Use DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes with a CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes with a CLI

The following code examples show how to use DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes.


To describe the load balancer policy types defined by Elastic Load Balancing

This example describes the load balancer policy types that you can use to create policy configurations for your load balancer.


aws elb describe-load-balancer-policy-types


{ "PolicyTypeDescriptions": [ { "PolicyAttributeTypeDescriptions": [ { "Cardinality": "ONE", "AttributeName": "ProxyProtocol", "AttributeType": "Boolean" } ], "PolicyTypeName": "ProxyProtocolPolicyType", "Description": "Policy that controls whether to include the IP address and port of the originating request for TCP messages. This policy operates on TCP/SSL listeners only" }, { "PolicyAttributeTypeDescriptions": [ { "Cardinality": "ONE", "AttributeName": "PublicKey", "AttributeType": "String" } ], "PolicyTypeName": "PublicKeyPolicyType", "Description": "Policy containing a list of public keys to accept when authenticating the back-end server(s). This policy cannot be applied directly to back-end servers or listeners but must be part of a BackendServerAuthenticationPolicyType." }, { "PolicyAttributeTypeDescriptions": [ { "Cardinality": "ONE", "AttributeName": "CookieName", "AttributeType": "String" } ], "PolicyTypeName": "AppCookieStickinessPolicyType", "Description": "Stickiness policy with session lifetimes controlled by the lifetime of the application-generated cookie. This policy can be associated only with HTTP/HTTPS listeners." }, { "PolicyAttributeTypeDescriptions": [ { "Cardinality": "ZERO_OR_ONE", "AttributeName": "CookieExpirationPeriod", "AttributeType": "Long" } ], "PolicyTypeName": "LBCookieStickinessPolicyType", "Description": "Stickiness policy with session lifetimes controlled by the browser (user-agent) or a specified expiration period. This policy can be associated only with HTTP/HTTPS listeners." }, { "PolicyAttributeTypeDescriptions": [ . . . ], "PolicyTypeName": "SSLNegotiationPolicyType", "Description": "Listener policy that defines the ciphers and protocols that will be accepted by the load balancer. This policy can be associated only with HTTPS/SSL listeners." }, { "PolicyAttributeTypeDescriptions": [ { "Cardinality": "ONE_OR_MORE", "AttributeName": "PublicKeyPolicyName", "AttributeType": "PolicyName" } ], "PolicyTypeName": "BackendServerAuthenticationPolicyType", "Description": "Policy that controls authentication to back-end server(s) and contains one or more policies, such as an instance of a PublicKeyPolicyType. This policy can be associated only with back-end servers that are using HTTPS/SSL." } ] }
Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example gets the policy types supported by Elastic Load Balancing.



Description PolicyAttributeTypeDescriptions PolicyTypeName ----------- ------------------------------- -------------- Stickiness policy with session lifet... {CookieExpirationPeriod} LBCookieStickinessPolicyType Policy that controls authentication ... {PublicKeyPolicyName} BackendServerAuthenticationPolicyType Listener policy that defines the cip... {Protocol-SSLv2, Protocol-TLSv1, Pro... SSLNegotiationPolicyType Policy containing a list of public k... {PublicKey} PublicKeyPolicyType Stickiness policy with session lifet... {CookieName} AppCookieStickinessPolicyType Policy that controls whether to incl... {ProxyProtocol} ProxyProtocolPolicyType

Example 2: This example describes the specified policy type.

Get-ELBLoadBalancerPolicyType -PolicyTypeName ProxyProtocolPolicyType


Description PolicyAttributeTypeDescriptions PolicyTypeName ----------- ------------------------------- -------------- Policy that controls whether to incl... {ProxyProtocol} ProxyProtocolPolicyType

Example 3: This example displays the complete description of the specified policy type.

(Get-ELBLoadBalancerPolicyType -PolicyTypeName).Description


Policy that controls whether to include the IP address and port of the originating request for TCP messages. This policy operates on TCP/SSL listeners only