Explore common troubleshooting issues.
Could not find executable named 'groff'
When using the AWS CLI, you might encounter the following error: Could not find
executable named 'groff'
If using a Mac, you can resolve this issue with the following command:
brew install groff
On a Linux machine, use the following commands:
sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install groff -y
Command not found: jq
When creating your AuthZ permission policy JSON file, you might encounter the following
error: jq: command not found
If using a Mac, you can resolve this issue with the following command:
brew install jq
On a Linux machine, use the following commands:
sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install jq -y
AWS MLflow plugin installation speeds
Installing the AWS MLflow plugin can take several minutes when using a Mac Python environment.
If you see the UnsupportedModelRegistryStoreURIException
, do the
Restart your Jupyter notebook Kernel.
Reinstall the AWS MLflow plugin:
!pip install --force-reinstall sagemaker-mlflow