Use SageMaker AI managed warm pools - Amazon SageMaker AI

Use SageMaker AI managed warm pools

You can use SageMaker AI managed warm pools through the SageMaker Python SDK, the Amazon SageMaker AI console, or through the low-level APIs. Administrators can optionally use the sagemaker:KeepAlivePeriod condition key to further restrict the KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds limits for certain users or groups.

Using the SageMaker AI Python SDK

Create, update, or terminate warm pools using the SageMaker Python SDK.


This feature is available in the SageMaker AI Python SDK v2.110.0 and later.

Create a warm pool

To create a warm pool, use the SageMaker Python SDK to create an estimator with a keep_alive_period_in_seconds value greater than 0 and call fit(). When the training job completes, a warm pool is retained. For more information on training scripts and estimators, see Train a Model with the SageMaker Python SDK. If your script does not create a warm pool, see Warm pool creation for possible explanations.

import sagemaker from sagemaker import get_execution_role from sagemaker.tensorflow import TensorFlow # Creates a SageMaker AI session and gets execution role session = sagemaker.Session() role = get_execution_role() # Creates an example estimator estimator = TensorFlow( ... entry_point='', source_dir='code', role=role, model_dir='model_dir', framework_version='2.2', py_version='py37', job_name='my-training-job-1', instance_type='ml.g4dn.xlarge', instance_count=1, volume_size=250, hyperparameters={ "batch-size": 512, "epochs": 1, "learning-rate": 1e-3, "beta_1": 0.9, "beta_2": 0.999, }, keep_alive_period_in_seconds=1800, ) # Starts a SageMaker training job and waits until completion's3://my_bucket/my_training_data/')

Next, create a second matching training job. In this example, we create my-training-job-2, which has all of the necessary attributes to match with my-training-job-1, but has a different hyperparameter for experimentation. The second training job reuses the warm pool and starts up faster than the first training job. The following code example uses a Tensorflow estimator. The warm pool feature can be used with any training algorithm that runs on Amazon SageMaker AI. For more information on which attributes need to match, see Matching training jobs.

# Creates an example estimator estimator = TensorFlow( ... entry_point='', source_dir='code', role=role, model_dir='model_dir', framework_version='py37', py_version='pyxy', job_name='my-training-job-2', instance_type='ml.g4dn.xlarge', instance_count=1, volume_size=250, hyperparameters={ "batch-size": 512, "epochs": 2, "learning-rate": 1e-3, "beta_1": 0.9, "beta_2": 0.999, }, keep_alive_period_in_seconds=1800, ) # Starts a SageMaker training job and waits until completion's3://my_bucket/my_training_data/')

Check the warm pool status of both training jobs to confirm that the warm pool is Reused for my-training-job-1 and InUse for my-training-job-2.


Training job names have date/time suffixes. The example training job names my-training-job-1 and my-training-job-2 should be replaced with actual training job names. You can use the estimator.latest_training_job.job_name command to fetch the actual training job name.

session.describe_training_job('my-training-job-1') session.describe_training_job('my-training-job-2')

The result of describe_training_job provides all details about a given training job. Find the WarmPoolStatus attribute to check information about a training job’s warm pool. Your output should look similar to the following example:

# Warm pool status for training-job-1 ... 'WarmPoolStatus': {'Status': 'Reused', 'ResourceRetainedBillableTimeInSeconds': 1000, 'ReusedByName': my-training-job-2} ... # Warm pool status for training-job-2 ... 'WarmPoolStatus': {'Status': 'InUse'} ...

Update a warm pool

When the training job is complete and the warm pool status is Available, then you can update the KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds value.

session.update_training_job(job_name, resource_config={"KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds":3600})

Terminate a warm pool

To manually terminate a warm pool, set the KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds value to 0.

session.update_training_job(job_name, resource_config={"KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds":0})

The warm pool automatically terminates when it exceeds the designated KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds value or if there is a patch update for the cluster.

Using the Amazon SageMaker AI console

Through the console, you can create a warm pool, release a warm pool, or check the warm pool status and billable time of specific training jobs. You can also see which matching training job reused a warm pool.

  1. Open the Amazon SageMaker AI console and choose Training jobs from the navigation pane. If applicable, the warm pool status of each training job is visible in the Warm pool status column and the time left for an active warm pool is visible in the Time left column.

  2. To create a training job that uses a warm pool from the console, choose Create training job. Then, be sure to specify a value for the Keep alive period field when configuring your training job resources. This value must be an integer between 1 and 3600, which represents duration of time in seconds.

  3. To release a warm pool from the console, select a specific training job and choose Release cluster from the Actions dropdown menu.

  4. To see more information about a warm pool, choose a training job name. In the job details page, scroll down to the Warm pool status section to find the warm pool status, the time left if the warm pool status is Available, the warm pool billable seconds, and the name of the training job that reused the warm pool if the warm pool status is Reused.

Using the low-level SageMaker APIs

Use SageMaker AI managed warm pools with either the SageMaker API or the AWS CLI.

SageMaker AI API

Set up SageMaker AI managed warm pools using the SageMaker API with the following commands:


Set up SageMaker AI managed warm pools using the AWS CLI with the following commands:

IAM condition key

Administrators can optionally use the sagemaker:KeepAlivePeriod condition key to further restrict the KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds limits for certain users or groups. SageMaker AI managed warm pools are limited to a KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds value of 3600 seconds (60 minutes), but administrators can lower this limit if needed.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "EnforceKeepAlivePeriodLimit", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sagemaker:CreateTrainingJob" ], "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "NumericLessThanIfExists": { "sagemaker:KeepAlivePeriod": 1800 } } } ] }

For more information, see Condition keys for Amazon SageMaker AI in the Service Authorization Reference.