We recommend creating a dedicated OU and service credentials scoped to that OU for any AWS account that owns an RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance joined to your AD domain. By dedicating an OU and service credentials, you avoid conflicting permissions and follow the principle of least privilege.
Active directory level group policies might conflict with AWS automations and permissions. We recommend selecting GPO's that apply only to the OU that you create for RDS Custom for SQL Server.
To create OU and AD domain user in your self-managed or on-premise AD, you can connect the domain controller as a domain administrator.
To create users and groups in an AWS Directory Service directory, you must be connected to a management instance and you must also be logged in as a user with privileges to create users and groups. For more information, see User and group management in AWS Managed Microsoft AD in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.
To manage your Active Directory from Amazon EC2 Windows Server instance, you need to install the Active Directory domain services and Active Directory Lightweight Directory services tools on the EC2 instance. For more information, see Installing Active Directory Administration Tools for AWS Managed Microsoft AD in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.
We recommend that you install these tools on a separate EC2 instance for administration, and not on your RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance for ease of administration.
The following are the requirements for an AD domain service account:
You must have a service account in your AD domain with delegated permissions to join computers to the domain. A domain service account is a user account in your AD that has delegated permission to perform certain tasks.
Delegate the following permissions to your domain service account in the Organizational Unit that you're joining your RDS Custom for SQL Server instance to:
Validated ability to write to the DNS host name
Validated ability to write to the service principal name
Create and delete computer objects
For self-managed and on-premises AD, the domain service account must be a member of the "AWS Delegated Domain Name System Administrators" group.
For AWS Managed Microsoft AD, the domain service account should be member of "DnsAdmins" group.
These are the minimum set of permissions required to join computer objects to your self-managed AD and AWS Managed Microsoft AD.
For more information, see
Error: Access is denied when non-administrator users who have been delegated control try to join computers to a domain controller
Do not move computer objects that RDS Custom for SQL Server creates in the Organizational Unit (OU) after your DB instance is created. Moving associated objects might cause your RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance to become misconfigured. If you need to move the computer objects created by Amazon RDS, use the ModifyDBInstance action to modify the domain parameters with the desired location of the computer objects.
Step 1: Create an organizational unit (OU) in your AD
Use the following steps to create an organization unit in your AD:
Create an OU in your AD
Connect to your domain AD as a domain administrator.
Open Active Directory Users and Computers and select the domain where you want to create your OU.
Right-click the domain and choose New, then Organization Unit.
Enter a name for the OU.
Enable Protect container from accidental deletion.
Choose OK. Your new OU appears under your domain.
For AWS Managed Microsoft AD, the name of this OU is based off the NetBIOS name you typed when you created your directory. This OU is owned by AWS and contains all of your AWS-related directory objects, which you are granted full control over. By default, two child OUs exist under this OU, namely Computers and Users. New OUs that RDS Custom creates are a child of the OU that is based off of the NetBIOS.
Step 2: Create an AD domain user
The domain user credentials are used for the secret in Secrets Manager.
Create an AD domain user in your AD
Open Active Directory Users and Computers and select the domain and OU where you want to create the user.
Right-click the Users object and choose New, then User.
Enter a first name, last name, and login name for the user. Click Next.
Enter a password for the user. Don't select User must change password at next login or Account is disabled.. Click Next.
Click OK. You new user appears under your domain.
Step 3: Delegate control to the AD user in self-managed or AWS Managed Microsoft AD
To delegate control to the AD domain user in your domain
Open Active Directory Users and Computers MMC snap-in and select your domain.
Right-click on the OU you created earlier and choose Delegate Control.
In the Delegation Control Wizard, click Next.
In Users or Groups section, click Add.
In Select Users, Computers, or Groups, enter the AD user you created and click Check Names. If your AD user check is successful, click OK.
In the Users or Groups section, confirm your AD user was added and click Next.
In the Tasks to Delegate section, choose Create a custom task to delegate and click Next.
In the Active Directory Object Type section:
Choose ONly the following objects in the folder.
Select Computer Objects
Select Create selected objects in this folder
Select Delete selected objects in this folder and click Next.
In the Permissions section:
Keep General selected.
Select Validated write to DNS host name.
Select Validated write to service principal name and click Next.
In Completing the Delegation of Control Wizard, confirm your settings and click Finish.
Step 4: Create a secret
Create the secret in the same AWS account and Region that contains the RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance that you want to include in your active directory. Store credentials of the AD domain user created in Step 2: Create an AD domain user.
In AWS Secrets Manager, choose Store a new secret.
For Secret type, choose Other type of secret.
For Key/value pairs, add two keys:
The first key,
and enter the name of your AD user for the value.-
For the second key, enter
and enter the password for your AD user on your domain.
