Converting an existing DB instance to an active-active cluster
The DB engine version of the DB instance you want to migrate to an active-active cluster must be one of the following versions:
All MySQL 8.4 versions
MySQL 8.0.35 and higher minor versions
If you need to upgrade the engine version, see Upgrades of the RDS for MySQL DB engine.
If you are setting up an active-active cluster with DB instances in more than one VPC, make sure you complete the prerequisites in Preparing for a cross-VPC active-active cluster.
Complete the following steps to migrate an existing DB instance to an active-active cluster for RDS for MySQL.
Step 1: Set the active-active cluster parameters in one or more custom parameter groups
Step 4: Create additional RDS for MySQL DB instances for the active-active cluster
Step 5: Initialize the group on the DB instance you are converting
Step 6: Start replication on the other DB instances in the active-active cluster
Step 7: (Recommended) Check the status of the active-active cluster
Step 1: Set the active-active cluster parameters in one or more custom parameter groups
The RDS for MySQL DB instances in an active-active cluster must be associated with a custom parameter group that has the correct setting for required parameters. For information about the parameters and the required setting for each one, see Required parameter settings for active-active clusters.
You can set these parameters in new parameter groups or in existing parameter groups. However, to avoid accidentally affecting DB instances that aren't part of the active-active cluster, we strongly recommend that you create a new custom parameter group. The DB instances in an active-active cluster can be associated with the same DB parameter group or with different DB parameter groups.
You can use the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI to create a new custom parameter group. For
more information, see Creating a DB parameter group in Amazon RDS. The following example
runs the create-db-parameter-group AWS CLI command to create a custom DB parameter
group named
for RDS for MySQL
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws rds create-db-parameter-group \ --db-parameter-group-name
\ --db-parameter-group-family mysql8.0 \ --description "Parameter group for active-active clusters
For Windows:
aws rds create-db-parameter-group ^ --db-parameter-group-name
^ --db-parameter-group-family mysql8.0 ^ --description "Parameter group for active-active clusters
You can also use the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI to set the parameters in the custom parameter group. For more information, see Modifying parameters in a DB parameter group in Amazon RDS.
The following example runs the modify-db-parameter-group AWS CLI command to set the parameters for
RDS for MySQL 8.0. To use this example with RDS for MySQL 8.4, change
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws rds modify-db-parameter-group \ --db-parameter-group-name
\ --parameters "ParameterName='rds.group_replication_enabled',ParameterValue='1',ApplyMethod=pending-reboot" \ "ParameterName='rds.custom_dns_resolution',ParameterValue='1',ApplyMethod=pending-reboot" \ "ParameterName='enforce_gtid_consistency',ParameterValue='ON',ApplyMethod=pending-reboot" \ "ParameterName='gtid-mode',ParameterValue='ON',ApplyMethod=pending-reboot" \ "ParameterName='binlog_format',ParameterValue='ROW',ApplyMethod=immediate" \ "ParameterName='slave_preserve_commit_order',ParameterValue='ON',ApplyMethod=immediate" \ "ParameterName='group_replication_group_name',ParameterValue='11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
For Windows:
aws rds modify-db-parameter-group ^ --db-parameter-group-name myactivepg ^ --parameters "ParameterName='rds.group_replication_enabled',ParameterValue='1',ApplyMethod=pending-reboot" ^ "ParameterName='rds.custom_dns_resolution',ParameterValue='1',ApplyMethod=pending-reboot" ^ "ParameterName='enforce_gtid_consistency',ParameterValue='ON',ApplyMethod=pending-reboot" ^ "ParameterName='gtid-mode',ParameterValue='ON',ApplyMethod=pending-reboot" ^ "ParameterName='binlog_format',ParameterValue='ROW',ApplyMethod=immediate" ^ "ParameterName='slave_preserve_commit_order',ParameterValue='ON',ApplyMethod=immediate" ^ "ParameterName='group_replication_group_name',ParameterValue='
Step 2: Associate the DB instance with a DB parameter group that has the required Group Replication parameters set
Associate the DB instance with a parameter group you created or modified in the previous step. For instructions, see Associating a DB parameter group with a DB instance in Amazon RDS.
Reboot the DB instance for the new parameter settings to take effect. For instructions, see Rebooting a DB instance.
