Chaining labeling jobs - Amazon SageMaker AI

Chaining labeling jobs

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth can reuse datasets from prior jobs in two ways: cloning and chaining.

Cloning copies the setup of a prior labeling job and allows you to make additional changes before setting it to run.

Chaining uses not only the setup of the prior job, but also the results. This allows you to continue an incomplete job and add labels or data objects to a completed job. Chaining is a more complex operation.

For data processing:

  • Cloning uses the prior job's input manifest, with optional modifications, as the new job's input manifest.

  • Chaining uses the prior job's output manifest as the new job's input manifest.

Chaining is useful when you need to:

  • Continue a labeling job that was manually stopped.

  • Continue a labeling job that failed mid-job, after fixing issues.

  • Switch to automated data labeling after manually labeling part of a job (or the other way around).

  • Add more data objects to a completed job and start the job from there.

  • Add another annotation to a completed job. For example, you have a collection of phrases labeled for topic, then want to run the set again, categorizing them by the topic's implied audience.

In Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth you can configure a chained labeling job with either the console or the API.

Key term: label attribute name

The label attribute name (LabelAttributeName in the API) is a string used as the key for the key-value pair formed with the label that a worker assigns to the data object.

The following rules apply for the label attribute name:

  • It can't end with -metadata.

  • The names source and source-ref are reserved and can't be used.

  • For semantic segmentation labeling jobs, , it must end with -ref. For all other labeling jobs, it can't end with -ref. If you use the console to create the job, Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth automatically appends -ref to all label attribute names except for semantic segmentation jobs.

  • For a chained labeling job, if you're using the same label attribute name from the originating job and you configure the chained job to use auto-labeling, then if it had been in auto-labeling mode at any point, Ground Truth uses the model from the originating job.

In an output manifest, the label attribute name appears similar to the following.

"source-ref": "<S3 URI>", "<label attribute name>": { "annotations": [{ "class_id": 0, "width": 99, "top": 87, "height": 62, "left": 175 }], "image_size": [{ "width": 344, "depth": 3, "height": 234 }] }, "<label attribute name>-metadata": { "job-name": "<job name>", "class-map": { "0": "<label attribute name>" }, "human-annotated": "yes", "objects": [{ "confidence": 0.09 }], "creation-date": "<timestamp>", "type": "groundtruth/object-detection" }

If you're creating a job in the console and don't explicitly set the label attribute name value, Ground Truth uses the job name as the label attribute name for the job.

Start a chained job (console)

Choose a stopped, failed, or completed labeling job from the list of your existing jobs. This enables the Actions menu.

From the Actions menu, choose Chain.

Job overview panel

In the Job overview panel, a new Job name is set based on the title of the job from which you are chaining this one. You can change it.

You may also specify a label attribute name different from the labeling job name.

If you're chaining from a completed job, the label attribute name uses the name of the new job you're configuring. To change the name, select the check box.

If you're chaining from a stopped or failed job, the label attribute name uses to the name of the job from which you're chaining. It's easy to see and edit the value because the name check box is checked.

Attribute label naming considerations
  • The default uses the label attribute name Ground Truth has selected. All data objects without data connected to that label attribute name are labeled.

  • Using a label attribute name not present in the manifest causes the job to process all the objects in the dataset.

The input dataset location in this case is automatically selected as the output manifest of the chained job. The input field is not available, so you cannot change it.

Adding data objects to a labeling job

You cannot specify an alternate manifest file. Manually edit the output manifest from the previous job to add new items before starting a chained job. The Amazon S3 URI helps you locate where you are storing the manifest in your Amazon S3 bucket. Download the manifest file from there, edit it locally on your computer, and then upload the new version to replace it. Make sure you are not introducing errors during editing. We recommend you use JSON linter to check your JSON. Many popular text editors and IDEs have linter plugins available.

Start a chained job (API)

The procedure is almost the same as setting up a new labeling job with CreateLabelingJob, except for two primary differences:

  • Manifest location: Rather than use your original manifest from the prior job, the value for the ManifestS3Uri in the DataSource should point to the Amazon S3 URI of the output manifest from the prior labeling job.

  • Label attribute name: Setting the correct LabelAttributeName value is important here. This is the key portion of a key-value pair where labeling data is the value. Sample use cases include:

    • Adding new or more specific labels to a completed job — Set a new label attribute name.

    • Labeling the unlabeled items from a prior job — Use the label attribute name from the prior job.

Use a partially labeled dataset

You can get some chaining benefits if you use an augmented manifest that has already been partially labeled. Check the Label attribute name check box and set the name so that it matches the name in your manifest.

If you're using the API, the instructions are the same as those for starting a chained job. However, be sure to upload your manifest to an Amazon S3 bucket and use it instead of using the output manifest from a prior job.

The Label attribute name value in the manifest has to conform to the naming considerations discussed earlier.