For Encryption key, enter the same AWS KMS key you used to create RDS Custom for SQL Server instance.
For Secret name, choose the secret name starting with
to allow your instance profile to access this secret. IF you want to choose a different name for the secret, updateRDSCustomInstanceProfile
to access Secret name. -
(Optional) For Description, enter a description for the secret name.
Add the tags
Click Save, then Next.
For Configure rotation settings, keep the default values and choose Next.
Review the settings for the secret and click Store.
Choose the new secret and copy the value for Secret ARN. We use this in the next step to set up you Active Directory.
Step 5: Create or modify a RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance
Create or modify a RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance for use with your directory. You can use the console, CLI, or RDS API to associate a DB instance with a directory. You can do this in one of the following ways:
Create a new SQL Server DB instance using the console, the create-db-instance CLI command, or the CreateDBInstance RDS API operation.
For instructions, see Creating an Amazon RDS DB instance.
Modify an existing SQL Server DB instance using the console, the modify-db-instance CLI command, or the ModifyDBInstance RDS API operation.
For instructions, see Modifying an Amazon RDS DB instance.
Restore a SQL Server DB instance from a DB snapshot using the console, the restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot CLI command, or the RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot RDS API operation.
For instructions, see Restoring to a DB instance.
Restore a SQL Server DB instance to a point-in-time using the console, the restore-db-instance-to-point-in-time CLI command, or the RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime RDS API operation.
For instructions, see Restoring a DB instance to a specified time for Amazon RDS.
If your RDS Custom for SQL Server instance is already joined to an AD manually, check the settings for Network configuration port rules,
Network Validation, and complete steps 1 though Step 4.
Update the --domain-fqdn
, --domain-ou
, and
to your AD, so that domain
join credentials and configurations are registered with
RDS Custom to monitor, register CNAME, and take recovery actions.
When you use the AWS CLI, the following parameters are required for the DB instance to be able to use the directory that you created:
For the
parameter, use the fully qualified domain name of your self-managed AD. -
For the
parameter, use the OU that you created in your self-managed AD. -
For the
parameter, use the value of the Secret ARN that you created.
If you modify a DB instance to join or remove from a self-managed AD domain or AWS Managed Microsoft AD, a reboot of the DB instance is required for the modification to take effect. You can choose to apply the changes immediately or wait until the next maintenance window. Choosing the Apply Immediately option causes downtime for a single-AZ DB instance. A Multi-AZ DB cluster performs a failover before completing a reboot. For more information, see Modifying an Amazon RDS DB instance.
The following CLI command creates a new RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance and joins it to self-managed or AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain.
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws rds create-db-instance \ --engine custom-sqlserver-se \ --engine-version 15.00.4312.2.v1 \ --db-instance-identifier
\ --db-instance-class db.m5.large \ --allocated-storage 100 --storage-type io1 --iops 1000 \ --master-usernamemy-master-username
\ --master-user-passwordmy-master-password
\ --kms-key-idmy-RDSCustom-key-id
\ --custom-iam-instance-profileAWSRDSCustomInstanceProfileForRdsCustomInstance
\ --domain-fqdn"corp.example.com"
\ --domain-ou"OU=RDSCustomOU,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
\ --domain-auth-secret-arn"arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:account-number:secret:do-not-delete-rds-custom-my-AD-test-secret-123456"
\ --db-subnet-group-namemy-DB-subnet-grp
\ --vpc-security-group-idsmy-securitygroup-id
\ --no-publicly-accessible \ --backup-retention-period 3 \ --port 8200 \ --region us-west-2 \ --no-multi-az
For Windows:
aws rds create-db-instance ^ --engine custom-sqlserver-se ^ --engine-version 15.00.4312.2.v1 ^ --db-instance-identifier
^ --db-instance-class db.m5.large ^ --allocated-storage 100 --storage-type io1 --iops 1000 ^ --master-usernamemy-master-username
^ --master-user-passwordmy-master-password
^ --kms-key-idmy-RDSCustom-key-id
^ --custom-iam-instance-profileAWSRDSCustomInstanceProfileForRdsCustomInstance
^ --domain-fqdn"corp.example.com"
^ --domain-ou"OU=RDSCustomOU,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
^ --domain-auth-secret-arn"arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:account-number:secret:do-not-delete-rds-custom-my-AD-test-secret-123456"
^ --db-subnet-group-namemy-DB-subnet-grp
^ --vpc-security-group-idsmy-securitygroup-id
^ --no-publicly-accessible ^ --backup-retention-period 3 ^ --port 8200 ^ --region us-west-2 ^ --no-multi-az
If your NetBIOS for AWS Managed Microsoft AD is corpexample, then it appears as an OU itself.
