You can display the difference between the current notebook and the last checkpoint, or the last Git commit, using the Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab project UI.
Get the difference between the last
When you create a notebook, a hidden checkpoint file that matches the notebook is created. You can view changes between the notebook and the checkpoint file, or revert the notebook to match the checkpoint file.
To save the Studio Lab notebook and update the checkpoint file to match: Choose the
Save notebook and create checkpoint icon (
). This is located on the Studio Lab menu's left side. The keyboard
shortcut for Save notebook and create checkpoint is
Ctrl +
To view changes between the Studio Lab notebook and the checkpoint file: Choose the
Checkpoint diff icon (
), located in the center of the Studio Lab menu.
To revert the Studio Lab notebook to the checkpoint file: On the main Studio Lab menu, choose File, and then Revert Notebook to Checkpoint.
Get the difference between the last
If a notebook is opened from a Git repository, you can view the difference between the notebook and the last Git commit.
To view the changes in the notebook from the last Git commit: Choose the Git
diff icon (
) in the center of the notebook menu.