Step 3: Create the active-active cluster
In the DB parameter group associated with the DB instance, set the group_replication_group_seeds
to the endpoint of the DB instance you are converting.
You can use the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI to set the parameter. You don't need to reboot the DB instance after setting this parameter. For more information about setting parameters, see Modifying parameters in a DB parameter group in Amazon RDS.
The following example runs the modify-db-parameter-group AWS CLI command to set the parameters:
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws rds modify-db-parameter-group \ --db-parameter-group-name
\ --parameters "ParameterName='group_replication_group_seeds',ParameterValue='
For Windows:
aws rds modify-db-parameter-group ^ --db-parameter-group-name
^ --parameters "ParameterName='group_replication_group_seeds',ParameterValue='
Step 4: Create additional RDS for MySQL DB instances for the active-active cluster
To create additional DB instances for the active-active cluster, perform point-in-time recovery on the DB instance you are converting. For instructions, see Adding a DB instance to an active-active cluster using point-in-time recovery.
An active-active cluster can have up to nine DB instances. Perform point-in-time
recovery on the DB instance until you have the number of DB instances you want for
the cluster. When you perform point-in-recovery, make sure you associate the DB
instance you are adding with a DB parameter group that has
set to 1
. Otherwise,
Group Replication won't start on the newly added DB instance.
Step 5: Initialize the group on the DB instance you are converting
Initialize the group and start replication:
Connect to that DB instance you are converting in a SQL client. For more information about connecting to an RDS for MySQL DB instance, see Connecting to your MySQL DB instance.
In the SQL client, run the following stored procedures and replace
with the password for therdsgrprepladmin
user. Therdsgrprepladmin
user is reserved for Group Replication connections in an active-active cluster. The password for this user must be the same on all of the DB instances in an active-active mysql.rds_set_configuration('binlog retention hours',
); -- 7 days binlog call mysql.rds_group_replication_create_user('group_replication_user_password
'); call mysql.rds_group_replication_set_recovery_channel('group_replication_user_password
'); call mysql.rds_group_replication_start(1);This example sets the
binlog retention hours
value to168
, which means that binary log files are retained for seven days on the DB instance. You can adjust this value to meet your requirements.This example specifies
in themysql.rds_group_replication_start
stored procedure to initialize a new group with the current DB instance.For more information about the stored procedures called in the example, see Managing active-active clusters.
Step 6: Start replication on the other DB instances in the active-active cluster
For each of the DB instances in the active-active cluster, use a SQL client to
connect to the instance, and run the following stored procedures. Replace
with the password for
the rdsgrprepladmin
call mysql.rds_set_configuration('binlog retention hours',
); -- 7 days binlog call mysql.rds_group_replication_create_user('group_replication_user_password
'); call mysql.rds_group_replication_set_recovery_channel('group_replication_user_password
'); call mysql.rds_group_replication_start(0);
This example sets the binlog retention hours
value to 168
, which means that binary log files
are retained for seven days on each DB instance. You can adjust this value to meet your requirements.
This example specifies 0
in the mysql.rds_group_replication_start
stored procedure to
join the current DB instance to an existing group.
Make sure you run these stored procedures on all of the other DB instances in the active-active cluster.
Step 7: (Recommended) Check the status of the active-active cluster
To make sure each member of the cluster is configured correctly, check the status of the cluster by connecting to a DB instance in the active-active cluster, and running the following SQL command:
SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members;
Your output should show ONLINE
of each DB instance, as in the
following sample output:
| group_replication_applier | 9854d4a2-5d7f-11ee-b8ec-0ec88c43c251 | ip-10-15-3-137 | 3306 | ONLINE | PRIMARY | 8.0.35 | MySQL |
| group_replication_applier | 9e2e9c28-5d7f-11ee-8039-0e5d58f05fef | ip-10-15-3-225 | 3306 | ONLINE | PRIMARY | 8.0.35 | MySQL |
| group_replication_applier | a6ba332d-5d7f-11ee-a025-0a5c6971197d | ip-10-15-1-83 | 3306 | ONLINE | PRIMARY | 8.0.35 | MySQL |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
For information about the possible MEMBER_STATE
values, see
Group Replication Server States