Pipelines steps - Amazon SageMaker AI

Pipelines steps

Pipelines are composed of steps. These steps define the actions that the pipeline takes and the relationships between steps using properties. The following page describes the types of steps, their properties, and the relationships between them.

Step properties

Use the properties attribute to add data dependencies between steps in the pipeline. Pipelines use these data dependencies to construct the DAG from the pipeline definition. These properties can be referenced as placeholder values and are resolved at runtime.

The properties attribute of a Pipelines step matches the object returned by a Describe call for the corresponding SageMaker AI job type. For each job type, the Describe call returns the following response object:

To check which properties are referrable for each step type during data dependency creation, see Data Dependency - Property Reference in the Amazon SageMaker Python SDK.

Step parallelism

When a step does not depend on any other step, it runs immediately upon pipeline execution. However, executing too many pipeline steps in parallel can quickly exhaust available resources. Control the number of concurrent steps for a pipeline execution with ParallelismConfiguration.

The following example uses ParallelismConfiguration to set the concurrent step limit to five.

pipeline.create( parallelism_config=ParallelismConfiguration(5), )

Data dependency between steps

You define the structure of your DAG by specifying the data relationships between steps. To create data dependencies between steps, pass the properties of one step as the input to another step in the pipeline. The step receiving the input isn't started until after the step providing the input finishes running.

A data dependency uses JsonPath notation in the following format. This format traverses the JSON property file. This means you can append as many <property> instances as needed to reach the desired nested property in the file. For more information on JsonPath notation, see the JsonPath repo.


The following shows how to specify an Amazon S3 bucket using the ProcessingOutputConfig property of a processing step.


To create the data dependency, pass the bucket to a training step as follows.

from sagemaker.workflow.pipeline_context import PipelineSession sklearn_train = SKLearn(..., sagemaker_session=PipelineSession()) step_train = TrainingStep( name="CensusTrain", step_args=sklearn_train.fit(inputs=TrainingInput( s3_data=step_process.properties.ProcessingOutputConfig.Outputs[ "train_data"].S3Output.S3Uri )) )

To check which properties are referrable for each step type during data dependency creation, see Data Dependency - Property Reference in the Amazon SageMaker Python SDK.

Custom dependency between steps

When you specify a data dependency, Pipelines provides the data connection between the steps. Alternatively, one step can access the data from a previous step without directly using Pipelines. In this case, you can create a custom dependency that tells Pipelines not to start a step until after another step has finished running. You create a custom dependency by specifying a step's DependsOn attribute.

As an example, the following defines a step C that starts only after both step A and step B finish running.

{ 'Steps': [ {'Name':'A', ...}, {'Name':'B', ...}, {'Name':'C', 'DependsOn': ['A', 'B']} ] }

Pipelines throws a validation exception if the dependency would create a cyclic dependency.

The following example creates a training step that starts after a processing step finishes running.

processing_step = ProcessingStep(...) training_step = TrainingStep(...) training_step.add_depends_on([processing_step])

The following example creates a training step that doesn't start until two different processing steps finish running.

processing_step_1 = ProcessingStep(...) processing_step_2 = ProcessingStep(...) training_step = TrainingStep(...) training_step.add_depends_on([processing_step_1, processing_step_2])

The following provides an alternate way to create the custom dependency.

training_step.add_depends_on([processing_step_1]) training_step.add_depends_on([processing_step_2])

The following example creates a training step that receives input from one processing step and waits for a different processing step to finish running.

processing_step_1 = ProcessingStep(...) processing_step_2 = ProcessingStep(...) training_step = TrainingStep( ..., inputs=TrainingInput( s3_data=processing_step_1.properties.ProcessingOutputConfig.Outputs[ "train_data" ].S3Output.S3Uri ) training_step.add_depends_on([processing_step_2])

The following example shows how to retrieve a string list of the custom dependencies of a step.

custom_dependencies = training_step.depends_on

Custom images in a step

You can use any of the available SageMaker AI Deep Learning Container images when you create a step in your pipeline.

You can also use your own container with pipeline steps. Because you can’t create an image from within Studio Classic, you must create your image using another method before using it with Pipelines.

To use your own container when creating the steps for your pipeline, include the image URI in the estimator definition. For more information on using your own container with SageMaker AI, see Using Docker Containers with SageMaker AI.