Connecting to your DB instance using IAM authentication from the command line: AWS CLI and psql client - Amazon Relational Database Service

Connecting to your DB instance using IAM authentication from the command line: AWS CLI and psql client

You can connect from the command line to an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance with the AWS CLI and psql command line tool as described following.


The following are prerequisites for connecting to your DB instance using IAM authentication:


For information about connecting to your database using pgAdmin with IAM authentication, see the blog post Using IAM authentication to connect with pgAdmin Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.

Generating an IAM authentication token

The authentication token consists of several hundred characters so it can be unwieldy on the command line. One way to work around this is to save the token to an environment variable, and then use that variable when you connect. The following example shows how to use the AWS CLI to get a signed authentication token using the generate-db-auth-token command, and store it in a PGPASSWORD environment variable.

export RDSHOST="" export PGPASSWORD="$(aws rds generate-db-auth-token --hostname $RDSHOST --port 5432 --region us-west-2 --username jane_doe )"

In the example, the parameters to the generate-db-auth-token command are as follows:

  • --hostname – The host name of the DB instance that you want to access

  • --port – The port number used for connecting to your DB instance

  • --region – The AWS Region where the DB instance is running

  • --username – The database account that you want to access

The first several characters of the generated token look like the following.

You cannot use a custom Route 53 DNS record instead of the DB instance endpoint to generate the authentication token.

Connecting to an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL instance

The general format for using psql to connect is shown following.

psql "host=hostName port=portNumber sslmode=verify-full sslrootcert=full_path_to_ssl_certificate dbname=DBName user=userName password=authToken"

The parameters are as follows:

  • host – The host name of the DB instance that you want to access

  • port – The port number used for connecting to your DB instance

  • sslmode – The SSL mode to use

    When you use sslmode=verify-full, the SSL connection verifies the DB instance endpoint against the endpoint in the SSL certificate.

  • sslrootcert – The full path to the SSL certificate file that contains the public key

    For more information, see Using SSL with a PostgreSQL DB instance.

    To download an SSL certificate, see Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance or cluster.

  • dbname – The database that you want to access

  • user – The database account that you want to access

  • password – A signed IAM authentication token


You cannot use a custom Route 53 DNS record instead of the DB instance endpoint to generate the authentication token.

The following example shows using psql to connect. In the example, psql uses the environment variable RDSHOST for the host and the environment variable PGPASSWORD for the generated token. Also, /sample_dir/ is the full path to the SSL certificate file that contains the public key.

export RDSHOST="" export PGPASSWORD="$(aws rds generate-db-auth-token --hostname $RDSHOST --port 5432 --region us-west-2 --username jane_doe )" psql "host=$RDSHOST port=5432 sslmode=verify-full sslrootcert=/sample_dir/global-bundle.pem dbname=DBName user=jane_doe password=$PGPASSWORD"

If you want to connect to a DB instance through a proxy, see Connecting to a proxy using IAM authentication.