Use Git Repositories in a Notebook Instance - Amazon SageMaker AI

Use Git Repositories in a Notebook Instance

When you open a notebook instance that has Git repositories associated with it, it opens in the default repository, which is installed in your notebook instance directly under /home/ec2-user/SageMaker. You can open and create notebooks, and you can manually run Git commands in a notebook cell. For example:

!git pull origin master

To open any of the additional repositories, navigate up one folder. The additional repositories are also installed as directories under /home/ec2-user/SageMaker.

If you open the notebook instance with a JupyterLab interface, the jupyter-git extension is installed and available to use. For information about the jupyter-git extension for JupyterLab, see

When you open a notebook instance in JupyterLab, you see the git repositories associated with it on the left menu:

Example file browser in JupyterLab.

You can use the jupyter-git extension to manage git visually, instead of using the command line:

Example of the jupyter-git extension in JupyterLab.