Any new OU created earlier will appear as a nested OU. For AWS Managed Microsoft AD, set --domain-ou
The following command modifies an existing RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance to use an Active Directory domain.
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws rds modify-db-instance \ --db-instance-identifier
\ --domain-fqdn"corp.example.com"
\ --domain-ou"OU=RDSCustomOU,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
\ --domain-auth-secret-arn"arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:account-number:secret:do-not-delete-rds-custom-my-AD-test-secret-123456"
For Windows:
aws rds modify-db-instance ^ --db-instance-identifier
^ --domain-fqdn"corp.example.com"
^ --domain-ou"OU=RDSCustomOU,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
^ --domain-auth-secret-arn"arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:account-number:secret:do-not-delete-rds-custom-my-AD-test-secret-123456"
The following CLI command removes and RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance from a Active Directory domain.
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws rds modify-db-instance \ --db-instance-identifier
\ --disable-domain
For Windows:
aws rds modify-db-instance ^ --db-instance-identifier
^ --disable-domain
When using the console to create or modify your instance, click on Enable Microsoft SQL Server Windows Authentication to see the following options.

You are responsible to make sure your domain FQDN is resolving to the domain controller IP addresses. If domain controller IPs are not resolving, domain join operations fail but RDS Custom for SQL Server instance creation succeeds. For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Active Directory.
Step 6: Create Windows Authentication SQL Server Login
Use the Amazon RDS master user credentials to connect to the SQL Server DB instance as you do for any other DB instance. Because the DB instance is joined to the AD domain, you can provision SQL Server logins and users. You do this from the AD users and groups utility in your AD domain. Database permissions are managed through standard SQL Server permissions granted and revoked to these Windows logins.
For an AD user to authenticate with SQL Server, a SQL Server Windows login must exist for the AD user or an Active Directory group that the user is a member of. Fine-grained access control is handled through granting and revoking permissions on these SQL Server logins. An AD user that doesn't have a SQL Server login or belong to an AD group with such a login can't access the SQL Server DB instance.
permission is required to create an AD SQL Server login.
If you haven't created any logins with this permission, connect as the DB instance's master user using
SQL Server Authentication and create your AD SQL Server logins
under the context of the master user.
You can run a data definition language (DDL) command such as the following to create a SQL Server login for an AD user or group.
USE [master]
Users (both humans and applications) from your domain can now connect to the RDS Custom for SQL Server instance from a domain-joined client machine using Windows authentication.
Step 7: Using Kerberos or NTLM Authentication
NTLM authentication using RDS endpoint
Each Amazon RDS DB instance has an endpoint and each endpoint has a DNS name and port number for the DB instance. To connect to your DB instance using a SQL client application, you need the DNS name and port number for your DB instance. To authenticate using NTLM authentication, you must connect to the RDS endpoint.
During planned database maintenance or unplanned service disruption, Amazon RDS automatically fails over to the up-to-date secondary database so operations can resume quickly without manual intervention. The primary and secondary instances use the same endpoint, whose physical network address transitions to the secondary as part of the failover process. You don't have to reconfigure your application when a failover occurs.
Kerberos authentication
Kerberos-based authentication for RDS Custom for SQL Server requires connections be made to a specific Service Principal Name (SPN). However, after a failover event, the application might not be aware of the new SPN. To address this, RDS Custom for SQL Server offers a Kerberos-based endpoint.
The Kerberos-based endpoint follows a specific format.
If your RDS endpoint is
the corresponding Kerberos-based endpoint would be
.awsrds.fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
For example, if the RDS endpoint is ad-test.cocv6zwtircu.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
and the
domain name is corp-ad.company.com
, the Kerberos-based endpoint would be ad-test.cocv6zwtircu.us-east-1.awsrds.corp-ad.company.com
This Kerberos-based endpoint can be used to authenticate with the SQL Server instance using Kerberos, even after a failover event, as the endpoint is automatically updated to point to the new SPN of the primary SQL Server instance.
Finding your CNAME
To find your CNAME, connect to your domain controller and open DNS Manager. Navigate to Forward Lookup Zones and your FQDN.
Navigate through awsrds, aws-region, and account and region specific hash.
If you are connecting the RDS Custom EC2 instance and trying to connect to the database locally using CNAME, your connection will use NTLM authentication instead of Kerberos.
If after connecting CNAME from remote client, an NTLM connection is returned, check if required ports are allowlisted.
To check if your connection is using Kerberos, run the following query:
SELECT net_transport, auth_scheme
FROM sys.dm_exec_connections
WHERE session_id = @@SSPID;