Create a Labeling Job - Amazon SageMaker AI

Create a Labeling Job

You can create a labeling job in the Amazon SageMaker AI console and by using an AWS SDK in your preferred language to run CreateLabelingJob. After a labeling job has been created, you can track worker metrics (for private workforces) and your labeling job status using CloudWatch.

Before you create a labeling job it is recommended that you review the following pages, as applicable:

After you have chosen your task type, use the topics on this page to learn how to create a labeling job.

If you are a new Ground Truth user, we recommend that you start by walking through the demo in Getting started: Create a bounding box labeling job with Ground Truth.


Ground Truth requires all S3 buckets that contain labeling job input image data to have a CORS policy attached. To learn more, see CORS Requirement for Input Image Data.