Connect to SageMaker AI Within your VPC - Amazon SageMaker AI

Connect to SageMaker AI Within your VPC

You can connect directly to the SageMaker API or to Amazon SageMaker Runtime through an interface endpoint in your virtual private cloud (VPC) instead of connecting over the internet. When you use a VPC interface endpoint, communication between your VPC and the SageMaker AI API or Runtime is conducted entirely and securely within an AWS network.

Connect to SageMaker AI through a VPC interface endpoint

The SageMaker API and SageMaker AI Runtime support Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) interface endpoints that are powered by AWS PrivateLink. Each VPC endpoint is represented by one or more Elastic Network Interfaces with private IP addresses in your VPC subnets. For example, an application inside your VPC uses AWS PrivateLink to communicate with SageMaker AI Runtime. SageMaker AI Runtime in turn communicates with the SageMaker AI endpoint. Using AWS PrivateLink allows you to invoke your SageMaker AI endpoint from within your VPC, as shown in the following diagram.

A VPC uses AWS PrivateLink to communicate with a SageMaker AI endpoint.

The VPC interface endpoint connects your VPC directly to the SageMaker API or SageMaker AI Runtime using AWS PrivateLink without using an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection. The instances in your VPC do not need to connect to the public internet in order to communicate with the SageMaker API or SageMaker AI Runtime.

You can create an AWS PrivateLink interface endpoint to connect to SageMaker AI or to SageMaker AI Runtime using either the AWS Management Console or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). For instructions, see Access an AWS service using an interface VPC endpoint.

If you haven't enabled a private Domain Name System (DNS) hostname for your VPC endpoint, after you have created a VPC endpoint, specify the internet endpoint URL to the SageMaker API or SageMaker AI Runtime. Example code using AWS CLI commands to specify the endpoint-url parameter follows.

aws sagemaker list-notebook-instances --endpoint-url aws sagemaker list-training-jobs --endpoint-url aws sagemaker-runtime invoke-endpoint --endpoint-url \ --endpoint-name Endpoint_Name \ --body "Endpoint_Body" \ --content-type "Content_Type" \ Output_File

If you enable private DNS hostnames for your VPC endpoint, you don't need to specify the endpoint URL because the default hostname ( resolves to your VPC endpoint. Similarly, the default SageMaker AI Runtime DNS hostname ( also resolves to your VPC endpoint.

The SageMaker API and SageMaker AI Runtime support VPC endpoints in all AWS Regions where both Amazon VPC and SageMaker AI ares available. SageMaker AI supports making calls to all of its Operations inside your VPC. If you use the AuthorizedUrl from the 
 CreatePresignedNotebookInstanceUrl command, your traffic will go over the public internet. You can't only use a VPC endpoint to access the presigned URL, the request must go through the internet gateway.

By default, your users can share the presigned URL to people outside of your corporate network. For additional security, you must add IAM permissions to restrict the URL only be usable within your network. For information about IAM permissions, see How AWS PrivateLink works with IAM.


When setting up a VPC interface endpoint for the SageMaker AI Runtime service (, you must ensure that the VPC interface endpoint is activated in the Availability Zone of your client in order for private DNS resolution to work. Otherwise, you may see DNS failures when attempting to resolve the URL.

To learn more about AWS PrivateLink, see the AWS PrivateLink documentation. Refer to AWS PrivateLink Pricing for the price of VPC endpoints. To learn more about VPC and endpoints, see Amazon VPC. For information about how to use identity-based AWS Identity and Access Management policies to restrict access to the SageMaker API and SageMaker AI Runtime, see Control access to the SageMaker AI API by using identity-based policies.

Using SageMaker training and hosting with resources inside your VPC

SageMaker AI uses your execution role to download and upload information from an Amazon S3 bucket and Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), in isolation from your training or inference container. If you have resources that are located inside your VPC, you can still grant SageMaker AI access to those resources. The following sections explain how to make your resources available to SageMaker AI with or without network isolation.

Without network isolation enabled

If you haven't set network isolation on your training job or model, SageMaker AI can access resources using either of the following methods.

  • SageMaker training and deployed inference containers can access the internet by default. SageMaker AI containers are able to access external services and resources on the public internet as part of your training and inference workloads. SageMaker AI containers are not able to access resources inside your VPC without a VPC configuration, as shown in the following illustration.

    SageMaker AI cannot access resources inside your VPC without a VPC configuration.
  • Use a VPC configuration to communicate with resources inside your VPC through an elastic network interface (ENI). The communication between the container and the resources in your VPC takes place securely within your VPC network, as shown in the following illustration. In this case, you manage networking access to your VPC resources and internet.

    SageMaker AI can access and communicate with resources inside your VPC with a VPC configuration.

With network isolation

If you employ network isolation, the SageMaker AI container can't communicate with resources inside your VPC or make any network calls, as shown in the following illustration. If you provide a VPC configuration, the download and upload operations will be run through your VPC. For more information about hosting and training with network isolation while using a VPC, see Network Isolation.

SageMaker AI can access and communicate with resources inside your VPC with a VPC configuration.

You can create a policy for Amazon VPC endpoints for SageMaker AI to specify the following:

  • The principal that can perform actions.

  • The actions that can be performed.

  • The resources on which actions can be performed.

For more information, see Controlling Access to Services with VPC Endpoints in the Amazon VPC User Guide.


VPC endpoint policies aren't supported for Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) SageMaker AI runtime endpoints for runtime_InvokeEndpoint.

The following example VPC endpoint policy specifies that all users who have access to the VPC interface endpoint are allowed to invoke the SageMaker AI hosted endpoint named myEndpoint.

{ "Statement": [ { "Action": "sagemaker:InvokeEndpoint", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:sagemaker:us-west-2:123456789012:endpoint/myEndpoint", "Principal": "*" } ] }

In this example, the following are denied:

  • Other SageMaker API actions, such as sagemaker:CreateEndpoint and sagemaker:CreateTrainingJob.

  • Invoking SageMaker AI hosted endpoints other than myEndpoint.


In this example, users can still take other SageMaker API actions from outside the VPC. For information about how to restrict API calls to those from within the VPC, see Control access to the SageMaker AI API by using identity-based policies.

To create a VPC Endpoint for Amazon SageMaker Feature Store, use the following endpoint template, substituting your VPC_Endpoint_ID.api and Region:

To call the SageMaker API and SageMaker AI Runtime through your VPC, you have to connect from an instance that is inside the VPC or connect your private network to your VPC by using an AWS Virtual Private Network (AWS VPN) or AWS Direct Connect. For information about AWS VPN, see VPN Connections in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide. For information about AWS Direct Connect, see Creating a Connection in the AWS Direct Connect User Guide.