. For example, you can use Label Security to enforce regulatory compliance with a policy-based administration model. You can use Label Security policies to control access to sensitive data, and restrict access to only users with the appropriate clearance level. For more information, see Introduction to Oracle Label Security in the Oracle documentation.

Requirements for Oracle Label Security

Familiarize yourself with the following requirements for Oracle Label Security:

  • Your DB instance must use the Bring Your Own License model. For more information, see RDS for Oracle licensing options.

  • You must have a valid license for Oracle Enterprise Edition with Software Update License and Support.

  • Your Oracle license must include the Label Security option.

Considerations when using Oracle Label Security

To use Oracle Label Security, you create policies that control access to specific rows in your tables. For more information, see Creating an Oracle Label Security policy in the Oracle documentation.

Consider the following:

  • Oracle Label Security is a permanent and persistent option. Because the option is permanent, you can't remove it from an option group. If you add Oracle Label Security to an option group and associate it with your DB instance, you can later associate a different option group with your DB instance, but this group must also contain the Oracle Label Security option.

  • When you work with Label Security, you perform all actions as the LBAC_DBA role. The master user for your DB instance is granted the LBAC_DBA role. You can grant the LBAC_DBA role to other users so that they can administer Label Security policies.

  • Make sure to grant access to the OLS_ENFORCEMENT package to any new users who require access to Oracle Label Security. To grant access to the OLS_ENFORCEMENT package, connect to the DB instance as the master user and run the following SQL statement:

  • You can configure Label Security through Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) Cloud Control. Amazon RDS supports OEM Cloud Control through the Management Agent option. For more information, see Oracle Management Agent for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

Adding the Oracle Label Security option

The general process for adding the Oracle Label Security option to a DB instance is the following:

  1. Create a new option group, or copy or modify an existing option group.

  2. Add the option to the option group.


    Oracle Label Security is a permanent and persistent option.

  3. Associate the option group with the DB instance.

After you add the Label Security option, as soon as the option group is active, Label Security is active.

To add the label security option to a DB instance
  1. Determine the option group you want to use. You can create a new option group or use an existing option group. If you want to use an existing option group, skip to the next step. Otherwise, create a custom DB option group with the following settings:

    1. For Engine, choose oracle-ee.

    2. For Major engine version, choose the version of your DB instance.

    For more information, see Creating an option group.

  2. Add the OLS option to the option group. For more information about adding options, see Adding an option to an option group.


    If you add Label Security to an existing option group that is already attached to one or more DB instances, all the DB instances are restarted.

  3. Apply the option group to a new or existing DB instance:

    • For a new DB instance, you apply the option group when you launch the instance. For more information, see Creating an Amazon RDS DB instance.

    • For an existing DB instance, you apply the option group by modifying the instance and attaching the new option group. When you add the Label Security option to an existing DB instance, a brief outage occurs while your DB instance is automatically restarted. For more information, see Modifying an Amazon RDS DB instance.


The following are issues you might encounter when you use Oracle Label Security.

Issue Troubleshooting suggestions

When you try to create a policy, you see an error message similar to the following: insufficient authorization for the SYSDBA package.

A known issue with Oracle's Label Security feature prevents users with usernames of 16 or 24 characters from running Label Security commands. You can create a new user with a different number of characters, grant LBAC_DBA to the new user, log in as the new user, and run the OLS commands as the new user. For additional information, contact Oracle Support.